Izbira primerjave: Označite izbirne gumbe ob redakciji za primerjavo in pritisnite vnašalko (enter) ali gumb na dnu strani.
Legenda: (tren) = primerjava s trenutno redakcijo, (prej) = primerjava s prejšnjo redakcijo, m = manjše urejanje.

13. avgust 2022

  • trenprej 15:4215:42, 13. avgust 2022Fairhop pogovor prispevkim 4.842 bajtov 0 photo is from 1907, Hod Stuart's in the photo and was only with the club in 1907. Ernie Russell and Lester Patrick (also in the photo) were also with different clubs in 1905. Source from The Standard (Montreal pictorial) says the photo is from 1907 Stanley Cup challenge against the Kenora Thistles razveljavi

27. september 2016

25. maj 2013

12. marec 2013

15. maj 2012