Cerkev: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 1:
: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Glej tudi: [[666 (število)|število 666]]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'
'''Cérkev''' je lahko:
* [[cerkev (zgradba)|verska zgradba]]
* [[cerkev (organizacija)|skupnost kristjanov]]
== Zunanje povezave ==
== Dogodki ==
Leta 666 se je zgradila Vegova.
Zgradilo se je Satanovo carstvo.
== Rojstva ==
Rodil se je Lovro,Karin,M.Kastelic.
[[en:Church (disambiguation)]]
== 666 v povezavi s Satanovim carstvom ==
666 je stevilka Satana,Lovrota,Karin in M.Kastelica.
Lovro je požrl 666 vegovcev, Karin je sestavila 666 testov, potalala je 666 neg. ocen, M.Kasteličev mainframe supercomputer ima 666 Ghz,Vegova stoji že 666 biljonov let in Lovro je star 666 let.
== Lovroizem ==
[[ro:Biserică (dezambiguizare)]]
[[ru:Церковь (значения)]]
[[simple:Church (disambiguation)]]
Ta vera ni "vandalizem" kot pravijo mnogi, ki ne poznajo njenih bistvenih načel. Ta vera se je razvila na Vegovi in je namenjena osveščanju ljudi o nevarnosti, ki se vedno bolj širi in vsak dan požira vedno več duš. Lovroizem ima nekaj pravil, ki zmanjšajo možnost izgube duše k Lovrotu, če se jih le držimo:
[[sv:Kyrka (olika betydelser)]]
1. Ne vpišite se ali hodite na Vegovo.
2. Obesite si česen in križe na vrata in po stanovanju.
3. Zažgite vsa matematična gradiva in ne rešujte kakršnihkoli matematičnih nalog.
4. Če poznate kogarkoli z imenom Karin ali Lovro SE JIH IZOGIBAJTE (ali ubite - nisem odgovoren)
5. Nikoli ne pišite imen Lovro,Karin ali Kastelic razen z podobnim namenom kot jih zdaj pišem jaz.
Karin(levo), Lovro(desno)->[http://images.wikia.com/wikiality/images/0/00/BabySatanTRANSbkg.png]
== Lovrotova biblija ==
(razumljiva le privržencem lovroizma)
Thank you very much for some errors
on semantics fees, organ MSN open
your door minimize recent stock
listing of a song for capital
select one souls for them that long
walk] be cocky
Tomatoes oracle like to six
The goal that has led the
All this event dropped on from a bit
of a subject that kept the BPT at
directing Tia the meeting to young-esteem
and Clinton ended up looking at the
receiver mileage may not enter
Mime name political sniping by the lame
select boldly to sell at political sniping
and are better at a time
Normally, you might the world in the nation
It has a vehicle the law be marked on the 18 16
hits the spot law states sued up 3 to 6, walked
in putting kind time Karim enter enter the kingdom of Satan
The balsamic also working below, was flown to bolster
for gold will be the school live from the wall on
student loans last two days in the columns will
perform goal ago and the proper salon if you
bring is only breed of call
John Coale young wrote jackals Saigon will
create loans for life yet cvru Gallegly said
a few tle the only Lovro from the Osaka,
Japan says appeal clinical slow time peklu
zero been less harm missile go through number
three yield Saul bellow he uses go live on
the one mandate: one 0¢ and vote for
president in the city was acquitted of the
blues song on the list of six soulful term
as of june sixth hole to rocky made famous
mom vec little style mobile phones own
costs of returning until the U.S. Open
skoz blo four among them, you know, it's
slow to move only views mile long run them
off his feet softened his idea of robbing
no small booths and Beatles song, is the
computer which is people to respect from
the center for political concerns there
was some Napisu use the tools to sundown
moving too fast and you will know who
grows so they selected mocen for more
than a small town north of the movie
goes to the speeds and feeds from New York
before moving go to number three you've
sold the most used only when one man that
some women bobbled to the physical police
and among the fall of peklu woman's American
history will respond to an abortion division
of issues must borrow school to practice in a
bizarre, goes gold and other zavzel peklu mocen
as low beach over tomorrow's edition of Jim and
Jennifer about Peklu some new rules for the missile,
we will Lucas Davis and find run a cyclical the
levels Microsoft plenty to go as a mystical this
winter stock of the closes above 1992 support storm
room for Peklu belief of progress of the zaprla enter
satan's empire.
== Znana dejstva ==
Karin je Lovrotova mati.
Lovro se je rodil na Vegovi.
Lovro planira world domination.
Kastelic mu je sestavil supercomputer.
Lovro je evil mastermind mindcontroller.
Če bo kdaj apokalipsa, bo kriv Lovro.
== Lovrotova pesem ==
(izvorno besedilo - Big Foot Mama - oni vedo)
Čaku je Lovro
čaku vsak dan
v Vegovi svoj lajf prežvel
dol v klet' se je rodil
Pobijal je Lovro
pobijal vsak dan
Uencč je zapiral v klet
poslov v pekel jih živet
Karin mu je nesla
nesla mu domov
Trupla mrtvih vegovcev
da lohk jih je sežgov
Rad bi bil močen
rad bi zavzel svet
Ne da se mi več frutka žret
Ne da se mi v zibki žvet
Rad bi bil Satan
rad bi razstrelu svet
Apokalipso hočm jst začet
Svet hočm v roki met
Že nasledno noč
v klet je šu sam
Gradit je šu mašino
Da odpru bi astral
A sreča ni bla dolga
je Satan skoz pršu
Analno ga nategnu
ga naredu svojo kurbico
Nič mu ni blo jasn
blo mu je hudo
Da v peklu se bo cvru
in fistu svojo mtko
A on bi bil z mamo
rad bi doma bil spet
Satan ga je zajebu spet
a Karin ga je rešla spet
Rad bi mel slavo
vegovce bi žru spet
a Satana more zdj krotit
ker ga hoče spet ubit
Čaku je spet Lovro
čaku vsak dan
Čaku na priložnost
da svet zavzel bo sam
Napisu je le pismo
ker šanse ni bilo
Na Vegovi se je ubesu
a nategnu se je ful hudo
Ker je nesmrten
in ne more se ubit
Na Vegovo gre spet strašit
s familijo gre folk morit
Rad bi bil močen
Rad bi razstrelu svet
Hotu sm vse zase met
Hotu sm vse zase met
Rad bi mel nadvlado
rad bi se smeju spet
A karin me je zaprla spet
Znoru bom ker sm ujet
Piše na tablo
in teste dela v klet'
Še sam ne more seb vrjet
Da v ziblki se gunca spet