
Zadnji komentar: pred 5 leti uporabnika Jalen

Iz članka sem umaknil navedbo, da so Albanci edini potomci Ilirov, ker je to sporna, predvsem pa preveč poenostavljena trditev. Po ugotovitvah jezikoslovcev je izvor Albancev treba iskati bolj severovzhodno od njihovega današnjega ozemlja: "There are serious reasons to believe that [the territory of Proto-Albanian] did not coincide with the contemporary Albania, i.e. with the ancient Illyrian coast of the Adriatic […]. On the contrary, numerous proofs (the absence of indigenous sea-faring terminology in Albanian borrowing corresponding words from Romance and Greek […]; the existence of Albanian-Rumanian bilateral isoglosses; the lack of Proto-Albanian toponymy in Illyria and so on) seem to corroborate the original settling of Proto-Albanians in Dacia Ripensis and farther North, in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains and the Beskidy/Bieszczady". (Vladimir Orel: Albanian Etymological Dictionary, Brill: 1998, str. X).--Jalen (pogovor) 15:54, 8. april 2019 (CEST)Odgovori

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