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Shabicht (pogovor | prispevki)
Brez povzetka urejanja
Shabicht (pogovor | prispevki)
Brez povzetka urejanja
Vrstica 4:
V krščanstvu so preroki označeni kot "vidci", v skladu z [[Sveto pismo|biblijo]], natančneje [[1. Samuelova knjiga|1. Samuelovo knjigo]] ({{biblverz|1Sam|9,9}}). Kristjani delijo z Judi verovanje, da je prerok oseba, ki govori za [[Bog]]a ali v Božjem imenu ali ki prenaša Božje sporočilo ljudem. Sporočanje Božje volje se imenuje profecija. Za kristjane se avtentičnost preroka ocenjuje v skladu z [[Jezus Kristus|Jezusovimi]] besedami, da se preroka ocenjuje po njihovih sadovih ({{biblverz|Mt|7,15-20}}) in ne po tem, ali se njegove prerokbe uresničijo. [[5. Mojzesova knjiga]] (Deuteronomium) ({{biblverz|5Mz|18,21-22}}) vsebuje več opozoril o lažnih prerokih.
Znani [[stara zaveza|starozavezni]] biblijski preroki so bili [[Elija]], [[Jeremija]], [[Izaija]], [[Jona]] in drugi, iz [[nova zaveza|nove zaveze]] pa je najbolj znan [[sv. Janez Krstnik]].
Christians recognize that anyone they consider prophetic is still human and fallible, and may make wrong decisions, have incorrect personal beliefs or opinions, and sin from time to time; the human characteristics of a prophet are independent of the message God has given him and do not negate the validity of his prophecies.
Vrstica 14 ⟶ 16:
New Testament passages that explicitly discuss prophets existing after the death and resurrection of Christ include Revelation 11:10, Matthew 10:40-41 & 23:34, John 13:20 & 15:20, and Acts 11:25-30, 13:1 & 15:32. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit leads people to faith in Jesus and gives them the ability to lead a Christian life and to give gifts (i.e. abilities) to Christians. These may include the charismatic gifts such as prophecy, tongues, healing, and knowledge. Christians holding a view known as cessationism believe these gifts were given only in New Testament times and ceased after the last apostle died. Historical records, however, contradict this theory.[citation needed] Christians almost universally agree that "spiritual gifts" such as the gifts of ministry, teaching, giving, leadership, and mercy (see, e.g. Romans 12:6-8) are still in effect today.
Znani [[stara zaveza|starozavezni]] biblijski preroki so bili [[Elija]], [[Jeremija]], [[Izaija]], [[Jona]] in drugi, iz [[nova zaveza|nove zaveze]] pa je najbolj znan [[sv. Janez Krstnik]].