Modul:Convert/documentation/conversion data/dok
![]() | To je dokumentacijska podstran za glavno stran Modul:Convert/documentation/conversion data. Namenjena je shranjevanju navodil, kategorizaciji in drugi vsebini, ki ni del glavne strani. |
Following is the master list of conversion data used by Modul:Convert.
This page is read by a script (makeunits). The script extracts information from the wikitext, and outputs the Lua source that defines the table of units; that source can be manually copied into Modul:Convert/data.
Information about the format of tables used on this page is available at
The variable names section defines names that apply for different values. In that section, some names include "#
" to indicate where the SI prefix should be inserted, if any. The #
character is not required when the SI prefix is inserted before the name. Names of units are only displayed if |abbr=off
(or |abbr=in
or |abbr=out
) is specified in the convert.
urediThe following tables define the standard units that are available for a conversion.
Absorbed radiation dose
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
Gy | Gy | 1 | gray | SI | rad | Gray (enota) | |||||
rad | rad | 0.01 | rad | SI | Gy | Rad (enota) |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
cm/s2 | cm/s2 | 0.01 | centimetre per second squared | centimetres per second squared | centimeter per second squared | centimeters per second squared | ft/s2 | Gal (enota) | |||
ft/s2 | ft/s2 | 0.3048 | foot per second squared | feet per second squared | m/s2 | Foot per second squared | |||||
g0 | g0 | 9.80665 | standard gravity | standard gravities | m/s2 | Standard gravity | |||||
km/hs | km/(h·s) | 5/18 | kilometre per hour per second | kilometres per hour per second | kilometer per hour per second | kilometers per hour per second | mph/s | Pospešek | |||
km/s2 | km/s2 | 1000 | kilometre per second squared | kilometres per second squared | kilometer per second squared | kilometers per second squared | mph/s | Pospešek | |||
m/s2 | m/s2 | 1 | metre per second squared | metres per second squared | meter per second squared | meters per second squared | ft/s2 | Metre per second squared | |||
mph/s | mph/s | 0.44704 | mile per hour per second | miles per hour per second | km/hs | Pospešek | |||||
km/h/s | =km/hs | ||||||||||
standard gravity | =g0 |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
1000sqft | 1000 sq ft | 92.90304 | thousand square feet | thousand square feet | m2 | Kvadratni čevelj | |||||
a | a | 100 | are | SI | sqft | Ar (enota) | |||||
acre | ~acre | 4046.8564224 | aker | ha | Aker | ||||||
acre-sing | ~acre | 4046.8564224 | aker | ha | Aker | ||||||
arpent | ~arpent | 3418.89 | arpent | ha | Arpent | ||||||
cda | cda | 3930.395625 | cuerda | acre ha | Cuerda | ||||||
Cypriot donum | ~donum | 1337.803776 | donum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
Cypriot dunam | ~dunam | 1337.803776 | dunam | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
Cypriot dunum | ~dunum | 1337.803776 | dunum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
Cypriot dönüm | ~dönüm | 1337.803776 | dönüm | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
daa | daa | 1000 | decare | km2 sqmi | Decare | ||||||
donum | ~donum | 1000 | donum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
dunam | ~dunam | 1000 | dunam | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
dunum | ~dunum | 1000 | dunum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
dönüm | ~dönüm | 1000 | dönüm | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
foot2 | sq ft | 0.09290304 | kvadratni čevelj | m2 | Kvadratni čevelj | ||||||
ha | ha | 10,000 | hektar | acre | Hektar | ||||||
hectare | ~ha | 10,000 | hektar | acre | Hektar | ||||||
Iraqi donum | ~donum | 2500 | donum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
Iraqi dunam | ~dunam | 2500 | dunam | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
Iraqi dunum | ~dunum | 2500 | dunum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
Iraqi dönüm | ~dönüm | 2500 | dönüm | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
Irish acre | Irish acres | 6555.2385024 | Irish acre | ha | Irski aker | ||||||
m2 | m2 | 1 | kvadratni %smeter | SI2 | sqft | Kvadratni meter | |||||
old donum | ~donum | 919.3 | donum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
old dunam | ~dunam | 919.3 | dunam | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
old dunum | ~dunum | 919.3 | dunum | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
old dönüm | ~dönüm | 919.3 | dönüm | km2 sqmi | Dunam | ||||||
pondemaat | pond | 3674.363358816 | pondemaat | pondemaat | m2 | nl:pondemaat | |||||
pyeong | ~pyeong | 400/121 | pyeong | pyeong | m2 | Pyeong | |||||
rood | ~rood | 1011.7141056 | rood | sqft sqm | Rood (enota) | ||||||
sqfoot | sq ft | 0.09290304 | kvadratni čevelj | m2 | Kvadratni čevelj | ||||||
sqft | sq ft | 0.09290304 | kvadratni čevelj | m2 | Kvadratni čevelj | ||||||
sqin | sq in | 0.00064516 | square inch | square inches | cm2 | Kvadratni palec | |||||
sqmi | sq mi | 2,589,988.110336 | square mile | km2 | Kvadratna milja | ||||||
sqnmi | sq nmi | 3,429,904 | square nautical mile | km2 sqmi | Morska milja | ||||||
sqverst | ~square verst | 1138062.24 | square verst | km2 sqmi | Verst | ||||||
sqyd | sq yd | 0.83612736 | square yard | m2 | Square yard | ||||||
tsubo | ~tsubo | 400/121 | tsubo | tsubo | m2 | Japonske merske enote#Površina | |||||
acres | =acre | ||||||||||
are | =a | ||||||||||
Cypriot donum diaeresis | =Cypriot dönüm | ||||||||||
Cypriot donum dots | =Cypriot dönüm | ||||||||||
decare | =daa | ||||||||||
donum diaeresis | =dönüm | ||||||||||
donum dots | =dönüm | ||||||||||
ft2 | =sqft | ||||||||||
in2 | =sqin | ||||||||||
Iraqi donum diaeresis | =Iraqi dönüm | ||||||||||
Iraqi donum dots | =Iraqi dönüm | ||||||||||
km² | =km2 | ||||||||||
metric donum | =donum | ||||||||||
metric donum diaeresis | =dönüm | ||||||||||
metric donum dots | =dönüm | ||||||||||
metric dunam | =dunam | ||||||||||
metric dönüm | =dönüm | ||||||||||
mi2 | =sqmi | ||||||||||
million acre | =e6acre | ||||||||||
million acres | =e6acre | ||||||||||
million hectares | =e6ha | ||||||||||
m² | =m2 | ||||||||||
nmi2 | =sqnmi | ||||||||||
old donum diaeresis | =old dönüm | ||||||||||
old donum dots | =old dönüm | ||||||||||
pond | =pondemaat | ||||||||||
sq arp | =arpent | ||||||||||
sq feet | !Use %{sqft%} (not %{sq feet%}) | ||||||||||
sqkm | =km2 | ||||||||||
sqm | =m2 | ||||||||||
square verst | =sqverst | ||||||||||
verst2 | =sqverst | ||||||||||
yd2 | =sqyd |
Area per unit area
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
m2/ha | m2/ha | 0.0001 | square metre per hectare | square metres per hectare | square meter per hectare | square meters per hectare | sqft/acre | Bazalna površina | |||
sqft/acre | sq ft/acre | 1/43560 | square foot per acre | square feet per acre | m2/ha | Square foot per acre |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
A.h | A·h | 3600 | ampere-hour | coulomb | Ampere-hour | ||||||
coulomb | C | 1 | coulomb | SI | e | Coulomb | |||||
e | e | 1.602176487e-19 | elementary charge | coulomb | Elementary charge | ||||||
A·h | =A.h |
Chemical amount
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
g-mol | g-mol | 1 | gram-mole | lbmol | Mol (enota) | ||||||
gmol | gmol | 1 | gram-mole | lbmol | Mol (enota) | ||||||
kmol | kmol | 1000 | kilomole | lbmol | Mol (enota) | ||||||
lb-mol | lb-mol | 453.59237 | pound-mole | mol | Mol (enota) | ||||||
lbmol | lbmol | 453.59237 | pound-mole | mol | Mol (enota) | ||||||
mol | mol | 1 | mole | lbmol | Mol (enota) |
CO2 per unit volume
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
kgCO2/L | kg(CO2)/L | 1000 | kilogram per litre | kilograms per litre | kilogram per liter | kilograms per liter | lbCO2/USgal | Izpušni plin | |||
lbCO2/USgal | lbCO2/US gal | 0.45359237/0.003785411784 | pound per US gallon | pounds per US gallon | kgCO2/L | Izpušni plin |
Cost $ per unit area
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
$/acre | ==$/acre | default = $/ha | |||||||||
$/ha | ==$/ha | default = $/acre | |||||||||
$/m2 | ==$/m2 | default = $/sqft | |||||||||
$/sqft | ==$/sqft | default = $/m2 |
Cost $ per unit length
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
$/km | ==$/km | default = $/mi | |||||||||
$/mi | ==$/mi | default = $/km |
Cost $ per unit mass
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
$/kg | ==$/kg | default = $/lb | |||||||||
$/g | ==$/g | default = $/lb | |||||||||
$/lb | ==$/lb | default = $/kg | |||||||||
$/oz | ==$/oz | default = $/g | |||||||||
$/ozt | ==$/ozt | default = $/kg |
Cost $ per unit volume
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
$/m3 | ==$/m3 | default = $/oilbbl | |||||||||
$/oilbbl | ==$/oilbbl | default = $/m3 |
Cost £ per unit area
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
£/acre | ==£/acre | default = £/ha | |||||||||
£/ha | ==£/ha | default = £/acre |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
g/dm3 | g/dm3 | 1 | gram per cubic decimetre | grams per cubic decimetre | gram per cubic decimeter | grams per cubic decimeter | kg/m3 | Gostota | |||
g/L | g/L | 1 | gram per litre | grams per litre | gram per liter | grams per liter | lb/cuin | Gostota | |||
g/mL | g/mL | 1000 | gram per millilitre | grams per millilitre | gram per milliliter | grams per milliliter | lb/cuin | Gostota | |||
g/ml | g/ml | 1000 | gram per millilitre | grams per millilitre | gram per milliliter | grams per milliliter | lb/cuin | Gostota | |||
kg/dm3 | kg/dm3 | 1000 | kilogram per cubic decimetre | kilograms per cubic decimetre | kilogram per cubic decimeter | kilograms per cubic decimeter | lb/cuft | Gostota | |||
kg/L | kg/L | 1000 | kilogram per litre | kilograms per litre | kilogram per liter | kilograms per liter | lb/USgal | Gostota | |||
kg/l | kg/l | 1000 | kilogram per litre | kilograms per litre | kilogram per liter | kilograms per liter | lb/USgal | Gostota | |||
kg/m3 | kg/m3 | 1 | kilogram per cubic metre | kilograms per cubic metre | kilogram per cubic meter | kilograms per cubic meter | lb/cuyd | Gostota | |||
lb/cuft | lb/cu ft | 0.45359237/0.028316846592 | pound per cubic foot | pounds per cubic foot | g/cm3 | Gostota | |||||
lb/cuin | lb/cu in | 453592.37/16.387064 | pound per cubic inch | pounds per cubic inch | g/cm3 | Gostota | |||||
lb/cuyd | lb/cu yd | 0.45359237/0.764554857984 | pound per cubic yard | pounds per cubic yard | kg/m3 | Gostota | |||||
lb/impgal | lb/imp gal | 0.45359237/0.00454609 | pound per imperial gallon | pounds per imperial gallon | kg/L | Gostota | |||||
lb/in3 | lb/cu in | 45359237/1638.7064 | pound per cubic inch | pounds per cubic inch | g/cm3 | Gostota | |||||
lb/ | lb/U.S. gal | 589081/4916.1192 | pound per U.S. gallon | pounds per U.S. gallon | kg/L | Gostota | |||||
lb/USbu | lb/US bu | 0.45359237/0.03523907016688 | pound per US bushel | pounds per US bushel | kg/m3 | Bushel | |||||
lb/USgal | lb/US gal | 589081/4916.1192 | pound per US gallon | pounds per US gallon | kg/L | Gostota | |||||
lbm/cuin | lbm/cu in | 45359237/1638.7064 | pound mass per cubic inch | pounds mass per cubic inch | g/cm3 | Gostota | |||||
mg/L | mg/L | 0.001 | milligram per litre | milligrams per litre | milligram per liter | milligrams per liter | lb/cuin | Gostota | |||
oz/cuin | oz/cu in | 453592.37/16.387064/16 | ounce per cubic inch | ounces per cubic inch | g/cm3 | Gostota | |||||
g/cm3 | ==g/cm3 | default = lb/cuin | |||||||||
g/m3 | ==g/m3 | default = lb/cuyd | link = Gostota | ||||||||
Mg/m3 | ==Mg/m3 | default = lb/cuft | |||||||||
µg/dL | ==µg/dL | default = lb/cuin | |||||||||
lb/ft3 | =lb/cuft | ||||||||||
lb/yd3 | =lb/cuyd | ||||||||||
lbm/in3 | =lbm/cuin | ||||||||||
mcg/dL | =µg/dL | ||||||||||
oz/in3 | =oz/cuin | ||||||||||
ug/dL | =µg/dL | ||||||||||
μg/dL | =µg/dL |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
B.O.T.U. | B.O.T.U. | 3,600,000 | Board of Trade Unit | MJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
bboe | bboe | 6,117,863,200 | barrel of oil equivalent | barrels of oil equivalent | GJ | Barrel of oil equivalent | |||||
BOE | BOE | 6,117,863,200 | barrel of oil equivalent | barrels of oil equivalent | GJ | Barrel of oil equivalent | |||||
BTU | BTU | 1055.05585262 | British thermal unit | kJ | British thermal unit | ||||||
Btu | Btu | 1055.05585262 | British thermal unit | kJ | British thermal unit | ||||||
BTU-39F | BTU39°F | 1059.67 | British thermal unit (39°F) | British thermal units (39°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-39F | Btu39°F | 1059.67 | British thermal unit (39°F) | British thermal units (39°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
BTU-59F | BTU59°F | 1054.804 | British thermal unit (59°F) | British thermal units (59°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-59F | Btu59°F | 1054.804 | British thermal unit (59°F) | British thermal units (59°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
BTU-60F | BTU60°F | 1054.68 | British thermal unit (60°F) | British thermal units (60°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-60F | Btu60°F | 1054.68 | British thermal unit (60°F) | British thermal units (60°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
BTU-63F | BTU63°F | 1054.6 | British thermal unit (63°F) | British thermal units (63°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-63F | Btu63°F | 1054.6 | British thermal unit (63°F) | British thermal units (63°F) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
BTU-ISO | BTUISO | 1055.056 | British thermal unit (ISO) | British thermal units (ISO) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-ISO | BTUISO | 1055.056 | British thermal unit (ISO) | British thermal units (ISO) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
BTU-IT | BTUIT | 1055.05585262 | British thermal unit (IT) | British thermal units (IT) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-IT | BtuIT | 1055.05585262 | British thermal unit (IT) | British thermal units (IT) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
BTU-mean | BTUmean | 1055.87 | British thermal unit (mean) | British thermal units (mean) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-mean | Btumean | 1055.87 | British thermal unit (mean) | British thermal units (mean) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
BTU-th | BTUth | 1054.35026444 | British thermal unit (thermochemical) | British thermal units (thermochemical) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Btu-th | Btuth | 1054.35026444 | British thermal unit (thermochemical) | British thermal units (thermochemical) | kJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Cal | Cal | 4184 | calorie | kJ | Kalorija | ||||||
cal | cal | 4.184 | calorie | J | Kalorija | ||||||
Cal-15 | Cal15 | 4185.8 | Calorie (15°C) | Calories (15°C) | kJ | Kalorija | |||||
cal-15 | cal15 | 4.1858 | calorie (15°C) | calories (15°C) | J | Kalorija | |||||
Cal-IT | CalIT | 4186.8 | Calorie (International Steam Table) | Calories (International Steam Table) | kJ | Kalorija | |||||
cal-IT | calIT | 4.1868 | calorie (International Steam Table) | calories (International Steam Table) | J | Kalorija | |||||
Cal-th | Calth | 4184 | Calorie (thermochemical) | Calories (thermochemical) | kJ | Kalorija | |||||
cal-th | calth | 4.184 | calorie (thermochemical) | calories (thermochemical) | J | Kalorija | |||||
ccatm | cc·atm | 0.101325 | cubic centimetre-atmosphere | cubic centimeter-atmosphere | mJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
CHU-IT | CHUIT | 1899.100534716 | Celsius heat unit (International Table) | Celsius heat units (International Table) | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
cm3atm | cm3·atm | 0.101325 | cubic centimetre-atmosphere | cubic centimeter-atmosphere | mJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
cufootatm | cu ft atm | 2869.2044809344 | cubic foot of atmosphere | cubic foot of atmosphere | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
cufootnaturalgas | ~cuftnaturalgas | 1,055,055.85262 | cubic foot of natural gas | cubic foot of natural gas | MJ | Pretvorba med enotami | |||||
cuftatm | cu ft atm | 2869.2044809344 | cubic foot of atmosphere | cubic feet of atmosphere | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
cuftnaturalgas | ~cuftnaturalgas | 1,055,055.85262 | cubic foot of natural gas | cubic feet of natural gas | MJ | Pretvorba med enotami | |||||
cuydatm | cu yd atm | 77,468.5209852288 | cubic yard of atmosphere | cubic yards of atmosphere | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
Eh | Eh | 4.35974417e-18 | Hartree | eV | Hartree | ||||||
erg | erg | 0.0000001 | erg | µJ | Erg | ||||||
eV | eV | 1.602176487e-19 | electronvolt | aJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
feV | feV | 1.602176487e-34 | femtoelectronvolt | yJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
foe | foe | 1e44 | foe | YJ | Foe (unit of energy) | ||||||
ftlb | ft·lb | 1.3558179483314004 | foot-pound | J | Foot-pound (energy) | ||||||
ftlb-f | ft·lbf | 1.3558179483314004 | foot-pound force | foot-pounds force | J | Foot-pound (energy) | |||||
ftlbf | ft·lbf | 1.3558179483314004 | foot-pound force | foot-pounds force | J | Foot-pound (energy) | |||||
ftpdl | ft·pdl | 0.0421401100938048 | foot-poundal | J | Foot-poundal | ||||||
GeV | GeV | 1.602176487e-10 | gigaelectronvolt | nJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
GLatm | GL·atm | 101,325,000,000 | gigalitre-atmosphere | gigaliter-atmosphere | GJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
Glatm | Gl·atm | 101,325,000,000 | gigalitre-atmosphere | gigaliter-atmosphere | GJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
gTNT | ~gram of TNT | 4184 | gram of TNT | grams of TNT | kJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
Gtoe | Gtoe | 4.1868e19 | gigatonne of oil equivalent | gigatonnes of oil equivalent | EJ | Tonne of oil equivalent | |||||
GtonTNT | ~gigaton of TNT | 4.184e18 | gigaton of TNT | gigatons of TNT | EJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
GtTNT | ~gigatonne of TNT | 4.184e18 | gigatonne of TNT | gigatonnes of TNT | EJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
GW.h | GW·h | 3.6e12 | gigawatt-hour | TJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
GWh | GWh | 3.6e12 | gigawatt-hour | TJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
hph | hp·h | 2,684,519.537696172792 | horsepower-hour | kWh | Konjska moč | ||||||
impgalatm | imp gal·atm | 460.63256925 | imperial gallon-atmosphere | J | Atmosfera (enota) | ||||||
inlb | in·lb | 0.1129848290276167 | inch-pound | mJ | Foot-pound (energy) | ||||||
inlb-f | in·lbf | 0.1129848290276167 | inch-pound force | inch-pounds force | mJ | Foot-pound (energy) | |||||
inlbf | in·lbf | 0.1129848290276167 | inch-pound force | inch-pounds force | mJ | Foot-pound (energy) | |||||
inoz-f | in·ozf | 0.00706155181422604375 | inch-ounce force | inch-ounces force | mJ | Foot-pound (energy) | |||||
inozf | in·ozf | 0.00706155181422604375 | inch-ounce force | inch-ounces force | mJ | Foot-pound (energy) | |||||
J | J | 1 | joule | SI | cal | Džul | |||||
kBOE | kBOE | 6.1178632e12 | kilo barrel of oil equivalent | kilo barrels of oil equivalent | TJ | Barrel of oil equivalent | |||||
kcal | kcal | 4184 | kilocalorie | kJ | Kalorija | ||||||
kcal-15 | kcal15 | 4185.8 | kilocalorie (15°C) | kilocalories (15°C) | kJ | Kalorija | |||||
kcal-IT | kcalIT | 4186.8 | kilocalorie (International Steam Table) | kilocalories (International Steam Table) | kJ | Kalorija | |||||
kcal-th | kcalth | 4184 | kilocalorie (thermochemical) | kilocalories (thermochemical) | kJ | Kalorija | |||||
kerg | kerg | 0.0001 | kiloerg | mJ | Erg | ||||||
keV | keV | 1.602176487e-16 | kiloelectronvolt | fJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
kgTNT | ~kilogram of TNT | 4,184,000 | kilogram of TNT | kilograms of TNT | MJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
kLatm | kL·atm | 101,325 | kilolitre-atmosphere | kiloliter-atmosphere | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
klatm | kl·atm | 101,325 | kilolitre-atmosphere | kiloliter-atmosphere | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
kt(TNT) | kt | 4.184e12 | kilotonne | kiloton | TJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
ktoe | ktoe | 4.1868e13 | kilotonne of oil equivalent | kilotonnes of oil equivalent | TJ | Tonne of oil equivalent | |||||
ktonTNT | kt | 4.184e12 | kiloton of TNT | kilotons of TNT | TJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
ktTNT | ~kilotonne of TNT | 4.184e12 | kilotonne of TNT | kilotonnes of TNT | TJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
kW.h | kW·h | 3,600,000 | kilowatt-hour | MJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
kWh | kWh | 3,600,000 | kilowatt-hour | MJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
Latm | L·atm | 101.325 | litre-atmosphere | liter-atmosphere | J | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
latm | l·atm | 101.325 | litre-atmosphere | liter-atmosphere | J | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
m3atm | m3·atm | 101,325 | cubic metre-atmosphere | cubic meter-atmosphere | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
MBtu | MBtu | 1,055,055.85262 | thousand British thermal units | thousand British thermal units | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-39F | MBTU39°F | 1,059,670 | thousand British thermal units (39°F) | thousand British thermal units (39°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-39F | MBtu39°F | 1,059,670 | thousand British thermal units (39°F) | thousand British thermal units (39°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-59F | MBTU59°F | 1,054,804 | thousand British thermal units (59°F) | thousand British thermal units (59°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-59F | MBtu59°F | 1,054,804 | thousand British thermal units (59°F) | thousand British thermal units (59°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-60F | MBTU60°F | 1,054,680 | thousand British thermal units (60°F) | thousand British thermal units (60°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-60F | MBtu60°F | 1,054,680 | thousand British thermal units (60°F) | thousand British thermal units (60°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-63F | MBTU63°F | 1,054,600 | thousand British thermal units (63°F) | thousand British thermal units (63°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-63F | MBtu63°F | 1,054,600 | thousand British thermal units (63°F) | thousand British thermal units (63°F) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-ISO | MBTUISO | 1,055,056 | thousand British thermal units (ISO) | thousand British thermal units (ISO) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-ISO | MBtuISO | 1,055,056 | thousand British thermal units (ISO) | thousand British thermal units (ISO) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-IT | MBTUIT | 1,055,055.85262 | thousand British thermal units (IT) | thousand British thermal units (IT) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-IT | MBtuIT | 1,055,055.85262 | thousand British thermal units (IT) | thousand British thermal units (IT) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-mean | MBTUmean | 1,055,870 | thousand British thermal units (mean) | thousand British thermal units (mean) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-mean | MBtumean | 1,055,870 | thousand British thermal units (mean) | thousand British thermal units (mean) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBTU-th | MBTUth | 1,054,350.26444 | thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) | thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MBtu-th | MBtuth | 1,054,350.26444 | thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) | thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) | MJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Mcal | Mcal | 4,184,000 | megacalorie | MJ | Kalorija | ||||||
mcal | mcal | 0.004184 | millicalorie | mJ | Kalorija | ||||||
Mcal-15 | Mcal15 | 4,185,800 | megacalorie (15°C) | megacalories (15°C) | MJ | Kalorija | |||||
mcal-15 | mcal15 | 0.0041858 | millicalorie (15°C) | millicalories (15°C) | mJ | Kalorija | |||||
Mcal-IT | McalIT | 4,186,800 | megacalorie (International Steam Table) | megacalories (International Steam Table) | MJ | Kalorija | |||||
mcal-IT | mcalIT | 0.0041868 | millicalorie (International Steam Table) | millicalories (International Steam Table) | mJ | Kalorija | |||||
Mcal-th | Mcalth | 4,184,000 | megacalorie (thermochemical) | megacalories (thermochemical) | MJ | Kalorija | |||||
mcal-th | mcalth | 0.004184 | millicalorie (thermochemical) | millicalories (thermochemical) | mJ | Kalorija | |||||
Merg | Merg | 0.1 | megaerg | J | Erg | ||||||
merg | merg | 0.0000000001 | millierg | µJ | Erg | ||||||
MeV | MeV | 1.602176487e-13 | megaelectronvolt | pJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
meV | meV | 1.602176487e-22 | millielectronvolt | zJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
MLatm | ML·atm | 101,325,000 | megalitre-atmosphere | megaliter-atmosphere | MJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
Mlatm | Ml·atm | 101,325,000 | megalitre-atmosphere | megaliter-atmosphere | MJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
mLatm | L·atm | 0.101325 | millilitre-atmosphere | milliliter-atmosphere | mJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
mlatm | l·atm | 0.101325 | millilitre-atmosphere | milliliter-atmosphere | mJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
MMBtu | MMBtu | 1,055,055,852.62 | million British thermal units | million British thermal units | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-39F | MMBTU39°F | 1,059,670,000 | million British thermal units (39°F) | million British thermal units (39°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-39F | MMBtu39°F | 1,059,670,000 | million British thermal units (39°F) | million British thermal units (39°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-59F | MMBTU59°F | 1,054,804,000 | million British thermal units (59°F) | million British thermal units (59°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-59F | MMBtu59°F | 1,054,804,000 | million British thermal units (59°F) | million British thermal units (59°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-60F | MMBTU60°F | 1,054,680,000 | million British thermal units (60°F) | million British thermal units (60°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-60F | MMBtu60°F | 1,054,680,000 | million British thermal units (60°F) | million British thermal units (60°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-63F | MMBTU63°F | 1,054,600,000 | million British thermal units (63°F) | million British thermal units (63°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-63F | MMBtu63°F | 1,054,600,000 | million British thermal units (63°F) | million British thermal units (63°F) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-ISO | MMBTUISO | 1,055,056,000 | million British thermal units (ISO) | million British thermal units (ISO) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-ISO | MMBtuISO | 1,055,056,000 | million British thermal units (ISO) | million British thermal units (ISO) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-IT | MMBTUIT | 1,055,055,852.62 | million British thermal units (IT) | million British thermal units (IT) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-IT | MMBtuIT | 1,055,055,852.62 | million British thermal units (IT) | million British thermal units (IT) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-mean | MMBTUmean | 1,055,870,000 | million British thermal units (mean) | million British thermal units (mean) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-mean | MMBtumean | 1,055,870,000 | million British thermal units (mean) | million British thermal units (mean) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBTU-th | MMBTUth | 10,543,50,264.44 | million British thermal units (thermochemical) | million British thermal units (thermochemical) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
MMBtu-th | MMBtuth | 10,54,350,264.44 | million British thermal units (thermochemical) | million British thermal units (thermochemical) | GJ | British thermal unit | |||||
Mt(TNT) | Mt | 4.184e15 | megatonne | megaton | PJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
Mtoe | Mtoe | 4.1868e16 | megatonne of oil equivalent | megatonnes of oil equivalent | PJ | Tonne of oil equivalent | |||||
MtonTNT | Mt | 4.184e15 | megaton of TNT | megatons of TNT | PJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
mtonTNT | ~milliton of TNT | 4,184,000 | milliton of TNT | millitons of TNT | MJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
MtTNT | ~megatonne of TNT | 4.184e15 | megatonne of TNT | megatonnes of TNT | PJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
mtTNT | ~millitonne of TNT | 4,184,000 | millitonne of TNT | millitonnes of TNT | MJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
MW.h | MW·h | 3,600,000,000 | megawatt-hour | GJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
mW.h | mW·h | 3.6 | milliwatt-hour | J | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
MWh | MWh | 3,600,000,000 | megawatt-hour | GJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
mWh | mWh | 3.6 | milliwatt-hour | J | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
neV | neV | 1.602176487e-28 | nanoelectronvolt | yJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
PeV | PeV | 0.0001602176487 | petaelectronvolt | mJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
peV | peV | 1.602176487e-31 | picoelectronvolt | yJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
quad | quad | 1.054804e18 | quadrillion British thermal units | quadrillion British thermal units | EJ | Quad (energy) | |||||
Ry | Ry | 2.1798741e-18 | rydberg | eV | Rydbergova konstanta | ||||||
scc | scc | 0.101325 | standard cubic centimetre | standard cubic centimeter | mJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
scf | scf | 2869.2044809344 | standard cubic foot | standard cubic feet | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
scfoot | scf | 2869.2044809344 | standard cubic foot | standard cubic foot | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
scy | scy | 77,468.5209852288 | standard cubic yard | kJ | Atmosfera (enota) | ||||||
sl | sl | 101.325 | standard litre | standard liter | J | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
t(TNT) | t | 4,184,000,000 | tonne | ton | GJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
TeV | TeV | 1.602176487e-7 | teraelectronvolt | µJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
th | th | 4,186,800 | thermie | MJ | Pretvorba med enotami | ||||||
thm-EC | thm (EC) | 105,506,000 | therm (EC) | therms (EC) | MJ | Therm | |||||
thm-UK | thm (UK) | 105,505,585.257348 | therm (UK) | therms (UK) | MJ | Therm | |||||
thm-US | thm (US) | thm (U.S.) | 105,480,400 | therm (US) | therms (US) | therm (U.S.) | therms (U.S.) | MJ | Therm | ||
toe | toe | 41,868,000,000 | tonne of oil equivalent | tonnes of oil equivalent | GJ | Tonne of oil equivalent | |||||
tonTNT | ~ton of TNT | 4,184,000,000 | ton of TNT | tons of TNT | GJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
tTNT | ~tonne of TNT | 4,184,000,000 | tonne of TNT | tonnes of TNT | GJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
TtonTNT | ~teraton of TNT | 4.184e21 | teraton of TNT | teratons of TNT | ZJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
TtTNT | ~teratonne of TNT | 4.184e21 | teratonne of TNT | teratonnes of TNT | ZJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
TW.h | TW·h | 3.6e15 | terawatt-hour | PJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
TWh | TWh | 3.6e15 | terawatt-hour | PJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
uerg | µerg | 1e-13 | microerg | nJ | Erg | ||||||
USgalatm | US gal·atm | U.S. gal·atm | 383.5568490138 | US gallon-atmosphere | U.S. gallon-atmosphere | J | Atmosfera (enota) | ||||
W.h | W·h | 3600 | watt-hour | kJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
Wh | Wh | 3600 | watt-hour | kJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
µerg | µerg | 1e-13 | microerg | nJ | Erg | ||||||
µeV | µeV | 1.602176487e-25 | microelectronvolt | yJ | Elektronvolt | ||||||
µLatm | µL·atm | 0.000101325 | microlitre-atmosphere | microliter-atmosphere | µJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
µlatm | µl·atm | 0.000101325 | microlitre-atmosphere | microliter-atmosphere | µJ | Atmosfera (enota) | |||||
µtonTNT | ~microton of TNT | 4184 | microton of TNT | microtons of TNT | kJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
µtTNT | ~microtonne of TNT | 4184 | microtonne of TNT | microtonnes of TNT | kJ | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
µW.h | µW·h | 0.0036 | microwatt-hour | mJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
µWh | µWh | 0.0036 | microwatt-hour | mJ | Kilovatna ura | ||||||
-kW.h | =kW.h | link = Kilovatna ura | |||||||||
btu | =BTU | ||||||||||
Calorie | =Cal | ||||||||||
ft.lbf | =ftlbf | ||||||||||
ft·lb-f | =ftlb-f | ||||||||||
ft·lbf | =ftlbf | ||||||||||
g-cal-15 | =cal-15 | ||||||||||
g-cal-IT | =cal-IT | ||||||||||
g-cal-th | =cal-th | ||||||||||
g-kcal-15 | =kcal-15 | ||||||||||
g-kcal-IT | =kcal-IT | ||||||||||
g-kcal-th | =kcal-th | ||||||||||
g-Mcal-15 | =Mcal-15 | ||||||||||
g-mcal-15 | =mcal-15 | ||||||||||
g-Mcal-IT | =Mcal-IT | ||||||||||
g-mcal-IT | =mcal-IT | ||||||||||
g-Mcal-th | =Mcal-th | ||||||||||
g-mcal-th | =mcal-th | ||||||||||
GW-h | =GW.h | ||||||||||
GW·h | =GW.h | ||||||||||
Hartree | =Eh | ||||||||||
hp.h | =hph | ||||||||||
hp·h | =hph | |||||||||| | =inlb-f | ||||||||||
in.lbf | =inlbf | ||||||||||
in.oz-f | =inoz-f | ||||||||||
in.ozf | =inozf | ||||||||||
in·lb-f | =inlb-f | ||||||||||
in·lbf | =inlbf | ||||||||||
in·oz-f | =inoz-f | ||||||||||
in·ozf | =inozf | ||||||||||
kbboe | =kBOE | symbol = kbboe | |||||||||
kg-cal-15 | =Cal-15 | ||||||||||
kg-cal-IT | =Cal-IT | ||||||||||
kg-cal-th | =Cal-th | ||||||||||
kW-h | =kW.h | ||||||||||
kW·h | =kW.h | ||||||||||
MW-h | =MW.h | ||||||||||
mW-h | =mW.h | ||||||||||
MW·h | =MW.h | ||||||||||
mW·h | =mW.h | ||||||||||
TW-h | =TW.h | ||||||||||
TW·h | =TW.h | ||||||||||
U.S.galatm | =USgalatm | sp=us | |||||||||
ueV | =µeV | ||||||||||
uLatm | =µLatm | ||||||||||
ulatm | =µlatm | ||||||||||
usgalatm | =USgalatm | ||||||||||
utonTNT | =µtonTNT | ||||||||||
utTNT | =µtTNT | ||||||||||
uW-h | =µW.h | ||||||||||
uW.h | =µW.h | ||||||||||
uWh | =µWh | ||||||||||
uW·h | =µW.h | ||||||||||
W-h | =W.h | ||||||||||
W·h | =W.h | ||||||||||
µW-h | =µW.h | ||||||||||
µW·h | =µW.h | ||||||||||
μerg | =µerg | ||||||||||
μeV | =µeV | ||||||||||
μLatm | =µLatm | ||||||||||
μlatm | =µlatm | ||||||||||
μtonTNT | =µtonTNT | ||||||||||
μtTNT | =µtTNT | ||||||||||
μW-h | =µW.h | ||||||||||
μW.h | =µW.h | ||||||||||
μWh | =µWh | ||||||||||
μW·h | =µW.h |
Energy per unit length
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
kWh/100 km | kW·h/100 km | 36 | kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometres | kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometres | kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers | kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers | MJ/km kWh/mi | Kilovatna ura | |||
MJ/100 km | MJ/100 km | 10 | megajoule per 100 kilometres | megajoules per 100 kilometres | megajoule per 100 kilometers | megajoules per 100 kilometers | BTU/mi | British thermal unit | |||
BTU/mi | ==BTU/mi | default = v > 1525 ! M ! k ! J/km | |||||||||
kJ/km | ==kJ/km | default = BTU/mi | |||||||||
kWh/km | ==-kW.h/km | default = MJ/km kWh/mi | |||||||||
kWh/mi | ==-kW.h/mi | default = kWh/km MJ/km | |||||||||
MJ/km | ==MJ/km | default = BTU/mi |
Energy per unit mass
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
BTU/lb | BTU/lb | (0.947817120/2.20462262)*1000 | British thermal unit per pound | British thermal units per pound | kJ/kg | British thermal unit | |||||
cal/g | cal/g | 4184 | calorie per gram | calories per gram | J/g | Calorie per gram | |||||
GJ/kg | GJ/kg | 1e9 | gigajoule per kilogram | gigajoules per kilogram | ktTNT/t | Džul | |||||
J/g | J/g | 1000 | joule per gram | joules per gram | kcal/g | Džul | |||||
kcal/g | kcal/g | 4,184,000 | kilocalorie per gram | kilocalories per gram | kJ/g | Kilocalorie per gram | |||||
kJ/g | kJ/g | 1,000,000 | kilojoule per gram | kilojoules per gram | kcal/g | Džul | |||||
kJ/kg | kJ/kg | 1000 | kilojoule per kilogram | kilojoules per kilogram | BTU/lb | Kilojoule per kilogram | |||||
ktonTNT/MT | ~kiloton of TNT per metric ton | 4,184,000,000 | kiloton of TNT per metric ton | kilotons of TNT per metric ton | GJ/kg | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
ktTNT/t | ~kilotonne of TNT per tonne | 4,184,000,000 | kilotonne of TNT per tonne | kilotonnes of TNT per tonne | GJ/kg | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
MtonTNT/MT | ~megaton of TNT per metric ton | 4.184e12 | megaton of TNT per metric ton | megatons of TNT per metric ton | TJ/kg | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
MtTNT/MT | ~megatonne of TNT per tonne | 4.184e12 | megatonne of TNT per tonne | megatonnes of TNT per tonne | TJ/kg | Ekvivalent TNT | |||||
TJ/kg | TJ/kg | 1e12 | terajoule per kilogram | terajoules per kilogram | MtTNT/MT | Džul | |||||
Cal/g | ==Cal/g | default = kJ/g |
Energy per unit volume
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
BTU/cuft | ==BTU/cuft | default = kJ/L | |||||||||
Cal/12USoz(mL)serve | ==Cal/-12USoz(mL)serve | default = kJ/L | |||||||||
Cal/12USoz(ml)serve | ==Cal/-12USoz(ml)serve | default = kJ/l | |||||||||
Cal/12USozserve | ==Cal/-12USozserve | default = kJ/L | |||||||||
Cal/USoz | ==Cal/USoz | default = kJ/ml | |||||||||
kJ/L | ==kJ/L | default = BTU/cuft | |||||||||
kJ/l | ==kJ/l | default = BTU/cuft | |||||||||
kJ/ml | ==kJ/ml | default = Cal/USoz |
Equivalent radiation dose
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
Sv | Sv | 1 | sievert | SI | rem | Sievert | |||||
rem | rem | 0.01 | rem | SI | Sv | Roentgen equivalent man |
Exhaust emission
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
g/km | g/km | 1e-6 | gram per kilometre | grams per kilometre | gram per kilometer | grams per kilometer | oz/mi | Izpušni plin | |||
g/mi | g/mi | 0.001/1609.344 | gram per mile | grams per mile | g/km | Izpušni plin | |||||
gCO2/km | g(CO2)/km | 1e-6 | gram of CO2 per kilometre | grams of CO2 per kilometre | gram of CO2 per kilometer | grams of CO2 per kilometer | ozCO2/mi | Izpušni plin | |||
gCO2/mi | g(CO2)/mi | 0.001/1609.344 | gram of CO2 per mile | grams of CO2 per mile | gCO2/km | Izpušni plin | |||||
kg/km | kg/km | 0.001 | kilogram per kilometre | kilograms per kilometre | kilogram per kilometer | kilograms per kilometer | lb/mi | Izpušni plin | |||
kgCO2/km | kg(CO2)/km | 0.001 | kilogram of CO2 per kilometre | kilograms of CO2 per kilometre | kilogram of CO2 per kilometer | kilograms of CO2 per kilometer | lbCO2/mi | Izpušni plin | |||
lb/mi | lb/mi | 0.45359237/1609.344 | pound per mile | pounds per mile | kg/km | Izpušni plin | |||||
lbCO2/mi | lb(CO2)/mi | 0.45359237/1609.344 | pound of CO2 per mile | pounds of CO2 per mile | kgCO2/km | Izpušni plin | |||||
oz/mi | oz/mi | 0.028349523125/1609.344 | ounce per mile | ounces per mile | g/km | Izpušni plin | |||||
ozCO2/mi | oz(CO2)/mi | 0.028349523125/1609.344 | ounce of CO2 per mile | ounces of CO2 per mile | gCO2/km | Izpušni plin |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
cuft/a | cu ft/a | 28316846592e-12/31,557,600 | cubic foot per annum | cubic feet per annum | m3/a | Kubični čevelj | |||||
cuft/d | cu ft/d | 28316846592e-12/86400 | cubic foot per day | cubic feet per day | m3/d | Kubični čevelj | |||||
cuft/h | cu ft/h | 28316846592e-12/3600 | cubic foot per hour | cubic feet per hour | m3/h | Kubični čevelj | |||||
cuft/min | cu ft/min | 28316846592e-12/60 | cubic foot per minute | cubic feet per minute | m3/min | Kubični čevelj | |||||
cuft/s | cu ft/s | 28316846592e-12 | cubic foot per second | cubic feet per second | m3/s | Kubični čevelj | |||||
cumi/a | cu mi/a | 4168181825440579584e-9/31,557,600 | cubic mile per annum | cubic miles per annum | km3/a | Kubični čevelj | |||||
cuyd/h | cuyd/h | 0.9144^3/3600 | cubic yard per hour | cubic yards per hour | m3/h | Kubični čevelj | |||||
cuyd/s | cu yd/s | 0.9144^3 | cubic yard per second | cubic yards per second | m3/s | Cubic yard per second | |||||
Goilbbl/a | Gbbl/a | 22081.56874/4383 | billion barrels per year | billion barrels per year | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/a | Barrel per day | |||||
impgal/h | imp gal/h | 0.00454609/3600 | imperial gallon per hour | imperial gallons per hour | m3/h | Galona | |||||
impgal/min | imp gal/min | 0.00454609/60 | imperial gallon per minute | imperial gallons per minute | m3/s | Galona | |||||
impgal/s | impgal/s | 0.00454609 | imperial gallon per second | imperial gallons per second | m3/s | Imperial gallons per second | |||||
km3/a | km3/a | 1e9/31,557,600 | cubic kilometre per annum | cubic kilometres per annum | cubic kilometer per annum | cubic kilometers per annum | cumi/a | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
km3/d | km3/d | 1e9/86,400 | cubic kilometre per day | cubic kilometres per day | cubic kilometer per day | cubic kilometers per day | cuft/d | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
koilbbl/a | kbbl/a | 1.104078437/219,150 | thousand barrels per year | thousand barrels per year | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! ! e3 ! m3/a | Barrel per day | |||||
koilbbl/d | kbbl/d | 5.520392185/3000 | thousand barrels per day | thousand barrels per day | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! ! e3 ! m3/d | Barrel per day | |||||
L/h | L/h | 0.001/3600 | litre per hour | litres per hour | liter per hour | liters per hour | impgal/h USgal/h | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
L/min | L/min | 0.001/60 | litre per minute | litres per minute | liter per minute | liters per minute | impgal/min USgal/min | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
L/s | L/s | 0.001 | litre per second | litres per second | liter per second | liters per second | cuft/s | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
m3/a | m3/a | 1/31,557,600 | cubic metre per annum | cubic metres per annum | cubic meter per annum | cubic meters per annum | cuft/a | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
m3/d | m3/d | 1/86400 | cubic metre per day | cubic metres per day | cubic meter per day | cubic meters per day | cuft/d | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
m3/h | m3/h | 1/3600 | cubic metre per hour | cubic metres per hour | cubic meter per hour | cubic meters per hour | cuft/h | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
m3/min | m3/min | 1/60 | cubic metre per minute | cubic metres per minute | cubic meter per minute | cubic meters per minute | cuft/min | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
m3/s | m3/s | 1 | cubic metre per second | cubic metres per second | cubic meter per second | cubic meters per second | cuft/s | Kubični meter na sekundo | |||
Moilbbl/a | Mbbl/a | 22.08156874/4383 | million barrels per year | million barrels per year | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a | Barrel per day | |||||
Moilbbl/d | Mbbl/d | 5.520392185/3 | million barrels per day | million barrels per day | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/d | Barrel per day | |||||
oilbbl/a | bbl/a | 1.104078437/219,150,000 | barrel per year | barrels per year | m3/a | Barrel per day | |||||
oilbbl/d | bbl/d | 5.520392185/3,000,000 | barrel per day | barrels per day | m3/d | Barrel per day | |||||
Toilbbl/a | Tbbl/a | 22,081,568.74/4383 | trillion barrels per year | trillion barrels per year | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/a | Barrel per day | ||||| | U.S. gal/d | 0.003785411784/86400 | U.S. gallon per day | U.S. gallons per day | m3/s | +U.S. gallon per day | ||||| | gal/h | 0.003785411784/3600 | gallon per hour | gallons per hour | m3/h | *Galona | ||||| | U.S. gal/min | 0.003785411784/60 | U.S. gallon per minute | U.S. gallons per minute | m3/s | Galona | |||||
USgal/a | US gal/a | 0.003785411784/31,557,600 | US gallon per year | US gallons per year | m3/s | US gallon per day | |||||
USgal/d | US gal/d | 0.003785411784/86400 | US gallon per day | US gallons per day | m3/s | US gallon per day | |||||
USgal/h | gal/h | 0.003785411784/3600 | gallon per hour | gallons per hour | m3/h | +Galona | |||||
USgal/min | US gal/min | 0.003785411784/60 | US gallon per minute | US gallons per minute | m3/s | Galona | |||||
USgal/s | USgal/s | 0.003785411784 | US gallon per second | US gallons per second | U.S. gallon per second | U.S. gallons per second | m3/s | US gallons per second | |||
ft3/a | =cuft/a | ||||||||||
ft3/d | =cuft/d | ||||||||||
ft3/h | =cuft/h | ||||||||||
ft3/s | =cuft/s | ||||||||||
Gcuft/a | =e9cuft/a | ||||||||||
Gcuft/d | =e9cuft/d | ||||||||||
kcuft/a | =e3cuft/a | ||||||||||
kcuft/d | =e3cuft/d | ||||||||||
kcuft/s | =e3cuft/s | ||||||||||
Mcuft/a | =e6cuft/a | ||||||||||
Mcuft/d | =e6cuft/d | ||||||||||
Mcuft/s | =e6cuft/s | ||||||||||
m³/s | =m3/s | ||||||||||
Tcuft/a | =e12cuft/a | ||||||||||
Tcuft/d | =e12cuft/d | |||||||||| | | ||||||||||
usgal/min | =USgal/min |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
-LTf | LTf | 9964.01641818352 | long ton-force | long tons-force | kN | Long ton-force | |||||
-STf | STf | 8896.443230521 | short ton-force | short tons-force | kN | Short ton-force | |||||
dyn | dyn | 0.00001 | dyne | gr-f | Dina | ||||||
g-f | gf | 0.00980665 | gram-force | grams-force | mN oz-f | Kilogram-force | |||||
gf | gf | 0.00980665 | gram-force | grams-force | mN ozf | Kilogram-force | |||||
gr-f | grf | 0.0006354602307515 | grain-force | grains-force | µN | Sila funta | |||||
grf | grf | 0.0006354602307515 | grain-force | grains-force | µN | Sila funta | |||||
kdyn | kdyn | 0.01 | kilodyne | oz-f | Dina | ||||||
kg-f | kgf | 9.80665 | kilogram-force | kilograms-force | N lb-f | Kilogram-force | |||||
kgf | kgf | 9.80665 | kilogram-force | kilograms-force | N lbf | Kilogram-force | |||||
kp | kp | 9.80665 | kilopond | N lb-f | Kilogram-force | ||||||
L/T-f | L/Tf | 9964.01641818352 | long ton-force | long tons-force | kN | Long ton-force | |||||
L/Tf | L/Tf | 9964.01641818352 | long ton-force | long tons-force | kN | Long ton-force | |||||
lb-f | lbf | 4.4482216152605 | sila funta | N | Sila funta | ||||||
lbf | lbf | 4.4482216152605 | sila funta | N | Sila funta | ||||||
lb(f) | lb | 4.4482216152605 | pound | N | Sila funta | ||||||
LT-f | LTf | 9964.01641818352 | long ton-force | long tons-force | kN | Long ton-force | |||||
LTf | ~LTf | 9964.01641818352 | long ton-force | long tons-force | kN | Long ton-force | |||||
Mdyn | Mdyn | 10 | megadyne | lb-f | Dina | ||||||
mdyn | mdyn | 0.00000001 | millidyne | gr-f | Dina | ||||||
mg-f | mgf | 0.00000980665 | milligram-force | milligrams-force | µN gr-f | Kilogram-force | |||||
mgf | mgf | 0.00000980665 | milligram-force | milligrams-force | µN grf | Kilogram-force | |||||
Mp | Mp | 9806.65 | megapond | kN LT-f ST-f | Kilogram-force | ||||||
mp | mp | 0.00000980665 | millipond | µN gr-f | Kilogram-force | ||||||
N | N | 1 | newton | SI | lb-f | Newton | |||||
oz-f | ozf | 0.2780138203095378125 | ounce-force | ounces-force | mN | Sila funta | |||||
ozf | ozf | 0.2780138203095378125 | ounce-force | ounces-force | mN | Sila funta | |||||
p | p | 0.00980665 | pond | mN oz-f | Kilogram-force | ||||||
pdl | pdl | 0.138254954376 | poundal | N | Poundal | ||||||
S/T-f | S/Tf | 8896.443230521 | short ton-force | short tons-force | kN | Short ton-force | |||||
S/Tf | S/Tf | 8896.443230521 | short ton-force | short tons-force | kN | Short ton-force | |||||
ST-f | STf | 8896.443230521 | short ton-force | short tons-force | kN | Short ton-force | |||||
STf | ~STf | 8896.443230521 | short ton-force | short tons-force | kN | Short ton-force | |||||
t-f | tf | 9806.65 | tonne-force | tonnes-force | kN LT-f ST-f | Ton-force#Tonne-force | |||||
tf | tf | 9806.65 | tonne-force | tonnes-force | kN LTf STf | Ton-force#Tonne-force | |||||
dyne | =dyn | ||||||||||
newtons | =N | ||||||||||
poundal | =pdl | ||||||||||
tonne-force | =tf |
Fuel efficiency
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
impgal/mi | ==@impgal/mi | default = l/km USgal/mi | |||||||||
km/L | ==km/L | default = mpgimp mpgus | |||||||||
km/l | ==km/l | default = mpgimp mpgus | |||||||||
L/100 km | ==L/100km | default = mpgimp mpgus | symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|L/100 km | ||||||||
l/100 km | ==l/100km | default = mpgimp mpgus | symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|l/100 km | ||||||||
L/km | ==L/km | default = mpgimp mpgus | |||||||||
l/km | ==l/km | default = mpgimp mpgus | |||||||||
mi/impqt | ==mi/impqt | default = km/L | |||||||||
mi/U.S.qt | ==mi/U.S.qt | default = km/L | |||||||||
mi/USqt | ==mi/USqt | default = km/L | |||||||||
mi/usqt | ==mi/usqt | default = km/L | |||||||||
mpgimp | ==mi/@impgal | default = L/100 km mpgus | symbol = mpg-imp | symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[Imperial unit|imp]] | |||||||
mpgus | ==mi/+USgal | default = L/100 km mpgimp | symbol = mpg-US | symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[United States customary units|US]] | ||||||| | ==* | sp=us | default = l/km impgal/mi | ||||||||
usgal/mi | ==+USgal/mi | default = l/km impgal/mi | |||||||||
L/100km | =L/100 km | ||||||||||
l/100km | =l/100 km | ||||||||||
L100km | !Use %{L/100 km%} (not %{L100km%}) | ||||||||||
mpg | !Use %{mpgus%} for miles per US gallon or %{mpgimp%} for miles per imperial gallon (not %{mpg%}) | ||||||||||
mpgU.S. | =mpgus | sp=us | symbol = mpg-U.S. | symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[United States customary units|U.S.]] | |||||||
mpgu.s. | =mpgus | sp=us | symbol = mpg-U.S. | symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[United States customary units|U.S.]] | |||||||
mpgUS | =mpgus | ||||||||||
USgal/mi | =usgal/mi |
Fracture gradient
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
kPa/m | ==kPa/-m-frac | default = psi/ft | |||||||||
psi/ft | ==psi/-ft-frac | default = kPa/m |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
cm/km | cm/km | 0.00001 | centimetre per kilometre | centimetres per kilometre | centimeter per kilometer | centimeters per kilometer | ft/mi | Grade (slope) | |||
ft/mi | ft/mi | 1/5280 | foot per mile | feet per mile | v < 5.28 ! c ! ! m/km | Grade (slope) | |||||
ft/nmi | ft/nmi | 1.524/9260 | foot per nautical mile | feet per nautical mile | v < 6.076 ! c ! ! m/km | Grade (slope) | |||||
in/ft | in/ft | 1/12 | inch per foot | inches per foot | mm/m | Grade (slope) | |||||
in/mi | in/mi | 1/63360 | inch per mile | inches per mile | v < 0.6336 ! m ! c ! m/km | Grade (slope) | |||||
m/km | m/km | 0.001 | metre per kilometre | metres per kilometre | meter per kilometer | meters per kilometer | ft/mi | Grade (slope) | |||
mm/km | mm/km | 0.000001 | millimetre per kilometre | millimetres per kilometre | millimeter per kilometer | millimeters per kilometer | in/mi | Grade (slope) | |||
mm/m | mm/m | 0.001 | millimetre per metre | millimetres per metre | millimeter per meter | millimeters per meter | in/ft | Grade (slope) |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
admi | nmi (admiralty) | 1853.184 | admiralty mile | km mi | Morska milja | ||||||
AU | AU | 149,597,870,700 | astronomska enota | km mi | Astronomska enota | ||||||
Brnmi | (Brit) nmi | 1853.184 | British nautical mile | km mi | Morska milja | ||||||
bu | ~bu | 1/330 | bu | bu | mm | Japonske merske enote | |||||
ch | ch | 20.1168 | chain | ft m | Chain (unit) | ||||||
chain | ~chain | 20.1168 | chain | ft m | Chain (unit) | ||||||
dpcm | dot/cm | 1/0.01 | invert | dot/cm | dot/cm | dpi | Pik na palec | ||||
dpi | DPI | 1/0.0254 | invert | DPI | DPI | pitch | Pik na palec | ||||
fathom | ~fathom | 1.8288 | fathom | ft m | Fathom | ||||||
foot | ft | 0.3048 | čevelj | m | Čevelj (dolžinska mera) | ||||||
ft | ft | 0.3048 | čevelj | m | Čevelj (dolžinska mera) | ||||||
furlong | ~furlong | 201.168 | furlong | ft m | Furlong | ||||||
Gly | Gly | 9.4607304725808e24 | gigasvetlobno-leto | Mpc | Svetlobno leto | ||||||
Gpc | Gpc | 3.0856775814671916e25 | gigaparsek | Gly | Parsek | ||||||
hand | h | 0.1016 | hand | hand | in cm | Hand (unit) | |||||
in | in | 0.0254 | palec | mm | Palec | ||||||
inabbreviated | in | 0.0254 | in | in | mm | Palec | |||||
kly | kly | 9.4607304725808e18 | kilosvetlobno-leto | pc | Svetlobno leto | ||||||
kpc | kpc | 3.0856775814671916e19 | kiloparsek | kly | Parsek | ||||||
LD | LD | 384,403,000 | oddaljenost lune | km mi | Oddaljenost Lune (astronomija) | ||||||
league | league | 4828.032 | league | km | Liga (enota) | ||||||
ly | ly | 9.4607304725808e15 | svetlobno leto | AU | svetlobno leto | ||||||
m | m | 1 | meter | SI | v > 0 and v < 3 ! ftin ! ft | Meter | |||||
mi | mi | 1609.344 | milja | km | Milja | ||||||
mil | ~mil | 0.0000254 | mil | mm | Thou (unit of length) | ||||||
Mly | Mly | 9.4607304725808e21 | megasvetlobno-leto | kpc | Svetlobno leto | ||||||
Mpc | Mpc | 3.0856775814671916e22 | megaparsek | Mly | Parsek | ||||||
NM | NM | 1852 | morska milja | km mi | Morska milja | ||||||
nmi | nmi | 1852 | morska milja | km mi | Morska milja | ||||||
oldUKnmi | nmi | 1853.184 | morska milja | km mi | Morska milja | ||||||
oldUSnmi | nmi | 1853.24496 | morska milja | km mi | Morska milja | ||||||
pc | pc | 3.0856775814671916e16 | parsek | ly | Parsek | ||||||
perch | ~perch | 5.0292 | perch | perches | ft m | Rod (unit) | |||||
pitch | *µm | 1e-6 | µm | µm | dpi | Pik na palec | |||||
pole | ~pole | 5.0292 | pole | ft m | Rod (unit) | ||||||
pre1954U.S.nmi | (pre-1954 U.S.) nmi | 1853.24496 | (pre-1954 U.S.) nautical mile | km mi | Morska milja | ||||||
pre1954USnmi | (pre-1954 US) nmi | (pre-1954 U.S.) nmi | 1853.24496 | (pre-1954 US) nautical mile | (pre-1954 U.S.) nautical mile | km mi | Morska milja | ||||
rd | rd | 5.0292 | rod | ft m | Rod (unit) | ||||||
royal cubit | cu | 0.524 | royal cubit | mm | Royal cubit | ||||||
rtkm | km | 1000 | route kilometre | route kilometer | mi | Kilometer | |||||
rtmi | mi | 1609.344 | route mile | km | Milja | ||||||
shaku | ~shaku | 10/33 | shaku | shaku | m | Japonske merske enote | |||||
sm | sm | 1.70180 | smoot | m | Smoot (unit) | ||||||
smi | mi | 1609.344 | statute mile | km | Statute mile | ||||||
sun | ~sun | 1/33 | sun | sun | mm | Japonske merske enote | |||||
thou | ~thou | 0.0000254 | thou | thou | mm | Thou (unit of length) | |||||
verst | ~verst | 1066.8 | verst | km mi | Verst | ||||||
yd | yd | 0.9144 | yard | m | Yard | ||||||
µin | µin | 0.0000000254 | microinch | microinches | nm | SI prefix#Non-SI units | |||||
Å | Å | 0.0000000001 | ångström | in | Angstrem | ||||||
-ft-frac | =ft | link = Fracture gradient | |||||||||
-in-stiff | =in | link = Togost | |||||||||
-m-frac | =m | link = Fracture gradient | |||||||||
-m-stiff | =m | link = Togost | |||||||||
100km | =km | multiplier = 100 | |||||||||
admiralty nmi | =oldUKnmi | ||||||||||
angstrom | =Å | ||||||||||
feet | !Use %{ft%} (not %{feet%}) | ||||||||||
hands | =hand | ||||||||||
inch | =in | ||||||||||
light-year | !Use %{ly%} (not %{light-year%}) | ||||||||||
light-years | !Use %{ly%} (not %{light-years%}) | ||||||||||
meter | !Use %{m%} (not %{meter%}) | ||||||||||
meters | !Use %{m%} (not %{meters%}) | ||||||||||
metre | !Use %{m%} (not %{metre%}) | ||||||||||
metres | !Use %{m%} (not %{metres%}) | ||||||||||
micrometre | =µm | ||||||||||
mile | =mi | ||||||||||
miles | =mi | ||||||||||
parsec | =pc | ||||||||||
rod | =rd | ||||||||||
smoot | =sm | ||||||||||
uin | =µin | ||||||||||
yard | =yd | ||||||||||
yards | =yd | ||||||||||
yds | =yd | ||||||||||
μin | =µin |
Linear density
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
dtex | dtex | 1e-7 | decitex | decitex | lb/yd | Units of textile measurement#Tex | |||||
kg/cm | kg/cm | 100 | kilogram per centimetre | kilograms per centimetre | kilogram per centimeter | kilograms per centimeter | lb/yd | Linearna gostota | |||
kg/m | kg/m | 1 | kilogram per metre | kilograms per metre | kilogram per meter | kilograms per meter | lb/yd | Linearna gostota | |||
lb/ft | lb/ft | 4535.9237/3048 | pound per foot | pounds per foot | kg/m | Linearna gostota | |||||
lb/yd | lb/yd | 4535.9237/9144 | pound per yard | pounds per yard | kg/m | Linearna gostota |
Magnetic field strength
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
G | G | 0.0001 | gauss | gauss | T | Gauss (enota) | |||||
T | T | 1 | tesla | SI | G | Tesla (enota) |
Magnetizing field
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
A/m | A/m | 1 | ampere per metre | amperes per metre | ampere per meter | amperes per meter | Oe | Magnetic field#Units | |||
kA/m | kA/m | 1000 | kiloampere per metre | kiloamperes per metre | kiloampere per meter | kiloamperes per meter | kOe | Magnetic field#Units | |||
MA/m | MA/m | 1e6 | megaampere per metre | megaamperes per metre | megaampere per meter | megaamperes per meter | kOe | Magnetic field#Units | |||
Oe | Oe | 79.5774715 | oersted | SI | kA/m | Oersted |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
--Lcwt | ~Lcwt | 50.80234544 | hundredweight | lb | Hundredweight | ||||||
--Scwt | ~Scwt | 45.359237 | hundredweight | lb | Short hundredweight | ||||||
-LT | LT | 1016.0469088 | angleška tona | t | Angleška tona | ||||||
-Scwt | ~Scwt | 45.359237 | short hundredweight | lb | Short hundredweight | ||||||
-ST | ST | 907.18474 | ameriška tona | t | Ameriška tona | ||||||
carat | ~carat | 0.0002 | carat | g | Karat | ||||||
drachm | ~drachm | 0.001771845195 | drachm | dram | g | Dram (enota) | |||||
dram | ~drachm | 0.001771845195 | drachm | dram | g | Dram (enota) | |||||
dwt | dwt | 0.00155517384 | pennyweight | oz g | Pennyweight | ||||||
DWton | ~deadweight ton | 1016.0469088 | deadweight ton | DWtonne | Tonaža (ladja) | ||||||
DWtonne | ~deadweight tonne | 1000 | deadweight tonne | DWton | Tonaža (ladja) | ||||||
g | g | 0.001 | gram | SI | oz | Gram | |||||
gr | gr | 0.00006479891 | grain | g | Grain (unit) | ||||||
Gt | Gt | 1000000000000 | gigatonne | LT ST | Tona | ||||||
impgalh2o | imp gal H2O | 10.00/2.2046226218488 | imperial gallon of water | imperial gallons of water | lb kg | Imperial gallon | |||||
kt | kt | 1000000 | kilotonne | LT ST | Tona | ||||||
lb | lb | 0.45359237 | funt | kg | Funt (mera) | ||||||
Lcwt | ~Lcwt | 50.80234544 | long hundredweight | lb | Hundredweight | ||||||
long cwt | long cwt | 50.80234544 | long hundredweight | lb kg | Hundredweight | ||||||
long qtr | long qtr | 12.70058636 | long quarter | lb kg | Avoirdupois | ||||||
long ton | ~long ton | 1016.0469088 | angleška tona | t | Angleška tona | ||||||
LT | ~long ton | 1016.0469088 | angleška tona | t | Angleška tona | ||||||
lt | LT | 1016.0469088 | angleška tona | t | Angleška tona | ||||||
metric ton | ~metric ton | 1000 | metric ton | long ton | Tona | ||||||
MT | t | 1000 | metric ton | LT ST | Tona | ||||||
Mt | Mt | 1000000000 | megatonne | LT ST | Tona | ||||||
oz | oz | 0.028349523125 | unča | g | Unča | ||||||
ozt | ozt | 0.0311034768 | troy ounce | oz g | Troy ounce | ||||||
pdr | pdr | 0.45359237 | pounder | kg | Funt (mera) | ||||||
qtr | qtr | 12.70058636 | quarter | lb kg | Avoirdupois | ||||||
Scwt | ~Scwt | 45.359237 | short hundredweight | short hundredweight | lb | Short hundredweight | |||||
short cwt | short cwt | 45.359237 | short hundredweight | lb kg | Hundredweight | ||||||
short qtr | short qtr | 11.33980925 | short quarter | lb kg | Avoirdupois | ||||||
short ton | ~short ton | 907.18474 | ameriška tona | t | Ameriška tona | ||||||
shtn | sh tn | 907.18474 | ameriška tona | t | Ameriška tona | ||||||
shton | ~ton | 907.18474 | ton | t | Ton | ||||||
solar mass | M☉ | 1.98855e30 | solar mass | solar masses | kg | Solar mass | |||||
ST | ~short ton | 907.18474 | ameriška tona | t | Ameriška tona | ||||||
st | st | 6.35029318 | stone | stone | lb kg | Stone (unit) | |||||
t | t | 1000 | metrska tona | metric ton | LT ST | Tona | |||||
tonne | t | 1000 | metrska tona | metric ton | shton | Tona | |||||
troy pound | ~troy pound | 0.3732417216 | troy pound | lb kg | Troy weight | ||||||
usgalh2o | US gal H2O | 3.785411784/1.00206219713184 | US gallon of water | US gallons of water | U.S. gallon of water | U.S. gallons of water | lb kg | United States customary units#Fluid volume | |||
viss | viss | 1.632932532 | viss | viss | kg | Burmese units of measurement#mass | |||||
billion tonne | =e9t | ||||||||||
kilogram | !Use %{kg%} (not %{kilogram%}) | ||||||||||
kilotonne | =kt | ||||||||||
lbs | =lb | ||||||||||
lbt | =troy pound | ||||||||||
lcwt | =Lcwt | ||||||||||
mcg | =µg | ||||||||||
million tonne | =e6t | ||||||||||
scwt | =Scwt | ||||||||||
stone | =st | ||||||||||
thousand tonne | =e3t | ||||||||||
tonnes | =t |
Mass per unit power
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
kg/kW | kg/kW | 0.001 | kilogram per kilowatt | kilograms per kilowatt | lb/hp | Vat | |||||
lb/hp | lb/hp | 1/(83.82*19.6133) | pound per horsepower | pounds per horsepower | kg/kW | Konjska moč |
Mass per unit time
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
kg/h | ==kg/h | default = lb/h | |||||||||
lb/h | ==lb/h | default = kg/h |
Molar rate
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
g-mol/d | g-mol/d | 1/86400 | gram-mole per day | gram-moles per day | µmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
g-mol/h | g-mol/h | 1/3600 | gram-mole per hour | gram-moles per hour | mmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
g-mol/min | g-mol/min | 1/60 | gram-mole per minute | gram-moles per minute | g-mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
g-mol/s | g-mol/s | 1 | gram-mole per second | gram-moles per second | lb-mol/min | Mol (enota) | |||||
gmol/d | gmol/d | 1/86400 | gram-mole per day | gram-moles per day | µmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
gmol/h | gmol/h | 1/3600 | gram-mole per hour | gram-moles per hour | mmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
gmol/min | gmol/min | 1/60 | gram-mole per minute | gram-moles per minute | gmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
gmol/s | gmol/s | 1 | gram-mole per second | gram-moles per second | lbmol/min | Mol (enota) | |||||
kmol/d | kmol/d | 5/432 | kilomole per day | kilomoles per day | mmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
kmol/h | kmol/h | 5/18 | kilomole per hour | kilomoles per hour | mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
kmol/min | kmol/min | 50/3 | kilomole per minute | kilomoles per minute | mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
kmol/s | kmol/s | 1000 | kilomole per second | kilomoles per second | lb-mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lb-mol/d | lb-mol/d | 4.5359237/864 | pound-mole per day | pound-moles per day | mmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lb-mol/h | lb-mol/h | 4.5359237/36 | pound-mole per hour | pound-moles per hour | mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lb-mol/min | lb-mol/min | 45.359237/6 | pound-mole per minute | pound-moles per minute | mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lb-mol/s | lb-mol/s | 453.59237 | pound-mole per second | pound-moles per second | kmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lbmol/d | lbmol/d | 4.5359237/864 | pound-mole per day | pound-moles per day | mmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lbmol/h | lbmol/h | 4.5359237/36 | pound-mole per hour | pound-moles per hour | mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lbmol/min | lbmol/min | 45.359237/6 | pound-mole per minute | pound-moles per minute | mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
lbmol/s | lbmol/s | 453.59237 | pound-mole per second | pound-moles per second | kmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
mmol/s | mmol/s | 0.001 | millimole per second | millimoles per second | lb-mol/d | Mol (enota) | |||||
mol/d | mol/d | 1/86400 | mole per day | moles per day | µmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
mol/h | mol/h | 1/3600 | mole per hour | moles per hour | mmol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
mol/min | mol/min | 1/60 | mole per minute | moles per minute | mol/s | Mol (enota) | |||||
mol/s | mol/s | 1 | mole per second | moles per second | lb-mol/min | Mol (enota) | |||||
µmol/s | µmol/s | 0.000001 | micromole per second | micromoles per second | lb-mol/d | Mol (enota) | |||||
umol/s | =µmol/s | ||||||||||
μmol/s | =µmol/s |
Per unit area
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
/acre | ~/acre | 1,000,000/4046.8564224 | per acre | per acre | /ha | Aker | |||||
/ha | /ha | 100 | per hectare | per hectare | /acre | Hektar | |||||
/sqcm | /cm2 | 1e10 | per square centimetre | per square centimetre | per square centimeter | per square centimeter | /sqin | Kvadratni meter | |||
/sqin | /in2 | 1,000,000/0.00064516 | per square inch | per square inch | /sqcm | Kvadratni palec | |||||
/sqkm | /km2 | 1 | per square kilometre | per square kilometre | per square kilometer | per square kilometer | /sqmi | Kvadratni meter | |||
/sqmi | /sq mi | 1,000,000/2,589,988.110336 | per square mile | per square mile | /sqkm | Kvadratna milja | |||||
PD/acre | ~/acre | 1,000,000/4046.8564224 | inhabitants per acre | inhabitants per acre | PD/ha | Aker | |||||
PD/ha | /ha | 100 | inhabitants per hectare | inhabitants per hectare | PD/acre | Hektar | |||||
PD/sqkm | /km2 | 1 | inhabitants per square kilometre | inhabitants per square kilometre | inhabitants per square kilometer | inhabitants per square kilometer | PD/sqmi | Kvadratni meter | |||
PD/sqmi | /sq mi | 1,000,000/2,589,988.110336 | inhabitants per square mile | inhabitants per square mile | PD/sqkm | Kvadratna milja | |||||
/cm2 | =/sqcm | ||||||||||
/in2 | =/sqin | ||||||||||
/km2 | =/sqkm | ||||||||||
pd/acre | =PD/acre | ||||||||||
pd/ha | =PD/ha | ||||||||||
PD/km2 | =PD/sqkm | ||||||||||
pd/km2 | =PD/sqkm | ||||||||||
PD/km² | =PD/sqkm | ||||||||||
pd/sqkm | =PD/sqkm | ||||||||||
pd/sqmi | =PD/sqmi |
Per unit volume
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
/l | /l | 1000 | per litre | per litre | per liter | per liter | /usgal | Liter | |||
/USgal | /gal | 264.172052 | per gallon | per gallon | /l | *US gallon | |||||
/usgal | =/USgal |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
bhp | bhp | 745.69987158227022 | brake horsepower | brake horsepower | kW | Konjska moč | |||||
Cal/d | Cal/d | 4184/(3600*24) | large calorie per day | large calories per day | kJ/d | Kalorija | |||||
Cal/h | Cal/h | 4184/3600 | calorie per hour | calories per hour | kJ/h | Kalorija | |||||
cal/h | cal/h | 4.184/3600 | calorie per hour | calories per hour | W | Kalorija | |||||
CV | CV | 735.49875 | metric horsepower | metric horsepower | kW | Metric horsepower | |||||
hk | hk | 735.49875 | metric horsepower | metric horsepower | kW | Metric horsepower | |||||
hp | hp | 745.69987158227022 | konjska moč | kW | Konjska moč | ||||||
hp-electric | hp | 746 | electric horsepower | electric horsepower | kW | Electric horsepower | |||||
hp-electrical | hp | 746 | electrical horsepower | electrical horsepower | kW | Electrical horsepower | |||||
hp-metric | hp | 735.49875 | metric horsepower | metric horsepower | kW | Metric horsepower | |||||
ihp | ihp | 745.69987158227022 | indikatorska konjska moč | kW | Konjska moč | ||||||
kcal/h | kcal/h | 4184/3600 | kilocalorie per hour | kilocalories per hour | kW | Kalorija | |||||
kJ/d | kJ/d | 1000/(3600*24) | kilojoule per day | kilojoules per day | Cal/d | Džul | |||||
kJ/h | kJ/h | 1000/3600 | kilojoule per hour | kilojoules per hour | W | Džul | |||||
PS | PS | 735.49875 | metric horsepower | metric horsepower | kW | Metric horsepower | |||||
shp | shp | 745.69987158227022 | shaft horsepower | shaft horsepower | kW | Konjska moč | |||||
W | W | 1 | vat | SI | hp | Vat | |||||
BTU/h | ==BTU/h | default = W | |||||||||
Btu/h | ==Btu/h | default = W | |||||||||
BHP | =bhp | ||||||||||
btu/h | =BTU/h | ||||||||||
HP | =hp | ||||||||||
Hp | =hp | ||||||||||
hp-mechanical | =hp | ||||||||||
IHP | =ihp | ||||||||||
SHP | =shp | ||||||||||
whp | =hp |
Power per unit mass
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
hp/LT | hp/LT | 5.13745876875/7 | horsepower per long ton | horsepower per long ton | kW/t | Razmerje moč/teža | |||||
hp/ST | hp/ST | 0.821993403 | horsepower per short ton | horsepower per short ton | kW/t | Razmerje moč/teža | |||||
hp/t | hp/t | 0.74569987158227022 | horsepower per tonne | horsepower per tonne | kW/t | Razmerje moč/teža | |||||
kW/t | kW/t | 1 | kilowatt per tonne | kilowatts per tonne | PS/t | Razmerje moč/teža | |||||
PS/t | PS/t | 0.73549875 | metric horsepower per tonne | metric horsepower per tonne | kW/t | Razmerje moč/teža | |||||
hp/tonne | =hp/t | default = kW/tonne | symbol = hp/tonne | ||||||||
kW/tonne | =kW/t | symbol = kW/tonne |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
-lb/in2 | lb/in2 | 444,822,161.52605/64,516 | pound per square inch | pounds per square inch | kPa kgf/cm2 | Pounds per square inch | |||||
atm | atm | 101,325 | standard atmosphere | kPa | Atmosfera (enota) | ||||||
Ba | Ba | 0.1 | barye | Pa | Barye | ||||||
bar | bar | 100,000 | bar | kPa | Bar (enota) | ||||||
dbar | dbar | 10,000 | decibar | kPa | Bar (enota) | ||||||
inHg | inHg | 3386.388640341 | inch of mercury | inches of mercury | kPa | Inch of mercury | |||||
kBa | kBa | 100 | kilobarye | hPa | Barye | ||||||
kg-f/cm2 | kgf/cm2 | 98,066.5 | kilogram-force per square centimetre | kilograms-force per square centimetre | kilogram-force per square centimeter | kilograms-force per square centimeter | psi | Kilogram-force | |||
kg/cm2 | kg/cm2 | 98,066.5 | kilogram per square centimetre | kilograms per square centimetre | kilogram per square centimeter | kilograms per square centimeter | psi | Kilogram-force | |||
kgf/cm2 | kgf/cm2 | 98,066.5 | kilogram-force per square centimetre | kilograms-force per square centimetre | kilogram-force per square centimeter | kilograms-force per square centimeter | psi | Kilogram-force | |||
ksi | ksi | 444,822,161,526.05/64,516 | kilopound per square inch | kilopounds per square inch | MPa | Pounds per square inch | |||||
lbf/in2 | lbf/in2 | 444,822,161.52605/64,516 | pound-force per square inch | pounds-force per square inch | kPa kgf/cm2 | Pounds-force per square inch | |||||
mb | mb | 100 | millibar | hPa | Bar (enota) | ||||||
mbar | mbar | 100 | millibar | hPa | Bar (enota) | ||||||
mmHg | mmHg | 133.322387415 | millimetre of mercury | millimetres of mercury | millimeter of mercury | millimeters of mercury | kPa | Milimeter živega srebra | |||
Pa | Pa | 1 | pascal | SI | psi | Paskal | |||||
psf | psf | 444,822,161.52605/9,290,304 | pound per square foot | pounds per square foot | kPa | Pounds per square inch | |||||
psi | psi | 444,822,161.52605/64,516 | pound per square inch | pounds per square inch | kPa | Pounds per square inch | |||||
Torr | Torr | 20,265/152 | torr | kPa | Torr | ||||||
N/cm2 | ==N/cm2 | default = psi | |||||||||
N/m2 | ==N/m2 | default = psi | |||||||||
g/cm2 | ==g/cm2 | default = lb/sqft | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
g/m2 | ==g/m2 | default = lb/sqft | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
kg/m2 | ==kg/m2 | default = lb/sqft | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
lb/1000sqft | ==lb/1000sqft | default = g/m2 | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
lb/sqft | ==lb/sqft | default = kg/m2 | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
lb/sqyd | ==lb/sqyd | default = kg/m2 | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
LT/acre | ==LT/acre | default = t/ha | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
MT/ha | ==MT/ha | default = LT ST/acre | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
oz/sqft | ==oz/sqft | default = g/m2 | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
oz/sqyd | ==oz/sqyd | default = g/m2 | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
ST/acre | ==ST/acre | default = t/ha | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
t/ha | ==t/ha | default = LT ST/acre | multiplier = 9.80665 | ||||||||
kgfpsqcm | =kgf/cm2 | ||||||||||
kgpsqcm | =kg/cm2 | ||||||||||
kN/m2 | =kPa | ||||||||||
lb/in2 | =lbf/in2 | ||||||||||
torr | =Torr |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
Bq | Bq | 1 | becquerel | SI | pCi | Bekerel | |||||
Ci | Ci | 3.7e10 | curie | SI | GBq | Kiri |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
cm/h | cm/h | 0.01/60/60 | centimetre per hour | centimetres per hour | centimeter per hour | centimeters per hour | in/h | Meter na sekundo | |||
cm/s | cm/s | 0.01 | centimetre per second | centimetres per second | centimeter per second | centimeters per second | in/s | Meter na sekundo | |||
cm/year | cm/year | 0.01/365.2425/24/60/60 | centimetre per year | centimetres per year | centimeter per year | centimeters per year | in/year | Meter na sekundo | |||
foot/s | ft/s | 0.3048 | foot per second | foot per second | m/s | Čevelj na sekundo | |||||
ft/min | ft/min | 0.00508 | foot per minute | feet per minute | m/min | Čevelj na sekundo | |||||
ft/s | ft/s | 0.3048 | foot per second | feet per second | m/s | Čevelj na sekundo | |||||
furlong per fortnight | ~furlong per fortnight | 1.397/8,400 | furlong per fortnight | furlongs per fortnight | km/h mph | FFF System | |||||
in/h | in/h | 0.0254/60/60 | inch per hour | inches per hour | cm/h | Palec | |||||
in/s | in/s | 0.0254 | inch per second | inches per second | cm/s | Palec | |||||
in/year | in/year | 0.0254/365.2425/24/60/60 | inch per year | inches per year | cm/year | Red velikosti (hitrost) | |||||
isp | s | 9.80665 | second | km/s | Specifični impulz | ||||||
km/h | km/h | 10/36 | kilometer na uro | mph | Kilometer na uro | ||||||
km/s | km/s | 1000 | kilometre per second | kilometres per second | kilometer per second | kilometers per second | mi/s | Meter na sekundo | |||
kn | kn | 4.63/9 | vozel | km/h mph | Vozel (enota) | ||||||
kNs/kg | kN-s/kg | 1000 | kN-s/kg | kN-s/kg | isp | Specifični impulz | |||||
m/min | m/min | 1/60 | metre per minute | metres per minute | meter per minute | meters per minute | ft/min | Meter na sekundo | |||
m/s | m/s | 1 | metre per second | metres per second | meter per second | meters per second | ft/s | Meter na sekundo | |||
Mach | Mach | 0 | mach | Mach | Mach | mph km/h | Machovo število | ||||
mi/s | mi/s | 1609.344 | mile per second | miles per second | km/s | Milja | |||||
mm/h | mm/h | 0.001/60/60 | millimetre per hour | millimetres per hour | millimeter per hour | millimeters per hour | in/h | Meter na sekundo | |||
mph | mph | 0.44704 | milja na uro | km/h | Milja na uro | ||||||
Ns/kg | N-s/kg | 1 | N-s/kg | N-s/kg | isp | Specifični impulz | |||||
si tsfc | g/(kN·s) | 1/101972/9.80665 | invert | g/(kN·s) | g/(kN·s) | tsfc | Thrust specific fuel consumption | ||||
tsfc | lb/(lbf·h) | 1/9.80665/3600 | invert | lb/(lbf·h) | lb/(lbf·h) | si tsfc | Thrust specific fuel consumption | ||||
cm/y | =cm/year | ||||||||||
cm/yr | =cm/year | ||||||||||
in/y | =in/year | ||||||||||
in/yr | =in/year | ||||||||||
knot | =kn | ||||||||||
knots | =kn | ||||||||||
kph | =km/h | ||||||||||
mi/h | =mph | ||||||||||
mm/s | ==mm/s | default = in/s | link = Meter na sekundo |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
C | °C | 1 | -273.15 | degree Celsius | degrees Celsius | F | Celzijeva temperaturna lestvica | ||||
F | °F | 5/9 | 32-273.15*(9/5) | degree Fahrenheit | degrees Fahrenheit | C | Fahrenheitova temperaturna lestvica | ||||
K | K | 1 | 0 | kelvin | C F | Kelvin | |||||
keVT | keV | 11.604505e6 | 0 | kiloelectronvolt | MK | Elektronvolt | |||||
MK | MK | 1e6 | 0 | megakelvin | keVT | Kelvin | |||||
R | °R | 5/9 | 0 | degree Rankine | degrees Rankine | K F C | Rankinova temperaturna lestvica | ||||
Celsius | =C | ||||||||||
°C | =C | ||||||||||
°F | =F | ||||||||||
°R | =R |
Temperature change
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
C-change | °C | 1 | degree Celsius change | degrees Celsius change | F-change | Celzijeva temperaturna lestvica | |||||
F-change | °F | 5/9 | degree Fahrenheit change | degrees Fahrenheit change | C-change | Fahrenheitova temperaturna lestvica | |||||
K-change | K | 1 | kelvin change | kelvins change | F-change | Kelvin | |||||
°C-change | =C-change | ||||||||||
°F-change | =F-change |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
century | ha | 3,155,760,000 | century | centuries | Gs | Century | |||||
d | d | 86,400 | day | ks | Day | ||||||
decade | daa | 315,576,000 | decade | Ms | Decade | ||||||
dog year | dog yr | 7 * 31,557,600 | dog year | years | Dog year | ||||||
fortnight | ~fortnight | 1,209,600 | fortnight | week | Fortnight | ||||||
h | h | 3600 | hour | ks | Hour | ||||||
long billion year | Ta | 31,557,600,000,000,000,000 | billion years | billion years | Es | Leto | |||||
millennium | ka | 31,557,600,000 | millennium | millennia | Gs | Millennium | |||||
milliard year | Ga | 31,557,600,000,000,000 | milliard years | milliard years | Ps | Leto | |||||
million year | Ma | 31,557,600,000,000 | million years | million years | Ts | Leto | |||||
min | min | 60 | minute | s | Minute | ||||||
month | ~month | 2,629,800 | month | Ms | Month | ||||||
months | mo | 2,629,800 | month | year | Month | ||||||
s | s | 1 | second | SI | min | Sekunda | |||||
short billion year | Ga | 31,557,600,000,000,000 | billion years | billion years | Ps | Leto | |||||
short trillion year | Ta | 31,557,600,000,000,000,000 | trillion years | trillion years | Es | Leto | |||||
thousand million year | Ga | 31,557,600,000,000,000 | thousand million years | thousand million years | Ps | Leto | |||||
wk | ~week | 604,800 | week | Ms | Week | ||||||
year | a | 31,557,600 | year | Ms | Leto | ||||||
years | yr | 31,557,600 | year | Ms | Leto | ||||||
byr | =short billion year | ||||||||||
day | =d | ||||||||||
days | =d | ||||||||||
dog yr | =dog year | ||||||||||
Gyr | =thousand million year | ||||||||||
hour | =h | ||||||||||
hours | =h | ||||||||||
kMyr | =thousand million year | ||||||||||
kmyr | =thousand million year | ||||||||||
kyr | =millennium | ||||||||||
long byr | =long billion year | ||||||||||
minute | =min | ||||||||||
minutes | =min | ||||||||||
mth | =month | ||||||||||
Myr | =million year | ||||||||||
myr | =million year | ||||||||||
second | =s | ||||||||||
seconds | =s | ||||||||||
tmyr | =thousand million year | ||||||||||
tryr | =short trillion year | ||||||||||
tyr | =millennium | ||||||||||
week | =wk | ||||||||||
weeks | =wk | ||||||||||
yr | =year |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
kg.m | kg·m | 9.80665 | kilogram metre | kilogram meter | Nm lbft | Kilogram metre | |||||
kgf.m | kgf·m | 9.80665 | kilogram force-metre | kilogram force-meter | Nm lbfft | Kilogram metre | |||||
kgm | kg·m | 9.80665 | kilogram metre | kilogram meter | Nm lbfft | Kilogram metre | |||||
lb-fft | ft·lbf | 1.3558179483314004 | pound force-foot | pound force-feet | Nm | Pound-foot (torque) | |||||
lb.ft | lb·ft | 1.3558179483314004 | pound force-foot | pound force-feet | Nm | Pound-foot (torque) | ||||| | lb·in | 0.1129848290276167 | pound force-inch | mN.m | Pound-foot (torque) | ||||||
lbfft | lbf·ft | 1.3558179483314004 | pound force-foot | pound force-feet | Nm | Pound-foot (torque) | |||||
lbft | lb·ft | 1.3558 | pound-foot | pound-feet | Nm | Pound-foot (torque) | ||||| | m·kgf | 9.80665 | metre kilogram-force | metre kilograms-force | meter kilogram-force | meter kilograms-force | Nm lbfft | Kilogram metre | |||
m.kgf | m·kgf | 9.80665 | metre kilogram-force | metre kilograms-force | meter kilogram-force | meter kilograms-force | Nm lbfft | Kilogram metre | |||
mN.m | mN·m | 0.001 | millinewton metre | millinewton meter | | Newton meter | |||||
Nm | N·m | 1 | newton metre | newton meter | lbfft | Newton meter | |||||
kN/m | ==kN/-m-stiff | default = lbf/in | |||||||||
lbf/in | ==lbf/-in-stiff | default = kN/m | |||||||||
lb-f.ft | =lb-fft | ||||||||||
lb-f·ft | =lb-fft | ||||||||||
lbf.ft | =lbfft | ||||||||||
lbf·ft | =lbfft | ||||||||||
lb·ft | =lb.ft | ||||||||||
mkg-f | | ||||||||||
mkgf | =m.kgf | ||||||||||
N.m | =Nm | ||||||||||
N·m | =Nm |
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
-12USoz(mL)serve | 12 US fl oz (355 mL) serving | 12 U.S. fl oz (355 mL) serving | 12*0.0000295735295625 | 12 US fl oz (355 mL) serving | 12 U.S. fl oz (355 mL) serving | mL | Beverage can#Capacity | ||||
-12USoz(ml)serve | 12 US fl oz (355 ml) serving | 12 U.S. fl oz (355 ml) serving | 12*0.0000295735295625 | 12 US fl oz (355 ml) serving | 12 U.S. fl oz (355 ml) serving | ml | Beverage can#Capacity | ||||
-12USozserve | 12 US fl oz serving | 12 U.S. fl oz serving | 12*0.0000295735295625 | 12 US fl oz serving | 12 U.S. fl oz serving | mL | Beverage can#Capacity | ||||
acre foot | acre·ft | 1233.48183754752 | acre foot | acre foot | m3 | Acre foot | |||||
acre ft | acre·ft | 1233.48183754752 | acre foot | acre feet | m3 | Acre foot | |||||
bdft | bd ft | 0.0023597372167 | board foot | board feet | m3 | Board foot | |||||
board feet | ~board foot | 0.0023597372167 | board foot | board feet | m3 | Board foot | |||||
board foot | ~board foot | 0.0023597372167 | board foot | board foot | m3 | Board foot | |||||
cc | cc | 0.000001 | cubic centimetre | cubic centimeter | cuin | Cubic centimetre | |||||
CID | cu in | 0.000016387064 | cubic inch | cubic inches | cc | Cubic inch#Engine displacement | |||||
cord | cord | 3.624556363776 | cord | m3 | Cord (volume) | ||||||
cufoot | cu ft | 0.028316846592 | cubic foot | cubic foot | m3 | Cubic foot | |||||
cuft | cu ft | 0.028316846592 | kubični čevelj | m3 | Kubični čevelj | ||||||
cuin | cu in | 0.000016387064 | cubic inch | cubic inches | cm3 | Cubic inch | |||||
cumi | cu mi | 4,168,181,825.440579584 | cubic mile | km3 | Cubic mile | ||||||
cuyd | cu yd | 0.764554857984 | cubic yard | m3 | Cubic yard | ||||||
firkin | ~firkin | 0.04091481 | firkin | l impgal USgal | Firkin | ||||||
foot3 | cu ft | 0.028316846592 | cubic foot | cubic foot | m3 | Cubic foot | |||||
Goilbbl | Gbbl | 158987294.928 | billion barrels | billion barrels | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | |||||
gr water | gr H2O | 0.00000006479891 | grains water | grains water | cm3 | Grain (unit) | |||||
grt | grt | 2.8316846592 | gross register ton | m3 | Registrska tona | ||||||
impbbl | imp bbl | 0.16365924 | imperial barrel | l impgal USgal | Sod (prostorninska mera) | ||||||
impbsh | imp bsh | 0.03636872 | imperial bushel | l impgal USdrygal | Imperial bushel | ||||||
impbu | imp bu | 0.03636872 | imperial bushel | m3 | Imperial bushel | ||||||
impgal | imp gal | 0.00454609 | imperial gallon | l USgal | Imperialna galona | ||||||
impgi | gi | 0.0001420653125 | gill | ml USoz | Gill (unit) | ||||||
impkenning | kenning | 0.01818436 | imperial kenning | l USdrygal | Kenning (unit) | ||||||
impoz | imp fl oz | 0.0000284130625 | imperial fluid ounce | ml USoz | Imperial fluid ounce | ||||||
imppk | pk | 0.00909218 | imperial peck | l USdrygal | Peck | ||||||
imppt | imp pt | 0.00056826125 | imperial pint | l | Imperial pint | ||||||
impqt | imp qt | 0.0011365225 | imperial quart | ml USoz | @Imperial quart | ||||||
kilderkin | ~kilderkin | 0.08182962 | kilderkin | l impgal USgal | Kilderkin | ||||||
koilbbl | kbbl | 158.987294928 | thousand barrels | thousand barrels | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! ! e3 ! m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | |||||
L | L | 0.001 | liter | SI | impgal USgal | Liter | |||||
l | l | 0.001 | liter | SI | impgal USgal | Liter | |||||
m3 | m3 | 1 | kubični #meter | SI3 | cuft | Kubični meter | |||||
Mbbl | Mbbl | 158.987294928 | thousand barrels | thousand barrels | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! ! m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | |||||
mm3 | mm3 | 0.000000001 | cubic millimetre | cubic millimeter | cuin | Cubic millimetre | |||||
MMoilbbl | MMbbl | 158987.294928 | million barrels | million barrels | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | |||||
Moilbbl | Mbbl | 158987.294928 | million barrels | million barrels | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | |||||
MTON | MTON | 0.028316846592*40 | measurement ton | m3 | Measurement ton | ||||||
MUSgal | million US gal | million U.S. gal | 3785.411784 | million US gallons | million US gallons | million U.S. gallons | million U.S. gallons | Ml | Ameriška galona | ||
oilbbl | bbl | 0.158987294928 | barrel | m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | ||||||
stere | ~stère | 1 | stère | cuft | Stère | ||||||
Toilbbl | Tbbl | 158987294928 | trillion barrels | trillion barrels | v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | |||||
USbbl | US bbl | U.S. bbl | 0.119240471196 | US barrel | U.S. barrel | l USgal impgal | Sod (prostorninska mera) | ||||
USbeerbbl | US bbl | U.S. bbl | 0.117347765304 | US beer barrel | U.S. beer barrel | l USgal impgal | Sod (prostorninska mera) | ||||
USbsh | US bsh | U.S. bsh | 0.03523907016688 | US bushel | U.S. bushel | l USdrygal impgal | Bušel | ||||
USbu | US bu | U.S. bu | 0.03523907016688 | US bushel | U.S. bushel | l USdrygal impgal | Bušel | ||||
USdrybbl | US dry bbl | U.S. dry bbl | 0.11562819898508 | US dry barrel | U.S. dry barrel | m3 | Sod (prostorninska mera) | ||||
USdrygal | US dry gal | U.S. dry gal | 0.00440488377086 | US dry gallon | U.S. dry gallon | l | Galona | ||||
USdrypt | US dry pt | U.S. dry pt | 0.0005506104713575 | US dry pint | U.S. dry pint | ml | Pint | ||||
USdryqt | US dry qt | U.S. dry qt | 0.001101220942715 | US dry quart | U.S. dry quart | ml | Kvart | ||||
USflgal | US fl gal | U.S. fl gal | 0.003785411784 | ameriška galona | U.S. gallon | l impgal | Galona | ||||
USgal | US gal | U.S. gal | 0.003785411784 | ameriška galona | l impgal | Ameriška galona | |||||
USgi | gi | 0.0001182941183 | gill | ml impoz | Gill (unit) | ||||||
USkenning | US kenning | U.S. kenning | 0.01761953508344 | US kenning | U.S. kenning | l impgal | Kenning (unit) | ||||
USmin | US min | U.S. min | 0.000000061611519921875 | US minim | U.S. minim | ml | Minim (unit) | ||||
USoz | US fl oz | U.S. fl oz | 0.0000295735295625 | US fluid ounce | U.S. fluid ounce | ml | US fluid ounce | ||||
USpk | US pk | U.S. pk | 0.00880976754172 | US peck | U.S. peck | l impgal | Peck | ||||
USpt | US pt | U.S. pt | 0.000473176473 | US pint | U.S. pint | l imppt | Pint | ||||
USqt | US qt | U.S. qt | 0.000946352946 | US quart | U.S. quart | ml | +Kvart | ||||
USquart | US qt | U.S. qt | 0.000946352946 | US quart | U.S. quart | ml impoz | Kvart | ||||
winecase | ~case | 0.009 | case | l | Case (goods) | ||||||
*U.S.drygal | =USdrygal | sp=us | link = *Galona | ||||||||
* | =USgal | sp=us | default = L impgal | link = *Ameriška galona | |||||||
+USdrygal | =USdrygal | link = +Galona | |||||||||
+usfloz | =USoz | link = +Fluid ounce | |||||||||
+USgal | =USgal | link = +Ameriška galona | |||||||||
+USoz | =USoz | link = +US fluid ounce | |||||||||
@impgal | =impgal | link = @Galona | |||||||||
acre feet | =acre ft | ||||||||||
acre-feet | =acre ft | ||||||||||
acre-ft | =acre ft | ||||||||||
acre.foot | =acre foot | ||||||||||
acre.ft | =acre ft | ||||||||||
acre·foot | =acre foot | ||||||||||
acre·ft | =acre ft | ||||||||||
bushels | =USbsh | ||||||||||
cid | =CID | ||||||||||
drybbl | =USdrybbl | ||||||||||
drygal | =+USdrygal | ||||||||||
drypt | =USdrypt | ||||||||||
dryqt | =USdryqt | ||||||||||
ft3 | =cuft | ||||||||||
gal | =USgal | ||||||||||
gallon | !Use %{USgal%} for US gallons or %{impgal%} for imperial gallons (not %{gallon%}) | ||||||||||
gallons | !Use %{USgal%} for US gallons or %{impgal%} for imperial gallons (not %{gallons%}) | ||||||||||
Gcuft | =e9cuft | ||||||||||
impfloz | =impoz | ||||||||||
Impgal | =impgal | ||||||||||
in3 | =cuin | ||||||||||
kcuft | =e3cuft | ||||||||||
kcum | =e3m3 | ||||||||||
km³ | =km3 | ||||||||||
liter | =L | sp=us | |||||||||
liters | =L | sp=us | |||||||||
litre | =L | ||||||||||
litres | =L | ||||||||||
Mcuft | =e6cuft | ||||||||||
Mcum | =e6m3 | ||||||||||
Mft3 | =e6cuft | ||||||||||
mi3 | =cumi | ||||||||||
m³ | =m3 | ||||||||||
Pcuft | =e15cuft | ||||||||||
pt | !Use %{USpt%} for US pints or %{imppt%} for imperial pints (not %{pt%}) | ||||||||||
qt | !Use %{USqt%} for US quarts or %{impqt%} for imperial quarts (not %{qt%}) | ||||||||||
Tcuft | =e12cuft | ||||||||||
Tft3 | =e12cuft | ||||||||||
U.S.bbl | =USbbl | sp=us | default = l impgal | ||||||||
U.S.beerbbl | =USbeerbbl | sp=us | default = l impgal | ||||||||
U.S.bsh | =USbsh | sp=us | default = l U.S.drygal impgal | ||||||||
U.S.bu | =USbu | sp=us | default = l U.S.drygal impgal | ||||||||
U.S.drybbl | =USdrybbl | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.drygal | =USdrygal | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.drypt | =USdrypt | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.dryqt | =USdryqt | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.flgal | =USflgal | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.floz | =USoz | sp=us | ||||||||| | =USgal | sp=us | default = L impgal | link = Galona | ||||||| | =USgal | sp=us | default = L impgal | link = Galona | ||||||| | =USgi | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.kenning | =USkenning | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.oz | =USoz | sp=us | ||||||||| | =USpk | sp=us | ||||||||| | =USpt | sp=us | |||||||||
U.S.qt | =USqt | sp=us | default = L impqt | link = *Kvart | |||||||
usbbl | =USbbl | ||||||||||
usbeerbbl | =USbeerbbl | ||||||||||
usbsh | =USbsh | ||||||||||
usbu | =USbu | ||||||||||
usdrybbl | =USdrybbl | ||||||||||
usdrygal | =+USdrygal | ||||||||||
usdrypt | =USdrypt | ||||||||||
usdryqt | =USdryqt | ||||||||||
USfloz | =USoz | ||||||||||
usfloz | =USoz | ||||||||||
USGAL | =USgal | ||||||||||
usgal | =USgal | ||||||||||
usgi | =USgi | ||||||||||
uskenning | =USkenning | ||||||||||
usoz | =USoz | ||||||||||
uspk | =USpk | ||||||||||
uspt | =USpt | ||||||||||
usqt | =USqt | ||||||||||
yd3 | =cuyd |
Volume per unit area
urediUnit code | Symbol | US symbol | Scale | Extra | Name | Plural name | US name | US plural name | Prefix | Default | Link |
cuft/sqmi | ==cuft/sqmi | default = m3/km2 | |||||||||
m3/ha | m3/ha | 0.0001 | cubic metre per hectare | cubic metres per hectare | cubic meter per hectare | cubic meters per hectare | USbu/acre | Hektar | |||
m3/km2 | ==m3/km2 | default = cuft/sqmi | ||||||||| | | default = m3/km2 | |||||||||
USbu/acre | ~US bushel per acre | 0.03523907016688/4046.8564224 | US bushel per acre | US bushels per acre | m3/ha | Bushel | |||||
USgal/acre | ==USgal/acre | default = m3/km2 |
Input multiples
urediThe following tables define composite input units consisting of multiple unit codes. A composite must consist of two unit codes where the second is a subdivision of the first. In addition, a default output must be specified. Optionally, an alternate unit code or name can be specified. An alternate unit must have the same scale as that of the subdivision, but may have a different name or symbol.
If both an alternate unit and name are provided, the unit will be used when the input consists of only two components, and the alternate name will be used with three or more (generally, the alternate name would be shorter than the unit's standard name or symbol, and that may be desirable when three or more units make up an input composite).
If an alternate name is used, it replaces the unit's symbol and name and plural name. In other words, the same alternate name applies regardless of whether the unit is abbreviated, and regardless of the number of units.
If the unit yd
allows ft
as a subdivision, and ft
allows in
, then the input to a conversion can use all three units (for example, {{convert|1|yd|2|ft|3|in}}
which specifies the input as 1 yard, 2 feet, 3 inches). There is no limit to the number of units that can be used in an input multiple.
To simplify processing by the script which extracts data from this wikitext, a unit code is required in the first column; that unit code is not used. This section is read after all units and combinations are defined, so the unit codes may refer to items defined anywhere on this page.
urediComposite code | Unit code | Unit code | Default | Alternate | Name |
_ch_ft | ch | ft | m | ||
_ch_yd | ch | yd | m | ||
_chain_ft | chain | ft | m | ||
_chain_yd | chain | yd | m | ||
_foot_in | foot | in | m | ||
_ft_in | ft | in | m | ||
_mi_ch | mi | ch | km | ||
_mi_chain | mi | chain | km | ||
_mi_ft | mi | ft | km | ||
_mi_yd | mi | yd | km | ||
_smi_chain | smi | chain | km | ||
_yd_ft | yd | ft | m |
urediComposite code | Unit code | Unit code | Default | Alternate | Name |
_lb_oz | lb | oz | kg | ||
_Lcwt_qtr | Lcwt | qtr | kg | qtr | |
_Lcwt_st | Lcwt | st | kg | ||
_LT_Lcwt | LT | Lcwt | t | --Lcwt | cwt |
_qtr_lb | qtr | lb | kg | ||
_st_lb | st | lb | kg lb | ||
_ST_Scwt | ST | Scwt | t | --Scwt |
Output multiples
urediThe following tables define the "multiple" unit codes that can be used for an output unit. Using a multiple code for the output means that the conversion result contains multiple components (for example, a length expressed in yards, feet, inches).
urediMultiple code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
miydftin | mi | yd | ft | in |
mift | mi | ft | ||
ydftin | yd | ft | in | |
ydft | yd | ft | ||
ftin | ft | in | ||
footin | foot | in | ||
handin | hand | in |
urediMultiple code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
lboz | lb | oz | ||
stlb | st | lb | ||
stlboz | st | lb | oz | |
st and lb | st | lb |
urediThe following tables list predefined "combination" unit codes that can be used for an output unit. Using a combination code for the output means that the input value is converted to more than one unit. In addition to the combinations listed here, units may be combined by separating unit codes with a space or plus character.
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
acre ha | acre | ha | ||
km2 sqmi | km2 | sqmi | ||
sqft sqm | sqft | m2 |
Energy per unit length
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
kWh/km MJ/km | kWh/km | MJ/km | ||
MJ/km kWh/mi | MJ/km | kWh/mi |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
impgal/h USgal/h | impgal/h | USgal/h | ||
impgal/min USgal/min | impgal/min | USgal/min |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
kN LT-f ST-f | kN | LT-f | ST-f | |
kN LTf STf | kN | -LTf | -STf | |
mN oz-f | mN | oz-f | ||
mN ozf | mN | ozf | ||
N lb-f | N | lb-f | ||
N lbf | N | lbf | ||
µN gr-f | µN | gr-f | ||
µN grf | µN | grf |
Fuel efficiency
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
l/km USgal/mi | l/km | USgal/mi | ||
mpgimp mpgus | mpgimp | mpgus | ||
L/100 km mpgus | L/100 km | mpgus | ||
L/100 km mpgimp | L/100 km | mpgimp | ||
l/km impgal/mi | l/km | impgal/mi |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
ft m | ft | m | ||
in cm | in | cm | ||
km mi | km | mi |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
kg lb | kg | lb | ||
lb kg | lb | kg | ||
LT ST | LT | ST | ||
oz g | oz | g |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
kPa kgf/cm2 | kPa | kgf/cm2 | ||
LT ST/acre | LT/acre | ST/acre |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
km/h mph | km/h | mph | ||
mph km/h | mph | km/h |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
C F | C | F | ||
K F C | K | F | C |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
Nm lbfft | Nm | lbfft | ||
Nm lbft | Nm | lbft |
urediCombination code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code | Unit code |
impgal USgal | impgal | USgal | ||
impoz usoz | impoz | USoz | ||
L impgal | L | impgal | ||
l impgal | l | impgal | ||
l impgal USdrygal | l | impgal | USdrygal | |
l impgal USgal | l | impgal | USgal | |
l imppt | l | imppt | ||
L impqt | L | impqt | ||
l U.S.drygal impgal | l | U.S.drygal | impgal | |
l impgal | l | | impgal | |
l USdrygal | l | USdrygal | ||
l USdrygal impgal | l | USdrygal | impgal | |
l USgal | l | USgal | ||
l USgal impgal | l | USgal | impgal | |
ml impoz | ml | impoz | ||
ml USoz | ml | USoz |
urediThe following tables define default outputs for unit codes that use an SI prefix or an engineering notation prefix, where the default output is different from that of the base unit.
urediUnit code | Default output |
cm2 | sqin |
dm2 | sqin |
e3acre | km2 |
e3m2 | e6sqft |
e6acre | km2 |
e6ha | e6acre |
e6km2 | e6sqmi |
e6m2 | e6sqft |
e6sqft | v * 9.290304 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m2 |
e6sqmi | e6km2 |
hm2 | acre |
km2 | sqmi |
mm2 | sqin |
urediUnit code | Default output |
aJ | eV |
e3BTU | MJ |
e6BTU | GJ |
EJ | kWh |
fJ | keV |
GJ | kWh |
MJ | kWh |
PJ | kWh |
pJ | MeV |
TJ | kWh |
YJ | kWh |
yJ | µeV |
ZJ | kWh |
zJ | meV |
urediUnit code | Default output |
e12cuft/a | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/a |
e12cuft/d | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/d |
e12m3/a | Tcuft/a |
e12m3/d | Tcuft/d |
e3cuft/a | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/a |
e3cuft/d | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/d |
e3cuft/s | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/s |
e3m3/a | v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/a |
e3m3/d | v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/d |
e3m3/s | v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/s |
e3USgal/a | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! ! e3 ! m3/a |
e6cuft/a | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a |
e6cuft/d | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/d |
e6cuft/s | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/s |
e6m3/a | v < 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft/a |
e6m3/d | v < 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft/d |
e6m3/s | v < 28.316846592 ! e6 ! e9 ! cuft/s |
e6USgal/a | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a |
e9cuft/a | m3/a |
e9cuft/d | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/d |
e9m3/a | v < 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft/a |
e9m3/d | v < 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft/d |
e9m3/s | v < 28.316846592 ! e9 ! e12 ! cuft/s |
e9USgal/a | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/a |
e9USgal/s | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/s |
urediUnit code | Default output |
nN | gr-f |
µN | gr-f |
mN | oz-f |
urediUnit code | Default output |
am | in |
cm | in |
dam | ft |
dm | in |
e12km | e12mi |
e12mi | e12km |
e3AU | ly |
e3km | e3mi |
e3mi | e3km |
e6km | e6mi |
e6mi | e6km |
e9km | AU |
e9mi | e9km |
Em | mi |
fm | in |
Gm | mi |
hm | ft |
km | mi |
mm | in |
Mm | mi |
nm | in |
Pm | mi |
pm | in |
Tm | mi |
Ym | mi |
ym | in |
Zm | mi |
zm | in |
µm | in |
urediUnit code | Default output |
e12lb | v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! Mt ! Gt |
e3lb | v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! kg ! t |
e3ozt | v * 0.311034768 < 10 ! kg ! t |
e3t | LT ST |
e6carat | t |
e6lb | v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! t ! kilotonne |
e6ozt | lb kg |
e6ST | Mt |
e6t | LT ST |
e9lb | v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! kilotonne ! Mt |
e9t | LT ST |
Gg | lb |
kg | lb |
mg | gr |
Mg | LT ST |
ng | gr |
µg | gr |
urediUnit code | Default output |
mBq | fCi |
kBq | nCi |
MBq | µCi |
GBq | mCi |
TBq | Ci |
PBq | kCi |
EBq | kCi |
fCi | mBq |
pCi | Bq |
nCi | Bq |
µCi | kBq |
mCi | MBq |
kCi | TBq |
MCi | PBq |
urediUnit code | Default output |
ns | µs |
µs | ms |
ms | s |
ks | h |
Ms | week |
Gs | decade |
Ts | millennium |
Ps | million year |
Es | thousand million year |
urediUnit code | Default output |
cL | impoz usoz |
cl | impoz usoz |
cm3 | cuin |
dL | impoz usoz |
dl | impoz usoz |
dm3 | cuin |
e12cuft | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3 |
e12impgal | v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! T ! P ! l |
e12m3 | v < 28.316846592 ! T ! P ! cuft | | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! T ! P ! l |
e12USgal | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! T ! P ! l |
e15cuft | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e12 ! e15 ! m3 |
e15m3 | Pcuft |
e3bdft | v * 0.23597372167 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 |
e3cuft | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3 |
e3impgal | v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! k ! M ! l |
e3m3 | v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft | | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! k ! M ! l |
e3USgal | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! k ! M ! l |
e6bdft | v * 0.23597372167 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 |
e6cuft | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 |
e6cuyd | v * 7.64554857984 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 |
e6impgal | v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! M ! G ! l |
e6L | USgal |
e6m3 | v < 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft | | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! M ! G ! l |
e6USgal | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! M ! G ! l |
e9bdft | v * 0.23597372167 < 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3 |
e9cuft | v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3 |
e9impgal | v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! G ! T ! l |
e9m3 | v < 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft | | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! G ! T ! l |
e9USgal | v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! G ! T ! l |
GL | cuft |
Gl | cuft |
kL | cuft |
kl | cuft |
km3 | cumi |
mL | impoz usoz |
ml | impoz usoz |
Ml | v < 28.316846592 ! e3 ! e6 ! cuft |
ML | v < 28.316846592 ! e3 ! e6 ! cuft |
TL | cumi |
Tl | cumi |
µL | cuin |
µl | cuin |
urediThe following tables define links for unit codes that use an SI prefix, where the linked article is different from that of the base unit.
urediUnit code | Linked article |
kJ | Džul |
Variable names
urediThe following table defines the names that apply when the value associated with the unit has the specified type. The "Real" column applies when the value includes a decimal mark or a fraction. The unit has its standard name (not shown here) when the value is the integer 1.
Unit code | Integer 2 | Integer 3 or 4 | Integer 0 or over 4 | Real |
acre | akra | akri | akrov | akra |
cuft | kubična čevlja | kubični čevlji | kubičnih čevljev | kubičnega čevlja |
ft | čevlja | čevlji | čevljev | čevlja |
g | grama | grami | gramov | grama |
ha | hektara | hektari | hektarov | hektara |
hp | konjski moči | konjske moči | konjskih moči | konjske moči |
ihp | indikatorski konjski moči | indikatorske konjske moči | indikatorskih konjskih moči | indikatorske konjske moči |
impgal | imperialni galoni | imperialne galone | imperialnih galon | imperialne galone |
in | palca | palci | palcev | palca |
km/h | kilometra na uro | kilometre na uro | kilometrov na uro | kilometra na uro |
kn | vozla | vozli | vozlov | vozla |
L | litra | litre | litrov | litra |
l | litra | litre | litrov | litra |
lb | funta | funti | funtov | funta |
lb-f | sili funta | sile funta | sil funta | sile funta |
lbf | sili funta | sile funta | sil funta | sile funta |
LT | angleški toni | angleške tone | angleških ton | angleške tone |
m | metra | metri | metrov | metra |
m2 | kvadratna #metra | kvadratni #metri | kvadratnih #metrov | kvadratnega #metra |
m3 | kubična #metra | kubični #metri | kubičnih #metrov | kubičnega #metra |
mi | milji | milje | milj | milje |
mph | milji na uro | milje na uro | milj na uro | milje na uro |
Mly | megasvetlobni leti | megasvetlobna leta | megasvetlobnih let | megasvetlobnega leta |
Mpc | megaparseka | megaparsekov | megaparsekov | meaparseka |
N | newtona | newtoni | newtonov | newtona |
NM | morski milji | morske milje | morskih milj | morske milje |
nmi | morski milji | morske milje | morskih milj | morske milje |
oz | unči | unče | unč | unče |
sqft | kvadratna čevlja | kvadratni čevlji | kvadratnih čevljev | kvadratnega čevlja |
ST | ameriški toni | ameriške tone | ameriških ton | ameriške tone |
t | metrski toni | metrske tone | metrskih ton | metrske tone |
USgal | ameriški galoni | ameriške galone | ameriških galon | ameriške galone |
W | vata | vati | vatov | vata |
Automatic per units
urediThe following table defines equivalent unit types for some of the types that can be generated automatically for unit codes of the form x/y
(x per y). For example, the unit code kg/hl
is not defined, so if it were used, it would be regarded as kilograms per hectolitre with unit type mass/volume; the following table would translate that to density so the unit could be converted with other density units. If "Density" is specified in the Link column, the unit name or symbol would be linked to Density if |lk=on
is used.
In addition, a scale multiplier can be specified; that allows mass/area units to be converted to pressure units on the assumption that the mass refers to the force due to the "weight" of an object.
Type/type | Equivalent unit type | Link | Multiplier |
/area | per unit area | ||
/volume | per unit volume | ||
area/area | area per unit area | ||
energy/length | energy per unit length | ||
energy/mass | energy per unit mass | ||
energy/time | power | Power (physics) | |
energy/volume | energy per unit volume | ||
force/area | pressure | Pressure | |
length/length | gradient | Grade (slope) | |
length/time | speed | Speed | |
length/time/time | acceleration | Acceleration | |
mass/area | pressure | 9.80665 | |
mass/length | linear density | ||
mass/mass | concentration | ||
mass/power | mass per unit power | ||
mass/time | mass per unit time | ||
mass/volume | density | Density | |
power/mass | power per unit mass | ||
power/volume | Power density | ||
pressure/length | fracture gradient | ||
speed/time | acceleration | Acceleration | |
volume/area | volume per unit area | ||
volume/length | volume per unit length | ||
volume/time | flow |
urediThe following tables define "override" unit codes which conflict with another unit when it is combined with one of the SI prefixes. The script which processes this page rejects unit codes that duplicate a known entry, however, that checking is not performed for the unit codes listed here. The Comment field documents the conflict, but is otherwise ignored.
urediOverride code | Comment |
daa | Override default prefix which would give name "decaare". |
ha | Override default prefix which would give name "hectoare". |
urediOverride code | Comment |
mm3 | For "cubic mm", not "milli cubic m". |
urediOverride code | Comment |
MT | For "metric ton", not "megatesla". |
urediOverride code | Comment |
Pa | For "Pascal", not "peta-are". |