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mBrez povzetka urejanja
Metrics go on/meritvena lestvica se nadaljuje
Vrstica 13:
<tt>:-)</tt> --[[Uporabnik:Romanm|romanm]] 17:05, 16 apr 2004 (CEST)
I can go on:
# total stupidity,
# neverending NPOV/POV edit wars (offensive graffiti at least does not steal you time)
# hmmh. (articles with millions of redirects, subpages, paragraphs - they still you A lot of time)
Do not worry about sysops. Someone will come around for sure and he (they'll) bring some order here. And we already have [[Wikipedija:Predlogi za brisanje|VFD]]s and also system's pages about orphaned articles/pictures. Lep potdrav.--[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|XJam]] 18:00, 16 apr 2004 (CEST)