George Frank Elliot: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
Klemen Kocjancic (pogovor | prispevki)
mBrez povzetka urejanja
Klemen Kocjancic (pogovor | prispevki)
Vrstica 21:
== Vojaška kariera ==
[[1868]] je vstopil v [[Vojaška akademija ZDA|Vojaško akademijo]] West Point, ki jo je končal [[junij]]a [[1870]]. [[Oktober|Oktobra]] istega leta je bil postavljen za [[poročnik]]a [[KMP ZDA|Korpusa mornariške pehote Združenih držav Amerike]]. Do [[1871]] je služil v marinski [[vojašnica|vojašnici]] [[Washington, D.C.]], nakar je bil premeščen v [[Portsmouth, New Hampshire|Portsmouth]] ([[New Hampshire]]). Pozneje je služil na [[USS Vermont]]u, [[USS Frolic]]u in na [[USS Monogehala|USS Monogehali]]. [[1877]] je bil v [[Norfolk, Virginija|Norfolku]] ([[Virginija]]), ko je poveljeval [[odred]]u, ki je stražil [[železniški predor]] v [[Baltimore|Baltimoru]] in [[Ohio|Ohiu]].
Major General George Frank Elliott, 10th Commandant of the Marine Corps and the only Commandant to receive his early training at West Point, was born in Utah, Alabama, 30 November 1846. He was appointed to the United States Military Academy in 1868 and was honorably discharged in June 1870 upon the completion of a two-year course there. In October 1870 he was appointed a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps by the President of the United States. Second Lieutenant Elliott served at the Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C., from the time of his appointment to the Marine Corps until 1871, when he was transferred to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He later served on the Vermont, the Frolic, and the Monogahela, and was on duty at the Marine Barracks at Norfolk, Virginia, in 1877 when a battalion of Marines was ordered to that post from Washington, D.C. during the strike of railway employees. He was in command of the detachment that guarded the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad tunnel and also acted as guard for the paymaster of the railroad. He returned to Norfolk upon detachment from that duty. He was promoted to first lieutenant in 1878.
In 1880, 1stLt Elliott was ordered to duty on board the Alliance and served at the Marine Barracks, Boston, Massachusetts, from 1882 to 1884, when he returned to Norfolk. He was with the Marine battalion sent to the Isthmus of Panama in 1885. He was promoted to captain in 1892.
Vrstica 41 ⟶ 40:
On 21 May 1908, he was appointed Major General Commandant of the Marine Corps. One of the most difficult endeavors of MajGen Elliott's career was his successful resistance to attempts to remove sea-going Marines from capital ships and to merge the Corps into the Army. Also during his tenure the home post of the Corps, Marine Barracks, 8th and I Streets, Washington, underwent major changes. In 1903, the old barracks were condemned and pulled down and by 1910 had been rebuilt essentially in their present form. He was placed on the retired list on 30 November 1910 upon reaching the statutory retirement age.
Major General Elliott died at his home in Washington, D.C., shortly after noon 4 November 1931 after a brief illness. His remains were interred in the Arlington National Cemetery. A Navy transcript ship was named in his honor but later was lost off Guadalcanal in 1942.
[[4. november|4. novembra]] [[1931]] je umrl v svojem domu v Washingtonu, D.C. po kratki [[bolezen|bolezni]]. Pokopan je na [[nacionalno pokopališče Arlington|pokopališču Arlington]].
V njegovo čast je bila poimenovana [[transportna vojaška ladja]], ki je bila [[1942]] potopljena pri [[Guadalcanal]]u.
=== Pregled ===
=== Odlikovanja ===
=== Napredovanja ===
* [[oktober]] [[1870]] - [[poročnik]]
* [[1878]] - [[nadporočnik]]
== Glej tudi ==
* [[seznam generalov Korpusa mornariške pehote ZDA]]