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no sysop?
Vrstica 22:
Do not worry about sysops. Someone will come around for sure and he (they'll) bring some order here. And we already have [[Wikipedija:Predlogi za brisanje|VFD]]s and also system's pages about orphaned articles/pictures. Lep potdrav.--[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|XJam]] 18:00, 16 apr 2004 (CEST)
It surprises me, given the size of Slovenian Wikipedia, that there is no sysop yet. Is noone wanting to take up the job? Would it perhaps be an option to give all three of you (XJam, Peterlin and Romanm) sysop powers? - [[Uporabnik:Andre Engels|Andre Engels]] 17:31, 18 apr 2004 (CEST)