Knez Igor (opera): Razlika med redakcijama

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Smihael (pogovor | prispevki)
Smihael (pogovor | prispevki)
m tehnikarije
Vrstica 1:
{{forzapomen|zgodovinsko osebnost|Igor Svjatoslavič}}
{{forzapomen|pesem|KnezIgorjeva Igor (pesem)}}
[[Slika:Aleksandr Borodin.jpg|thumb|225px|Aleksander Borodin (1833-1887)]]
'''Knez Igor''' ({{langjezik-ru|'''Князь Игорь'''}}, ''Knyaz' Igor'') je [[opera]] [[Rusi|ruskega skladatelja]] [[Aleksander Borodin|Aleksandra P. Borodina]], napisana v štirih dejanih s prologom.
Snov za uglasbitev je najstarejši ruski ep ''Slovo o polku Igorjevem'' (''Igorjeva pesem''), ki opisuje pohod Igorja Svjatoslaviča (severski knez) proti azijskemu ljudstvu [[Polovci]] ([[slovenščina|slov.]] Kumáni) v letu [[1185]].
Vrstica 19:
[[Slika:Princeigor.jpg|thumb|225px|Predloga za kostum kneza Igorja ([[Konstantin Korovin]] za uprizoritev v [[Kirovski balet|Kirovskem baletu]] leta 1909]]
Opomba: ''Borodinova končna odločitev o vrstnem redu prvih dveh dejanjaktov je nejasna. Spodaj je predstavljeno utečeno zaporedje scen. V številnih uprizoritvah se 3. dejanje izpusti. V uprizoritvi [[SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana|Ljubljanske opere]] s premiero leta 2007 je dugo dejanje oz. scena ''Noč v polovskem taboru'' prestavljena na konec.''
Vrstica 30:
''Zabava na dvoru Vladimirja Galickega''
Galitsky's followers sing his praise. Skula and Yeroshka are now working as [[gudok]]-players. They entertain the followers and all sing of how Galitsky and his men abducted a young woman and how she pleaded to be allowed to return to her father without being dishonoured. The prince arrives and sings of how, if he were Prince of Putivl, he would drink and feast all day while dispensing judgment and have the prettiest maidens with him all night (''Galitsky's Song''). The treasury would be spent on himself and his men while his sister would be praying in a monastery. A group of young women beg the prince to restore their abducted friend. He threatens them and drives them away, saying how she now lives in luxury in his quarters and does not have to work. The prince returns to his rooms having sent for wine for his followers. The gudok players and the prince's followers mock the women. They wonder what might happen if Yaroslavna hears of what happens, but then realise she would be helpless with all her men gone to war. They sing of how they are all drunkards and are supported by Galitsky. The men decide to go to the town square to declare Galitsky the Prince of Putivl, leaving just the two drunk musicians behind.
Galicki priredi razsipno zabavo. Čeprav nima veliko moči, Galicki načrtuje, da bo Jaroslavno poslal v samostan in na prestolu izrinil Igorja ter Putivelju vladal veselo.
Na dvor pridrvijo dekleta, ki prosijo kneza Galickega, naj izpusti njihovo družico, ki so jo za zabavo ugrabil njegovi možje. Galicki dekleta brezčutno spodi. Pijančevanje je na vrhuncu, pobegla vojaka Skula in Jeruška pa skupaj s pijano družbo poveličujeta zli načrt.
''Palača Jaroslavne''
Yaraslavna is alone worrying about why she has not heard from Igor and his companions (''Yaroslavna's Arioso''). She sings of her tearful nights and nightmares and reminisces about when she was happy with Igor by her side. The nurse brings in the young women who tell Yaroslavna of their abducted friend. They are reluctant at first to reveal the culprit but eventually name Galitsky and talk of how he and his drunken followers cause trouble around Putivl. Galitsky enters and the women run away. Yaroslavna questions him as to the truth of their story and he mocks her saying she should treat him as a guest in her house. She threatens him with what Igor will do on his return, but Galitsky replies that he can seize the throne whenever he wants. Yaroslavna accuses him of repeating the betrayal that he carried out against their father, but he replies that he was only joking and asks if she has a lover now her husband is away. She threatens him with sending him back to their father. He replies that he will return the girl but will take another later and leaves. The council of boyars arrive to inform Yaroslavna that the Polovtsy under Khan Gzak are about to attack Putivl. Igor's army has been utterly destroyed and he has been wounded and captured with his son and brother. After a moment of faintness, Yaroslavna orders messengers sent to the city's allies, but the Boyars report that the roads are cut, some towns are in revolt and their princes will be captured. The Boyars say that they will organise the defence but Galitsky returns with his followers to demand that a new Prince be chosen. His retinue say it should be him as he is Yaroslavna's brother and Igor's brother-in-law. The boyars refuse. The argument is interrupted by the sight of flames and the sound of crying women. Some of the boyars flee; some join the battle, others guard the Princess. They call the attack God's judgment.
Jaroslavno preganjajo temne slutnje na poraz Igorja. Dolgo že namreč ni dobila nobene vesti o Igorju in Vladimirju, Galicki pa s svojo jezo podpihuje njen nemir. Njeno smiljenje prekinejo dekleta, izgnana z dvora Galickega. Sprva se obotavljajo, nato pa jo obupano prosijo za pomoč in zaščito pred knezom Galickim. Jaroslavni, navkljub suverenemu nastopu, ne uspe spametovati kneza, ki jo grobo zavrne.
Na vrhuncu dogajanja se vrnejo bojarji. Jaroslavna si odahne in pričakuje dobro novico. Razočarajo jo. Prihajajo z slabo novico o Igorjevem porazu in napadu Polovcev na Rusijo. Medtem ko Jaroslavna želi od bojarjev izvedeti čim več, Galicki podžiga upor, ki ga prekinejo zvonovi - Polovci so pred obzidjem. Bojarji in ljudstvo so odločeni, da bodo obranili svojo mesto pred sovražnikom.
===Drugo dejanje===