Community Configuration

What is Community Configuration?

Community Configuration is a tool that allows communities to set up and control the configuration of different Wikipedija features, helping administrators suit their community specific needs.

Več o tem

Izvedite več o konfiguraciji skupnosti, kaj je, kako deluje in ekipi, ki trenutno dela na tem.

Send us your feedback

We would love to hear your thoughts! Reach out to us through our talk page.


Help panel

Customize Help panel settings to align with your community's requirements and define resources within it to assist and guide new editors.


Customize mentorship settings and eligibility, while adjusting edit minimums and timeframes for mentors and praise-worthy mentees.

Domača stran za začetnike

Določite, katere so povezave pomoči, skozi katere naj gredo novi urejevalci.

Suggested edits

Prilagoditev možnosti Predlagana urejanja domače strani novinca.