George Frank Elliot: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
Klemen Kocjancic (pogovor | prispevki)
Klemen Kocjancic (pogovor | prispevki)
Vrstica 22:
== Vojaška kariera ==
[[1868]] je vstopil v [[Vojaška akademija ZDA|Vojaško akademijo]] West Point, ki jo je končal [[junij]]a [[1870]]. [[Oktober|Oktobra]] istega leta je bil postavljen za [[poročnik]]a [[KMP ZDA|Korpusa mornariške pehote Združenih držav Amerike]]. Do [[1871]] je služil v marinski [[vojašnica|vojašnici]] [[Washington, D.C.]], nakar je bil premeščen v [[Portsmouth, New Hampshire|Portsmouth]] ([[New Hampshire]]). Pozneje je služil na [[USS Vermont]]u, [[USS Frolic]]u in na [[USS Monogehala|USS Monogehali]]. [[1877]] je bil v [[Norfolk, Virginija|Norfolku]] ([[Virginija]]), ko je poveljeval [[odred]]u, ki je stražil [[železniški predor]] v [[Baltimore|Baltimoru]] in [[Ohio|Ohiu]].
In 1880, 1stLt Elliott was ordered to duty on board the Alliance and served at the Marine Barracks, Boston, Massachusetts, from 1882 to 1884, when he returned to Norfolk. He was with the Marine battalion sent to the Isthmus of Panama in 1885. He was promoted to captain in 1892.
[[1880]] je bil premeščen na [[USS Alliance]], nato pa v marinsko vojašnico [[Boston, Massachusetts|Boston]] ([[Massachusetts]]), kjer je služil od [[1882]] do [[1884]], ko se je vrnil v Norfolk. [[1885]] je bil s [[bataljon]]om poslan v [[Panama|Panamo]].
In 1894, he was attached to the Baltimore as Fleet Marine Officer when that ship was sent to China to guard American interests during the war between Japan and China. He and his men made a forced march to Seoul, a distance of 31 miles, part of which was through submerged rice fields, in eleven hours.
[[1894]] je bil poslan na [[USS Baltimore]] kot [[flotni marinski častnik]]; s to [[ladja|ladjo]] je odplul na [[Kitajska|Kitajsko]], kjer so zavarovali ameriške intereste med [[japonsko-kitajska vojna|japonsko-kitajsko vojno]].
In June 1895, Capt Elliott was sent to the Marine Barracks, Brooklyn, New York, and from 22 April to 22 September 1898, he was on duty with the Marine Battalion of the North Atlantic Fleet. The Fleet was sent to hold its position at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Vrstica 51:
* [[oktober]] [[1870]] - [[poročnik]]
* [[1878]] - [[nadporočnik]]
* [[1892]] - [[stotnik]]
== Glej tudi ==