Modul:Convert/documentation/conversion data/dok

Following is the master list of conversion data used by Modul:Convert.

This page is read by a script (makeunits). The script extracts information from the wikitext, and outputs the Lua source that defines the table of units; that source can be manually copied into Modul:Convert/data.

Information about the format of tables used on this page is available at

The variable names section defines names that apply for different values. In that section, some names include "#" to indicate where the SI prefix should be inserted, if any. The # character is not required when the SI prefix is inserted before the name. Names of units are only displayed if |abbr=off (or |abbr=in or |abbr=out) is specified in the convert.



The following tables define the standard units that are available for a conversion.

Absorbed radiation dose

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
Gy Gy 1 gray SI rad Gray (enota)
rad rad 0.01 rad SI Gy Rad (enota)


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
cm/s2 cm/s2 0.01 centimetre per second squared centimetres per second squared centimeter per second squared centimeters per second squared ft/s2 Gal (enota)
ft/s2 ft/s2 0.3048 foot per second squared feet per second squared m/s2 Foot per second squared
g0 g0 9.80665 standard gravity standard gravities m/s2 Standard gravity
km/hs km/(h·s) 5/18 kilometre per hour per second kilometres per hour per second kilometer per hour per second kilometers per hour per second mph/s Pospešek
km/s2 km/s2 1000 kilometre per second squared kilometres per second squared kilometer per second squared kilometers per second squared mph/s Pospešek
m/s2 m/s2 1 metre per second squared metres per second squared meter per second squared meters per second squared ft/s2 Metre per second squared
mph/s mph/s 0.44704 mile per hour per second miles per hour per second km/hs Pospešek
km/h/s =km/hs
standard gravity =g0
Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
1000sqft 1000 sq ft 92.90304 thousand square feet thousand square feet m2 Kvadratni čevelj
a a 100 are SI sqft Ar (enota)
acre ~acre 4046.8564224 aker ha Aker
acre-sing ~acre 4046.8564224 aker ha Aker
arpent ~arpent 3418.89 arpent ha Arpent
cda cda 3930.395625 cuerda acre ha Cuerda
Cypriot donum ~donum 1337.803776 donum km2 sqmi Dunam
Cypriot dunam ~dunam 1337.803776 dunam km2 sqmi Dunam
Cypriot dunum ~dunum 1337.803776 dunum km2 sqmi Dunam
Cypriot dönüm ~dönüm 1337.803776 dönüm km2 sqmi Dunam
daa daa 1000 decare km2 sqmi Decare
donum ~donum 1000 donum km2 sqmi Dunam
dunam ~dunam 1000 dunam km2 sqmi Dunam
dunum ~dunum 1000 dunum km2 sqmi Dunam
dönüm ~dönüm 1000 dönüm km2 sqmi Dunam
foot2 sq ft 0.09290304 kvadratni čevelj m2 Kvadratni čevelj
ha ha 10,000 hektar acre Hektar
hectare ~ha 10,000 hektar acre Hektar
Iraqi donum ~donum 2500 donum km2 sqmi Dunam
Iraqi dunam ~dunam 2500 dunam km2 sqmi Dunam
Iraqi dunum ~dunum 2500 dunum km2 sqmi Dunam
Iraqi dönüm ~dönüm 2500 dönüm km2 sqmi Dunam
Irish acre Irish acres 6555.2385024 Irish acre ha Irski aker
m2 m2 1 kvadratni %smeter SI2 sqft Kvadratni meter
old donum ~donum 919.3 donum km2 sqmi Dunam
old dunam ~dunam 919.3 dunam km2 sqmi Dunam
old dunum ~dunum 919.3 dunum km2 sqmi Dunam
old dönüm ~dönüm 919.3 dönüm km2 sqmi Dunam
pondemaat pond 3674.363358816 pondemaat pondemaat m2 nl:pondemaat
pyeong ~pyeong 400/121 pyeong pyeong m2 Pyeong
rood ~rood 1011.7141056 rood sqft sqm Rood (enota)
sqfoot sq ft 0.09290304 kvadratni čevelj m2 Kvadratni čevelj
sqft sq ft 0.09290304 kvadratni čevelj m2 Kvadratni čevelj
sqin sq in 0.00064516 square inch square inches cm2 Kvadratni palec
sqmi sq mi 2,589,988.110336 square mile km2 Kvadratna milja
sqnmi sq nmi 3,429,904 square nautical mile km2 sqmi Morska milja
sqverst ~square verst 1138062.24 square verst km2 sqmi Verst
sqyd sq yd 0.83612736 square yard m2 Square yard
tsubo ~tsubo 400/121 tsubo tsubo m2 Japonske merske enote#Površina
acres =acre
are =a
Cypriot donum diaeresis =Cypriot dönüm
Cypriot donum dots =Cypriot dönüm
decare =daa
donum diaeresis =dönüm
donum dots =dönüm
ft2 =sqft
in2 =sqin
Iraqi donum diaeresis =Iraqi dönüm
Iraqi donum dots =Iraqi dönüm
km² =km2
metric donum =donum
metric donum diaeresis =dönüm
metric donum dots =dönüm
metric dunam =dunam
metric dönüm =dönüm
mi2 =sqmi
million acre =e6acre
million acres =e6acre
million hectares =e6ha
nmi2 =sqnmi
old donum diaeresis =old dönüm
old donum dots =old dönüm
pond =pondemaat
sq arp =arpent
sq feet !Use %{sqft%} (not %{sq feet%})
sqkm =km2
sqm =m2
square verst =sqverst
verst2 =sqverst
yd2 =sqyd

Area per unit area

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
m2/ha m2/ha 0.0001 square metre per hectare square metres per hectare square meter per hectare square meters per hectare sqft/acre Bazalna površina
sqft/acre sq ft/acre 1/43560 square foot per acre square feet per acre m2/ha Square foot per acre


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
A.h A·h 3600 ampere-hour coulomb Ampere-hour
coulomb C 1 coulomb SI e Coulomb
e e 1.602176487e-19 elementary charge coulomb Elementary charge
A·h =A.h

Chemical amount

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
g-mol g-mol 1 gram-mole lbmol Mol (enota)
gmol gmol 1 gram-mole lbmol Mol (enota)
kmol kmol 1000 kilomole lbmol Mol (enota)
lb-mol lb-mol 453.59237 pound-mole mol Mol (enota)
lbmol lbmol 453.59237 pound-mole mol Mol (enota)
mol mol 1 mole lbmol Mol (enota)

CO2 per unit volume

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
kgCO2/L kg(CO2)/L 1000 kilogram per litre kilograms per litre kilogram per liter kilograms per liter lbCO2/USgal Izpušni plin
lbCO2/USgal lbCO2/US gal 0.45359237/0.003785411784 pound per US gallon pounds per US gallon kgCO2/L Izpušni plin

Cost $ per unit area

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
$/acre ==$/acre default = $/ha
$/ha ==$/ha default = $/acre
$/m2 ==$/m2 default = $/sqft
$/sqft ==$/sqft default = $/m2

Cost $ per unit length

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
$/km ==$/km default = $/mi
$/mi ==$/mi default = $/km

Cost $ per unit mass

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
$/kg ==$/kg default = $/lb
$/g ==$/g default = $/lb
$/lb ==$/lb default = $/kg
$/oz ==$/oz default = $/g
$/ozt ==$/ozt default = $/kg

Cost $ per unit volume

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
$/m3 ==$/m3 default = $/oilbbl
$/oilbbl ==$/oilbbl default = $/m3

Cost £ per unit area

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
£/acre ==£/acre default = £/ha
£/ha ==£/ha default = £/acre


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
g/dm3 g/dm3 1 gram per cubic decimetre grams per cubic decimetre gram per cubic decimeter grams per cubic decimeter kg/m3 Gostota
g/L g/L 1 gram per litre grams per litre gram per liter grams per liter lb/cuin Gostota
g/mL g/mL 1000 gram per millilitre grams per millilitre gram per milliliter grams per milliliter lb/cuin Gostota
g/ml g/ml 1000 gram per millilitre grams per millilitre gram per milliliter grams per milliliter lb/cuin Gostota
kg/dm3 kg/dm3 1000 kilogram per cubic decimetre kilograms per cubic decimetre kilogram per cubic decimeter kilograms per cubic decimeter lb/cuft Gostota
kg/L kg/L 1000 kilogram per litre kilograms per litre kilogram per liter kilograms per liter lb/USgal Gostota
kg/l kg/l 1000 kilogram per litre kilograms per litre kilogram per liter kilograms per liter lb/USgal Gostota
kg/m3 kg/m3 1 kilogram per cubic metre kilograms per cubic metre kilogram per cubic meter kilograms per cubic meter lb/cuyd Gostota
lb/cuft lb/cu ft 0.45359237/0.028316846592 pound per cubic foot pounds per cubic foot g/cm3 Gostota
lb/cuin lb/cu in 453592.37/16.387064 pound per cubic inch pounds per cubic inch g/cm3 Gostota
lb/cuyd lb/cu yd 0.45359237/0.764554857984 pound per cubic yard pounds per cubic yard kg/m3 Gostota
lb/impgal lb/imp gal 0.45359237/0.00454609 pound per imperial gallon pounds per imperial gallon kg/L Gostota
lb/in3 lb/cu in 45359237/1638.7064 pound per cubic inch pounds per cubic inch g/cm3 Gostota
lb/ lb/U.S. gal 589081/4916.1192 pound per U.S. gallon pounds per U.S. gallon kg/L Gostota
lb/USbu lb/US bu 0.45359237/0.03523907016688 pound per US bushel pounds per US bushel kg/m3 Bushel
lb/USgal lb/US gal 589081/4916.1192 pound per US gallon pounds per US gallon kg/L Gostota
lbm/cuin lbm/cu in 45359237/1638.7064 pound mass per cubic inch pounds mass per cubic inch g/cm3 Gostota
mg/L mg/L 0.001 milligram per litre milligrams per litre milligram per liter milligrams per liter lb/cuin Gostota
oz/cuin oz/cu in 453592.37/16.387064/16 ounce per cubic inch ounces per cubic inch g/cm3 Gostota
g/cm3 ==g/cm3 default = lb/cuin
g/m3 ==g/m3 default = lb/cuyd link = Gostota
Mg/m3 ==Mg/m3 default = lb/cuft
µg/dL ==µg/dL default = lb/cuin
lb/ft3 =lb/cuft
lb/yd3 =lb/cuyd
lbm/in3 =lbm/cuin
mcg/dL =µg/dL
oz/in3 =oz/cuin
ug/dL =µg/dL
μg/dL =µg/dL


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
B.O.T.U. B.O.T.U. 3,600,000 Board of Trade Unit MJ Kilovatna ura
bboe bboe 6,117,863,200 barrel of oil equivalent barrels of oil equivalent GJ Barrel of oil equivalent
BOE BOE 6,117,863,200 barrel of oil equivalent barrels of oil equivalent GJ Barrel of oil equivalent
BTU BTU 1055.05585262 British thermal unit kJ British thermal unit
Btu Btu 1055.05585262 British thermal unit kJ British thermal unit
BTU-39F BTU39°F 1059.67 British thermal unit (39°F) British thermal units (39°F) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-39F Btu39°F 1059.67 British thermal unit (39°F) British thermal units (39°F) kJ British thermal unit
BTU-59F BTU59°F 1054.804 British thermal unit (59°F) British thermal units (59°F) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-59F Btu59°F 1054.804 British thermal unit (59°F) British thermal units (59°F) kJ British thermal unit
BTU-60F BTU60°F 1054.68 British thermal unit (60°F) British thermal units (60°F) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-60F Btu60°F 1054.68 British thermal unit (60°F) British thermal units (60°F) kJ British thermal unit
BTU-63F BTU63°F 1054.6 British thermal unit (63°F) British thermal units (63°F) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-63F Btu63°F 1054.6 British thermal unit (63°F) British thermal units (63°F) kJ British thermal unit
BTU-ISO BTUISO 1055.056 British thermal unit (ISO) British thermal units (ISO) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-ISO BTUISO 1055.056 British thermal unit (ISO) British thermal units (ISO) kJ British thermal unit
BTU-IT BTUIT 1055.05585262 British thermal unit (IT) British thermal units (IT) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-IT BtuIT 1055.05585262 British thermal unit (IT) British thermal units (IT) kJ British thermal unit
BTU-mean BTUmean 1055.87 British thermal unit (mean) British thermal units (mean) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-mean Btumean 1055.87 British thermal unit (mean) British thermal units (mean) kJ British thermal unit
BTU-th BTUth 1054.35026444 British thermal unit (thermochemical) British thermal units (thermochemical) kJ British thermal unit
Btu-th Btuth 1054.35026444 British thermal unit (thermochemical) British thermal units (thermochemical) kJ British thermal unit
Cal Cal 4184 calorie kJ Kalorija
cal cal 4.184 calorie J Kalorija
Cal-15 Cal15 4185.8 Calorie (15°C) Calories (15°C) kJ Kalorija
cal-15 cal15 4.1858 calorie (15°C) calories (15°C) J Kalorija
Cal-IT CalIT 4186.8 Calorie (International Steam Table) Calories (International Steam Table) kJ Kalorija
cal-IT calIT 4.1868 calorie (International Steam Table) calories (International Steam Table) J Kalorija
Cal-th Calth 4184 Calorie (thermochemical) Calories (thermochemical) kJ Kalorija
cal-th calth 4.184 calorie (thermochemical) calories (thermochemical) J Kalorija
ccatm cc·atm 0.101325 cubic centimetre-atmosphere cubic centimeter-atmosphere mJ Atmosfera (enota)
CHU-IT CHUIT 1899.100534716 Celsius heat unit (International Table) Celsius heat units (International Table) kJ Atmosfera (enota)
cm3atm cm3·atm 0.101325 cubic centimetre-atmosphere cubic centimeter-atmosphere mJ Atmosfera (enota)
cufootatm cu ft atm 2869.2044809344 cubic foot of atmosphere cubic foot of atmosphere kJ Atmosfera (enota)
cufootnaturalgas ~cuftnaturalgas 1,055,055.85262 cubic foot of natural gas cubic foot of natural gas MJ Pretvorba med enotami
cuftatm cu ft atm 2869.2044809344 cubic foot of atmosphere cubic feet of atmosphere kJ Atmosfera (enota)
cuftnaturalgas ~cuftnaturalgas 1,055,055.85262 cubic foot of natural gas cubic feet of natural gas MJ Pretvorba med enotami
cuydatm cu yd atm 77,468.5209852288 cubic yard of atmosphere cubic yards of atmosphere kJ Atmosfera (enota)
Eh Eh 4.35974417e-18 Hartree eV Hartree
erg erg 0.0000001 erg µJ Erg
eV eV 1.602176487e-19 electronvolt aJ Elektronvolt
feV feV 1.602176487e-34 femtoelectronvolt yJ Elektronvolt
foe foe 1e44 foe YJ Foe (unit of energy)
ftlb ft·lb 1.3558179483314004 foot-pound J Foot-pound (energy)
ftlb-f ft·lbf 1.3558179483314004 foot-pound force foot-pounds force J Foot-pound (energy)
ftlbf ft·lbf 1.3558179483314004 foot-pound force foot-pounds force J Foot-pound (energy)
ftpdl ft·pdl 0.0421401100938048 foot-poundal J Foot-poundal
GeV GeV 1.602176487e-10 gigaelectronvolt nJ Elektronvolt
GLatm GL·atm 101,325,000,000 gigalitre-atmosphere gigaliter-atmosphere GJ Atmosfera (enota)
Glatm Gl·atm 101,325,000,000 gigalitre-atmosphere gigaliter-atmosphere GJ Atmosfera (enota)
gTNT ~gram of TNT 4184 gram of TNT grams of TNT kJ Ekvivalent TNT
Gtoe Gtoe 4.1868e19 gigatonne of oil equivalent gigatonnes of oil equivalent EJ Tonne of oil equivalent
GtonTNT ~gigaton of TNT 4.184e18 gigaton of TNT gigatons of TNT EJ Ekvivalent TNT
GtTNT ~gigatonne of TNT 4.184e18 gigatonne of TNT gigatonnes of TNT EJ Ekvivalent TNT
GW.h GW·h 3.6e12 gigawatt-hour TJ Kilovatna ura
GWh GWh 3.6e12 gigawatt-hour TJ Kilovatna ura
hph hp·h 2,684,519.537696172792 horsepower-hour kWh Konjska moč
impgalatm imp gal·atm 460.63256925 imperial gallon-atmosphere J Atmosfera (enota)
inlb in·lb 0.1129848290276167 inch-pound mJ Foot-pound (energy)
inlb-f in·lbf 0.1129848290276167 inch-pound force inch-pounds force mJ Foot-pound (energy)
inlbf in·lbf 0.1129848290276167 inch-pound force inch-pounds force mJ Foot-pound (energy)
inoz-f in·ozf 0.00706155181422604375 inch-ounce force inch-ounces force mJ Foot-pound (energy)
inozf in·ozf 0.00706155181422604375 inch-ounce force inch-ounces force mJ Foot-pound (energy)
J J 1 joule SI cal Džul
kBOE kBOE 6.1178632e12 kilo barrel of oil equivalent kilo barrels of oil equivalent TJ Barrel of oil equivalent
kcal kcal 4184 kilocalorie kJ Kalorija
kcal-15 kcal15 4185.8 kilocalorie (15°C) kilocalories (15°C) kJ Kalorija
kcal-IT kcalIT 4186.8 kilocalorie (International Steam Table) kilocalories (International Steam Table) kJ Kalorija
kcal-th kcalth 4184 kilocalorie (thermochemical) kilocalories (thermochemical) kJ Kalorija
kerg kerg 0.0001 kiloerg mJ Erg
keV keV 1.602176487e-16 kiloelectronvolt fJ Elektronvolt
kgTNT ~kilogram of TNT 4,184,000 kilogram of TNT kilograms of TNT MJ Ekvivalent TNT
kLatm kL·atm 101,325 kilolitre-atmosphere kiloliter-atmosphere kJ Atmosfera (enota)
klatm kl·atm 101,325 kilolitre-atmosphere kiloliter-atmosphere kJ Atmosfera (enota)
kt(TNT) kt 4.184e12 kilotonne kiloton TJ Ekvivalent TNT
ktoe ktoe 4.1868e13 kilotonne of oil equivalent kilotonnes of oil equivalent TJ Tonne of oil equivalent
ktonTNT kt 4.184e12 kiloton of TNT kilotons of TNT TJ Ekvivalent TNT
ktTNT ~kilotonne of TNT 4.184e12 kilotonne of TNT kilotonnes of TNT TJ Ekvivalent TNT
kW.h kW·h 3,600,000 kilowatt-hour MJ Kilovatna ura
kWh kWh 3,600,000 kilowatt-hour MJ Kilovatna ura
Latm L·atm 101.325 litre-atmosphere liter-atmosphere J Atmosfera (enota)
latm l·atm 101.325 litre-atmosphere liter-atmosphere J Atmosfera (enota)
m3atm m3·atm 101,325 cubic metre-atmosphere cubic meter-atmosphere kJ Atmosfera (enota)
MBtu MBtu 1,055,055.85262 thousand British thermal units thousand British thermal units MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-39F MBTU39°F 1,059,670 thousand British thermal units (39°F) thousand British thermal units (39°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-39F MBtu39°F 1,059,670 thousand British thermal units (39°F) thousand British thermal units (39°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-59F MBTU59°F 1,054,804 thousand British thermal units (59°F) thousand British thermal units (59°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-59F MBtu59°F 1,054,804 thousand British thermal units (59°F) thousand British thermal units (59°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-60F MBTU60°F 1,054,680 thousand British thermal units (60°F) thousand British thermal units (60°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-60F MBtu60°F 1,054,680 thousand British thermal units (60°F) thousand British thermal units (60°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-63F MBTU63°F 1,054,600 thousand British thermal units (63°F) thousand British thermal units (63°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-63F MBtu63°F 1,054,600 thousand British thermal units (63°F) thousand British thermal units (63°F) MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-ISO MBTUISO 1,055,056 thousand British thermal units (ISO) thousand British thermal units (ISO) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-ISO MBtuISO 1,055,056 thousand British thermal units (ISO) thousand British thermal units (ISO) MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-IT MBTUIT 1,055,055.85262 thousand British thermal units (IT) thousand British thermal units (IT) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-IT MBtuIT 1,055,055.85262 thousand British thermal units (IT) thousand British thermal units (IT) MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-mean MBTUmean 1,055,870 thousand British thermal units (mean) thousand British thermal units (mean) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-mean MBtumean 1,055,870 thousand British thermal units (mean) thousand British thermal units (mean) MJ British thermal unit
MBTU-th MBTUth 1,054,350.26444 thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) MJ British thermal unit
MBtu-th MBtuth 1,054,350.26444 thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) thousand British thermal units (thermochemical) MJ British thermal unit
Mcal Mcal 4,184,000 megacalorie MJ Kalorija
mcal mcal 0.004184 millicalorie mJ Kalorija
Mcal-15 Mcal15 4,185,800 megacalorie (15°C) megacalories (15°C) MJ Kalorija
mcal-15 mcal15 0.0041858 millicalorie (15°C) millicalories (15°C) mJ Kalorija
Mcal-IT McalIT 4,186,800 megacalorie (International Steam Table) megacalories (International Steam Table) MJ Kalorija
mcal-IT mcalIT 0.0041868 millicalorie (International Steam Table) millicalories (International Steam Table) mJ Kalorija
Mcal-th Mcalth 4,184,000 megacalorie (thermochemical) megacalories (thermochemical) MJ Kalorija
mcal-th mcalth 0.004184 millicalorie (thermochemical) millicalories (thermochemical) mJ Kalorija
Merg Merg 0.1 megaerg J Erg
merg merg 0.0000000001 millierg µJ Erg
MeV MeV 1.602176487e-13 megaelectronvolt pJ Elektronvolt
meV meV 1.602176487e-22 millielectronvolt zJ Elektronvolt
MLatm ML·atm 101,325,000 megalitre-atmosphere megaliter-atmosphere MJ Atmosfera (enota)
Mlatm Ml·atm 101,325,000 megalitre-atmosphere megaliter-atmosphere MJ Atmosfera (enota)
mLatm L·atm 0.101325 millilitre-atmosphere milliliter-atmosphere mJ Atmosfera (enota)
mlatm l·atm 0.101325 millilitre-atmosphere milliliter-atmosphere mJ Atmosfera (enota)
MMBtu MMBtu 1,055,055,852.62 million British thermal units million British thermal units GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-39F MMBTU39°F 1,059,670,000 million British thermal units (39°F) million British thermal units (39°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-39F MMBtu39°F 1,059,670,000 million British thermal units (39°F) million British thermal units (39°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-59F MMBTU59°F 1,054,804,000 million British thermal units (59°F) million British thermal units (59°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-59F MMBtu59°F 1,054,804,000 million British thermal units (59°F) million British thermal units (59°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-60F MMBTU60°F 1,054,680,000 million British thermal units (60°F) million British thermal units (60°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-60F MMBtu60°F 1,054,680,000 million British thermal units (60°F) million British thermal units (60°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-63F MMBTU63°F 1,054,600,000 million British thermal units (63°F) million British thermal units (63°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-63F MMBtu63°F 1,054,600,000 million British thermal units (63°F) million British thermal units (63°F) GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-ISO MMBTUISO 1,055,056,000 million British thermal units (ISO) million British thermal units (ISO) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-ISO MMBtuISO 1,055,056,000 million British thermal units (ISO) million British thermal units (ISO) GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-IT MMBTUIT 1,055,055,852.62 million British thermal units (IT) million British thermal units (IT) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-IT MMBtuIT 1,055,055,852.62 million British thermal units (IT) million British thermal units (IT) GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-mean MMBTUmean 1,055,870,000 million British thermal units (mean) million British thermal units (mean) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-mean MMBtumean 1,055,870,000 million British thermal units (mean) million British thermal units (mean) GJ British thermal unit
MMBTU-th MMBTUth 10,543,50,264.44 million British thermal units (thermochemical) million British thermal units (thermochemical) GJ British thermal unit
MMBtu-th MMBtuth 10,54,350,264.44 million British thermal units (thermochemical) million British thermal units (thermochemical) GJ British thermal unit
Mt(TNT) Mt 4.184e15 megatonne megaton PJ Ekvivalent TNT
Mtoe Mtoe 4.1868e16 megatonne of oil equivalent megatonnes of oil equivalent PJ Tonne of oil equivalent
MtonTNT Mt 4.184e15 megaton of TNT megatons of TNT PJ Ekvivalent TNT
mtonTNT ~milliton of TNT 4,184,000 milliton of TNT millitons of TNT MJ Ekvivalent TNT
MtTNT ~megatonne of TNT 4.184e15 megatonne of TNT megatonnes of TNT PJ Ekvivalent TNT
mtTNT ~millitonne of TNT 4,184,000 millitonne of TNT millitonnes of TNT MJ Ekvivalent TNT
MW.h MW·h 3,600,000,000 megawatt-hour GJ Kilovatna ura
mW.h mW·h 3.6 milliwatt-hour J Kilovatna ura
MWh MWh 3,600,000,000 megawatt-hour GJ Kilovatna ura
mWh mWh 3.6 milliwatt-hour J Kilovatna ura
neV neV 1.602176487e-28 nanoelectronvolt yJ Elektronvolt
PeV PeV 0.0001602176487 petaelectronvolt mJ Elektronvolt
peV peV 1.602176487e-31 picoelectronvolt yJ Elektronvolt
quad quad 1.054804e18 quadrillion British thermal units quadrillion British thermal units EJ Quad (energy)
Ry Ry 2.1798741e-18 rydberg eV Rydbergova konstanta
scc scc 0.101325 standard cubic centimetre standard cubic centimeter mJ Atmosfera (enota)
scf scf 2869.2044809344 standard cubic foot standard cubic feet kJ Atmosfera (enota)
scfoot scf 2869.2044809344 standard cubic foot standard cubic foot kJ Atmosfera (enota)
scy scy 77,468.5209852288 standard cubic yard kJ Atmosfera (enota)
sl sl 101.325 standard litre standard liter J Atmosfera (enota)
t(TNT) t 4,184,000,000 tonne ton GJ Ekvivalent TNT
TeV TeV 1.602176487e-7 teraelectronvolt µJ Elektronvolt
th th 4,186,800 thermie MJ Pretvorba med enotami
thm-EC thm (EC) 105,506,000 therm (EC) therms (EC) MJ Therm
thm-UK thm (UK) 105,505,585.257348 therm (UK) therms (UK) MJ Therm
thm-US thm (US) thm (U.S.) 105,480,400 therm (US) therms (US) therm (U.S.) therms (U.S.) MJ Therm
toe toe 41,868,000,000 tonne of oil equivalent tonnes of oil equivalent GJ Tonne of oil equivalent
tonTNT ~ton of TNT 4,184,000,000 ton of TNT tons of TNT GJ Ekvivalent TNT
tTNT ~tonne of TNT 4,184,000,000 tonne of TNT tonnes of TNT GJ Ekvivalent TNT
TtonTNT ~teraton of TNT 4.184e21 teraton of TNT teratons of TNT ZJ Ekvivalent TNT
TtTNT ~teratonne of TNT 4.184e21 teratonne of TNT teratonnes of TNT ZJ Ekvivalent TNT
TW.h TW·h 3.6e15 terawatt-hour PJ Kilovatna ura
TWh TWh 3.6e15 terawatt-hour PJ Kilovatna ura
uerg µerg 1e-13 microerg nJ Erg
USgalatm US gal·atm U.S. gal·atm 383.5568490138 US gallon-atmosphere U.S. gallon-atmosphere J Atmosfera (enota)
W.h W·h 3600 watt-hour kJ Kilovatna ura
Wh Wh 3600 watt-hour kJ Kilovatna ura
µerg µerg 1e-13 microerg nJ Erg
µeV µeV 1.602176487e-25 microelectronvolt yJ Elektronvolt
µLatm µL·atm 0.000101325 microlitre-atmosphere microliter-atmosphere µJ Atmosfera (enota)
µlatm µl·atm 0.000101325 microlitre-atmosphere microliter-atmosphere µJ Atmosfera (enota)
µtonTNT ~microton of TNT 4184 microton of TNT microtons of TNT kJ Ekvivalent TNT
µtTNT ~microtonne of TNT 4184 microtonne of TNT microtonnes of TNT kJ Ekvivalent TNT
µW.h µW·h 0.0036 microwatt-hour mJ Kilovatna ura
µWh µWh 0.0036 microwatt-hour mJ Kilovatna ura
-kW.h =kW.h link = Kilovatna ura
btu =BTU
Calorie =Cal
ft.lbf =ftlbf
ft·lb-f =ftlb-f
ft·lbf =ftlbf
g-cal-15 =cal-15
g-cal-IT =cal-IT
g-cal-th =cal-th
g-kcal-15 =kcal-15
g-kcal-IT =kcal-IT
g-kcal-th =kcal-th
g-Mcal-15 =Mcal-15
g-mcal-15 =mcal-15
g-Mcal-IT =Mcal-IT
g-mcal-IT =mcal-IT
g-Mcal-th =Mcal-th
g-mcal-th =mcal-th
GW-h =GW.h
GW·h =GW.h
Hartree =Eh
hp.h =hph
hp·h =hph =inlb-f
in.lbf =inlbf
in.oz-f =inoz-f
in.ozf =inozf
in·lb-f =inlb-f
in·lbf =inlbf
in·oz-f =inoz-f
in·ozf =inozf
kbboe =kBOE symbol = kbboe
kg-cal-15 =Cal-15
kg-cal-IT =Cal-IT
kg-cal-th =Cal-th
kW-h =kW.h
kW·h =kW.h
MW-h =MW.h
mW-h =mW.h
MW·h =MW.h
mW·h =mW.h
TW-h =TW.h
TW·h =TW.h
U.S.galatm =USgalatm sp=us
ueV =µeV
uLatm =µLatm
ulatm =µlatm
usgalatm =USgalatm
utonTNT =µtonTNT
utTNT =µtTNT
uW-h =µW.h
uW.h =µW.h
uWh =µWh
uW·h =µW.h
W-h =W.h
W·h =W.h
µW-h =µW.h
µW·h =µW.h
μerg =µerg
μeV =µeV
μLatm =µLatm
μlatm =µlatm
μtonTNT =µtonTNT
μtTNT =µtTNT
μW-h =µW.h
μW.h =µW.h
μWh =µWh
μW·h =µW.h

Energy per unit length

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
kWh/100 km kW·h/100 km 36 kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometres kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometres kilowatt-hour per 100 kilometers kilowatt-hours per 100 kilometers MJ/km kWh/mi Kilovatna ura
MJ/100 km MJ/100 km 10 megajoule per 100 kilometres megajoules per 100 kilometres megajoule per 100 kilometers megajoules per 100 kilometers BTU/mi British thermal unit
BTU/mi ==BTU/mi default = v > 1525 ! M ! k ! J/km
kJ/km ==kJ/km default = BTU/mi
kWh/km ==-kW.h/km default = MJ/km kWh/mi
kWh/mi ==-kW.h/mi default = kWh/km MJ/km
MJ/km ==MJ/km default = BTU/mi

Energy per unit mass

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
BTU/lb BTU/lb (0.947817120/2.20462262)*1000 British thermal unit per pound British thermal units per pound kJ/kg British thermal unit
cal/g cal/g 4184 calorie per gram calories per gram J/g Calorie per gram
GJ/kg GJ/kg 1e9 gigajoule per kilogram gigajoules per kilogram ktTNT/t Džul
J/g J/g 1000 joule per gram joules per gram kcal/g Džul
kcal/g kcal/g 4,184,000 kilocalorie per gram kilocalories per gram kJ/g Kilocalorie per gram
kJ/g kJ/g 1,000,000 kilojoule per gram kilojoules per gram kcal/g Džul
kJ/kg kJ/kg 1000 kilojoule per kilogram kilojoules per kilogram BTU/lb Kilojoule per kilogram
ktonTNT/MT ~kiloton of TNT per metric ton 4,184,000,000 kiloton of TNT per metric ton kilotons of TNT per metric ton GJ/kg Ekvivalent TNT
ktTNT/t ~kilotonne of TNT per tonne 4,184,000,000 kilotonne of TNT per tonne kilotonnes of TNT per tonne GJ/kg Ekvivalent TNT
MtonTNT/MT ~megaton of TNT per metric ton 4.184e12 megaton of TNT per metric ton megatons of TNT per metric ton TJ/kg Ekvivalent TNT
MtTNT/MT ~megatonne of TNT per tonne 4.184e12 megatonne of TNT per tonne megatonnes of TNT per tonne TJ/kg Ekvivalent TNT
TJ/kg TJ/kg 1e12 terajoule per kilogram terajoules per kilogram MtTNT/MT Džul
Cal/g ==Cal/g default = kJ/g

Energy per unit volume

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
BTU/cuft ==BTU/cuft default = kJ/L
Cal/12USoz(mL)serve ==Cal/-12USoz(mL)serve default = kJ/L
Cal/12USoz(ml)serve ==Cal/-12USoz(ml)serve default = kJ/l
Cal/12USozserve ==Cal/-12USozserve default = kJ/L
Cal/USoz ==Cal/USoz default = kJ/ml
kJ/L ==kJ/L default = BTU/cuft
kJ/l ==kJ/l default = BTU/cuft
kJ/ml ==kJ/ml default = Cal/USoz

Equivalent radiation dose

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
Sv Sv 1 sievert SI rem Sievert
rem rem 0.01 rem SI Sv Roentgen equivalent man

Exhaust emission

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
g/km g/km 1e-6 gram per kilometre grams per kilometre gram per kilometer grams per kilometer oz/mi Izpušni plin
g/mi g/mi 0.001/1609.344 gram per mile grams per mile g/km Izpušni plin
gCO2/km g(CO2)/km 1e-6 gram of CO2 per kilometre grams of CO2 per kilometre gram of CO2 per kilometer grams of CO2 per kilometer ozCO2/mi Izpušni plin
gCO2/mi g(CO2)/mi 0.001/1609.344 gram of CO2 per mile grams of CO2 per mile gCO2/km Izpušni plin
kg/km kg/km 0.001 kilogram per kilometre kilograms per kilometre kilogram per kilometer kilograms per kilometer lb/mi Izpušni plin
kgCO2/km kg(CO2)/km 0.001 kilogram of CO2 per kilometre kilograms of CO2 per kilometre kilogram of CO2 per kilometer kilograms of CO2 per kilometer lbCO2/mi Izpušni plin
lb/mi lb/mi 0.45359237/1609.344 pound per mile pounds per mile kg/km Izpušni plin
lbCO2/mi lb(CO2)/mi 0.45359237/1609.344 pound of CO2 per mile pounds of CO2 per mile kgCO2/km Izpušni plin
oz/mi oz/mi 0.028349523125/1609.344 ounce per mile ounces per mile g/km Izpušni plin
ozCO2/mi oz(CO2)/mi 0.028349523125/1609.344 ounce of CO2 per mile ounces of CO2 per mile gCO2/km Izpušni plin
Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
cuft/a cu ft/a 28316846592e-12/31,557,600 cubic foot per annum cubic feet per annum m3/a Kubični čevelj
cuft/d cu ft/d 28316846592e-12/86400 cubic foot per day cubic feet per day m3/d Kubični čevelj
cuft/h cu ft/h 28316846592e-12/3600 cubic foot per hour cubic feet per hour m3/h Kubični čevelj
cuft/min cu ft/min 28316846592e-12/60 cubic foot per minute cubic feet per minute m3/min Kubični čevelj
cuft/s cu ft/s 28316846592e-12 cubic foot per second cubic feet per second m3/s Kubični čevelj
cumi/a cu mi/a 4168181825440579584e-9/31,557,600 cubic mile per annum cubic miles per annum km3/a Kubični čevelj
cuyd/h cuyd/h 0.9144^3/3600 cubic yard per hour cubic yards per hour m3/h Kubični čevelj
cuyd/s cu yd/s 0.9144^3 cubic yard per second cubic yards per second m3/s Cubic yard per second
Goilbbl/a Gbbl/a 22081.56874/4383 billion barrels per year billion barrels per year v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/a Barrel per day
impgal/h imp gal/h 0.00454609/3600 imperial gallon per hour imperial gallons per hour m3/h Galona
impgal/min imp gal/min 0.00454609/60 imperial gallon per minute imperial gallons per minute m3/s Galona
impgal/s impgal/s 0.00454609 imperial gallon per second imperial gallons per second m3/s Imperial gallons per second
km3/a km3/a 1e9/31,557,600 cubic kilometre per annum cubic kilometres per annum cubic kilometer per annum cubic kilometers per annum cumi/a Kubični meter na sekundo
km3/d km3/d 1e9/86,400 cubic kilometre per day cubic kilometres per day cubic kilometer per day cubic kilometers per day cuft/d Kubični meter na sekundo
koilbbl/a kbbl/a 1.104078437/219,150 thousand barrels per year thousand barrels per year v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! ! e3 ! m3/a Barrel per day
koilbbl/d kbbl/d 5.520392185/3000 thousand barrels per day thousand barrels per day v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! ! e3 ! m3/d Barrel per day
L/h L/h 0.001/3600 litre per hour litres per hour liter per hour liters per hour impgal/h USgal/h Kubični meter na sekundo
L/min L/min 0.001/60 litre per minute litres per minute liter per minute liters per minute impgal/min USgal/min Kubični meter na sekundo
L/s L/s 0.001 litre per second litres per second liter per second liters per second cuft/s Kubični meter na sekundo
m3/a m3/a 1/31,557,600 cubic metre per annum cubic metres per annum cubic meter per annum cubic meters per annum cuft/a Kubični meter na sekundo
m3/d m3/d 1/86400 cubic metre per day cubic metres per day cubic meter per day cubic meters per day cuft/d Kubični meter na sekundo
m3/h m3/h 1/3600 cubic metre per hour cubic metres per hour cubic meter per hour cubic meters per hour cuft/h Kubični meter na sekundo
m3/min m3/min 1/60 cubic metre per minute cubic metres per minute cubic meter per minute cubic meters per minute cuft/min Kubični meter na sekundo
m3/s m3/s 1 cubic metre per second cubic metres per second cubic meter per second cubic meters per second cuft/s Kubični meter na sekundo
Moilbbl/a Mbbl/a 22.08156874/4383 million barrels per year million barrels per year v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a Barrel per day
Moilbbl/d Mbbl/d 5.520392185/3 million barrels per day million barrels per day v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/d Barrel per day
oilbbl/a bbl/a 1.104078437/219,150,000 barrel per year barrels per year m3/a Barrel per day
oilbbl/d bbl/d 5.520392185/3,000,000 barrel per day barrels per day m3/d Barrel per day
Toilbbl/a Tbbl/a 22,081,568.74/4383 trillion barrels per year trillion barrels per year v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/a Barrel per day U.S. gal/d 0.003785411784/86400 U.S. gallon per day U.S. gallons per day m3/s +U.S. gallon per day gal/h 0.003785411784/3600 gallon per hour gallons per hour m3/h *Galona U.S. gal/min 0.003785411784/60 U.S. gallon per minute U.S. gallons per minute m3/s Galona
USgal/a US gal/a 0.003785411784/31,557,600 US gallon per year US gallons per year m3/s US gallon per day
USgal/d US gal/d 0.003785411784/86400 US gallon per day US gallons per day m3/s US gallon per day
USgal/h gal/h 0.003785411784/3600 gallon per hour gallons per hour m3/h +Galona
USgal/min US gal/min 0.003785411784/60 US gallon per minute US gallons per minute m3/s Galona
USgal/s USgal/s 0.003785411784 US gallon per second US gallons per second U.S. gallon per second U.S. gallons per second m3/s US gallons per second
ft3/a =cuft/a
ft3/d =cuft/d
ft3/h =cuft/h
ft3/s =cuft/s
Gcuft/a =e9cuft/a
Gcuft/d =e9cuft/d
kcuft/a =e3cuft/a
kcuft/d =e3cuft/d
kcuft/s =e3cuft/s
Mcuft/a =e6cuft/a
Mcuft/d =e6cuft/d
Mcuft/s =e6cuft/s
m³/s =m3/s
Tcuft/a =e12cuft/a
Tcuft/d =e12cuft/d
usgal/min =USgal/min


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
-LTf LTf 9964.01641818352 long ton-force long tons-force kN Long ton-force
-STf STf 8896.443230521 short ton-force short tons-force kN Short ton-force
dyn dyn 0.00001 dyne gr-f Dina
g-f gf 0.00980665 gram-force grams-force mN oz-f Kilogram-force
gf gf 0.00980665 gram-force grams-force mN ozf Kilogram-force
gr-f grf 0.0006354602307515 grain-force grains-force µN Sila funta
grf grf 0.0006354602307515 grain-force grains-force µN Sila funta
kdyn kdyn 0.01 kilodyne oz-f Dina
kg-f kgf 9.80665 kilogram-force kilograms-force N lb-f Kilogram-force
kgf kgf 9.80665 kilogram-force kilograms-force N lbf Kilogram-force
kp kp 9.80665 kilopond N lb-f Kilogram-force
L/T-f L/Tf 9964.01641818352 long ton-force long tons-force kN Long ton-force
L/Tf L/Tf 9964.01641818352 long ton-force long tons-force kN Long ton-force
lb-f lbf 4.4482216152605 sila funta N Sila funta
lbf lbf 4.4482216152605 sila funta N Sila funta
lb(f) lb 4.4482216152605 pound N Sila funta
LT-f LTf 9964.01641818352 long ton-force long tons-force kN Long ton-force
LTf ~LTf 9964.01641818352 long ton-force long tons-force kN Long ton-force
Mdyn Mdyn 10 megadyne lb-f Dina
mdyn mdyn 0.00000001 millidyne gr-f Dina
mg-f mgf 0.00000980665 milligram-force milligrams-force µN gr-f Kilogram-force
mgf mgf 0.00000980665 milligram-force milligrams-force µN grf Kilogram-force
Mp Mp 9806.65 megapond kN LT-f ST-f Kilogram-force
mp mp 0.00000980665 millipond µN gr-f Kilogram-force
N N 1 newton SI lb-f Newton
oz-f ozf 0.2780138203095378125 ounce-force ounces-force mN Sila funta
ozf ozf 0.2780138203095378125 ounce-force ounces-force mN Sila funta
p p 0.00980665 pond mN oz-f Kilogram-force
pdl pdl 0.138254954376 poundal N Poundal
S/T-f S/Tf 8896.443230521 short ton-force short tons-force kN Short ton-force
S/Tf S/Tf 8896.443230521 short ton-force short tons-force kN Short ton-force
ST-f STf 8896.443230521 short ton-force short tons-force kN Short ton-force
STf ~STf 8896.443230521 short ton-force short tons-force kN Short ton-force
t-f tf 9806.65 tonne-force tonnes-force kN LT-f ST-f Ton-force#Tonne-force
tf tf 9806.65 tonne-force tonnes-force kN LTf STf Ton-force#Tonne-force
dyne =dyn
newtons =N
poundal =pdl
tonne-force =tf

Fuel efficiency

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
impgal/mi ==@impgal/mi default = l/km USgal/mi
km/L ==km/L default = mpgimp mpgus
km/l ==km/l default = mpgimp mpgus
L/100 km ==L/100km default = mpgimp mpgus symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|L/100 km
l/100 km ==l/100km default = mpgimp mpgus symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|l/100 km
L/km ==L/km default = mpgimp mpgus
l/km ==l/km default = mpgimp mpgus
mi/impqt ==mi/impqt default = km/L
mi/U.S.qt ==mi/U.S.qt default = km/L
mi/USqt ==mi/USqt default = km/L
mi/usqt ==mi/usqt default = km/L
mpgimp ==mi/@impgal default = L/100 km mpgus symbol = mpg-imp symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[Imperial unit|imp]]
mpgus ==mi/+USgal default = L/100 km mpgimp symbol = mpg-US symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[United States customary units|US]] ==* sp=us default = l/km impgal/mi
usgal/mi ==+USgal/mi default = l/km impgal/mi
L/100km =L/100 km
l/100km =l/100 km
L100km !Use %{L/100 km%} (not %{L100km%})
mpg !Use %{mpgus%} for miles per US gallon or %{mpgimp%} for miles per imperial gallon (not %{mpg%})
mpgU.S. =mpgus sp=us symbol = mpg-U.S. symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[United States customary units|U.S.]]
mpgu.s. =mpgus sp=us symbol = mpg-U.S. symlink = Fuel economy in automobiles#Units of measure|mpg-[[United States customary units|U.S.]]
mpgUS =mpgus
USgal/mi =usgal/mi

Fracture gradient

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
kPa/m ==kPa/-m-frac default = psi/ft
psi/ft ==psi/-ft-frac default = kPa/m


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
cm/km cm/km 0.00001 centimetre per kilometre centimetres per kilometre centimeter per kilometer centimeters per kilometer ft/mi Grade (slope)
ft/mi ft/mi 1/5280 foot per mile feet per mile v < 5.28 ! c ! ! m/km Grade (slope)
ft/nmi ft/nmi 1.524/9260 foot per nautical mile feet per nautical mile v < 6.076 ! c ! ! m/km Grade (slope)
in/ft in/ft 1/12 inch per foot inches per foot mm/m Grade (slope)
in/mi in/mi 1/63360 inch per mile inches per mile v < 0.6336 ! m ! c ! m/km Grade (slope)
m/km m/km 0.001 metre per kilometre metres per kilometre meter per kilometer meters per kilometer ft/mi Grade (slope)
mm/km mm/km 0.000001 millimetre per kilometre millimetres per kilometre millimeter per kilometer millimeters per kilometer in/mi Grade (slope)
mm/m mm/m 0.001 millimetre per metre millimetres per metre millimeter per meter millimeters per meter in/ft Grade (slope)


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
admi nmi (admiralty) 1853.184 admiralty mile km mi Morska milja
AU AU 149,597,870,700 astronomska enota km mi Astronomska enota
Brnmi (Brit) nmi 1853.184 British nautical mile km mi Morska milja
bu ~bu 1/330 bu bu mm Japonske merske enote
ch ch 20.1168 chain ft m Chain (unit)
chain ~chain 20.1168 chain ft m Chain (unit)
dpcm dot/cm 1/0.01 invert dot/cm dot/cm dpi Pik na palec
dpi DPI 1/0.0254 invert DPI DPI pitch Pik na palec
fathom ~fathom 1.8288 fathom ft m Fathom
foot ft 0.3048 čevelj m Čevelj (dolžinska mera)
ft ft 0.3048 čevelj m Čevelj (dolžinska mera)
furlong ~furlong 201.168 furlong ft m Furlong
Gly Gly 9.4607304725808e24 gigasvetlobno-leto Mpc Svetlobno leto
Gpc Gpc 3.0856775814671916e25 gigaparsek Gly Parsek
hand h 0.1016 hand hand in cm Hand (unit)
in in 0.0254 palec mm Palec
inabbreviated in 0.0254 in in mm Palec
kly kly 9.4607304725808e18 kilosvetlobno-leto pc Svetlobno leto
kpc kpc 3.0856775814671916e19 kiloparsek kly Parsek
LD LD 384,403,000 oddaljenost lune km mi Oddaljenost Lune (astronomija)
league league 4828.032 league km Liga (enota)
ly ly 9.4607304725808e15 svetlobno leto AU svetlobno leto
m m 1 meter SI v > 0 and v < 3 ! ftin ! ft Meter
mi mi 1609.344 milja km Milja
mil ~mil 0.0000254 mil mm Thou (unit of length)
Mly Mly 9.4607304725808e21 megasvetlobno-leto kpc Svetlobno leto
Mpc Mpc 3.0856775814671916e22 megaparsek Mly Parsek
NM NM 1852 morska milja km mi Morska milja
nmi nmi 1852 morska milja km mi Morska milja
oldUKnmi nmi 1853.184 morska milja km mi Morska milja
oldUSnmi nmi 1853.24496 morska milja km mi Morska milja
pc pc 3.0856775814671916e16 parsek ly Parsek
perch ~perch 5.0292 perch perches ft m Rod (unit)
pitch *µm 1e-6 µm µm dpi Pik na palec
pole ~pole 5.0292 pole ft m Rod (unit)
pre1954U.S.nmi (pre-1954 U.S.) nmi 1853.24496 (pre-1954 U.S.) nautical mile km mi Morska milja
pre1954USnmi (pre-1954 US) nmi (pre-1954 U.S.) nmi 1853.24496 (pre-1954 US) nautical mile (pre-1954 U.S.) nautical mile km mi Morska milja
rd rd 5.0292 rod ft m Rod (unit)
royal cubit cu 0.524 royal cubit mm Royal cubit
rtkm km 1000 route kilometre route kilometer mi Kilometer
rtmi mi 1609.344 route mile km Milja
shaku ~shaku 10/33 shaku shaku m Japonske merske enote
sm sm 1.70180 smoot m Smoot (unit)
smi mi 1609.344 statute mile km Statute mile
sun ~sun 1/33 sun sun mm Japonske merske enote
thou ~thou 0.0000254 thou thou mm Thou (unit of length)
verst ~verst 1066.8 verst km mi Verst
yd yd 0.9144 yard m Yard
µin µin 0.0000000254 microinch microinches nm SI prefix#Non-SI units
Å Å 0.0000000001 ångström in Angstrem
-ft-frac =ft link = Fracture gradient
-in-stiff =in link = Togost
-m-frac =m link = Fracture gradient
-m-stiff =m link = Togost
100km =km multiplier = 100
admiralty nmi =oldUKnmi
feet !Use %{ft%} (not %{feet%})
hands =hand
inch =in
light-year !Use %{ly%} (not %{light-year%})
light-years !Use %{ly%} (not %{light-years%})
meter !Use %{m%} (not %{meter%})
meters !Use %{m%} (not %{meters%})
metre !Use %{m%} (not %{metre%})
metres !Use %{m%} (not %{metres%})
micrometre =µm
mile =mi
miles =mi
parsec =pc
rod =rd
smoot =sm
uin =µin
yard =yd
yards =yd
yds =yd
μin =µin

Linear density

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
dtex dtex 1e-7 decitex decitex lb/yd Units of textile measurement#Tex
kg/cm kg/cm 100 kilogram per centimetre kilograms per centimetre kilogram per centimeter kilograms per centimeter lb/yd Linearna gostota
kg/m kg/m 1 kilogram per metre kilograms per metre kilogram per meter kilograms per meter lb/yd Linearna gostota
lb/ft lb/ft 4535.9237/3048 pound per foot pounds per foot kg/m Linearna gostota
lb/yd lb/yd 4535.9237/9144 pound per yard pounds per yard kg/m Linearna gostota

Magnetic field strength

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
G G 0.0001 gauss gauss T Gauss (enota)
T T 1 tesla SI G Tesla (enota)

Magnetizing field

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
A/m A/m 1 ampere per metre amperes per metre ampere per meter amperes per meter Oe Magnetic field#Units
kA/m kA/m 1000 kiloampere per metre kiloamperes per metre kiloampere per meter kiloamperes per meter kOe Magnetic field#Units
MA/m MA/m 1e6 megaampere per metre megaamperes per metre megaampere per meter megaamperes per meter kOe Magnetic field#Units
Oe Oe 79.5774715 oersted SI kA/m Oersted
Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
--Lcwt ~Lcwt 50.80234544 hundredweight lb Hundredweight
--Scwt ~Scwt 45.359237 hundredweight lb Short hundredweight
-LT LT 1016.0469088 angleška tona t Angleška tona
-Scwt ~Scwt 45.359237 short hundredweight lb Short hundredweight
-ST ST 907.18474 ameriška tona t Ameriška tona
carat ~carat 0.0002 carat g Karat
drachm ~drachm 0.001771845195 drachm dram g Dram (enota)
dram ~drachm 0.001771845195 drachm dram g Dram (enota)
dwt dwt 0.00155517384 pennyweight oz g Pennyweight
DWton ~deadweight ton 1016.0469088 deadweight ton DWtonne Tonaža (ladja)
DWtonne ~deadweight tonne 1000 deadweight tonne DWton Tonaža (ladja)
g g 0.001 gram SI oz Gram
gr gr 0.00006479891 grain g Grain (unit)
Gt Gt 1000000000000 gigatonne LT ST Tona
impgalh2o imp gal H2O 10.00/2.2046226218488 imperial gallon of water imperial gallons of water lb kg Imperial gallon
kt kt 1000000 kilotonne LT ST Tona
lb lb 0.45359237 funt kg Funt (mera)
Lcwt ~Lcwt 50.80234544 long hundredweight lb Hundredweight
long cwt long cwt 50.80234544 long hundredweight lb kg Hundredweight
long qtr long qtr 12.70058636 long quarter lb kg Avoirdupois
long ton ~long ton 1016.0469088 angleška tona t Angleška tona
LT ~long ton 1016.0469088 angleška tona t Angleška tona
lt LT 1016.0469088 angleška tona t Angleška tona
metric ton ~metric ton 1000 metric ton long ton Tona
MT t 1000 metric ton LT ST Tona
Mt Mt 1000000000 megatonne LT ST Tona
oz oz 0.028349523125 unča g Unča
ozt ozt 0.0311034768 troy ounce oz g Troy ounce
pdr pdr 0.45359237 pounder kg Funt (mera)
qtr qtr 12.70058636 quarter lb kg Avoirdupois
Scwt ~Scwt 45.359237 short hundredweight short hundredweight lb Short hundredweight
short cwt short cwt 45.359237 short hundredweight lb kg Hundredweight
short qtr short qtr 11.33980925 short quarter lb kg Avoirdupois
short ton ~short ton 907.18474 ameriška tona t Ameriška tona
shtn sh tn 907.18474 ameriška tona t Ameriška tona
shton ~ton 907.18474 ton t Ton
solar mass M 1.98855e30 solar mass solar masses kg Solar mass
ST ~short ton 907.18474 ameriška tona t Ameriška tona
st st 6.35029318 stone stone lb kg Stone (unit)
t t 1000 metrska tona metric ton LT ST Tona
tonne t 1000 metrska tona metric ton shton Tona
troy pound ~troy pound 0.3732417216 troy pound lb kg Troy weight
usgalh2o US gal H2O 3.785411784/1.00206219713184 US gallon of water US gallons of water U.S. gallon of water U.S. gallons of water lb kg United States customary units#Fluid volume
viss viss 1.632932532 viss viss kg Burmese units of measurement#mass
billion tonne =e9t
kilogram !Use %{kg%} (not %{kilogram%})
kilotonne =kt
lbs =lb
lbt =troy pound
lcwt =Lcwt
mcg =µg
million tonne =e6t
scwt =Scwt
stone =st
thousand tonne =e3t
tonnes =t

Mass per unit power

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
kg/kW kg/kW 0.001 kilogram per kilowatt kilograms per kilowatt lb/hp Vat
lb/hp lb/hp 1/(83.82*19.6133) pound per horsepower pounds per horsepower kg/kW Konjska moč

Mass per unit time

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
kg/h ==kg/h default = lb/h
lb/h ==lb/h default = kg/h

Molar rate

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
g-mol/d g-mol/d 1/86400 gram-mole per day gram-moles per day µmol/s Mol (enota)
g-mol/h g-mol/h 1/3600 gram-mole per hour gram-moles per hour mmol/s Mol (enota)
g-mol/min g-mol/min 1/60 gram-mole per minute gram-moles per minute g-mol/s Mol (enota)
g-mol/s g-mol/s 1 gram-mole per second gram-moles per second lb-mol/min Mol (enota)
gmol/d gmol/d 1/86400 gram-mole per day gram-moles per day µmol/s Mol (enota)
gmol/h gmol/h 1/3600 gram-mole per hour gram-moles per hour mmol/s Mol (enota)
gmol/min gmol/min 1/60 gram-mole per minute gram-moles per minute gmol/s Mol (enota)
gmol/s gmol/s 1 gram-mole per second gram-moles per second lbmol/min Mol (enota)
kmol/d kmol/d 5/432 kilomole per day kilomoles per day mmol/s Mol (enota)
kmol/h kmol/h 5/18 kilomole per hour kilomoles per hour mol/s Mol (enota)
kmol/min kmol/min 50/3 kilomole per minute kilomoles per minute mol/s Mol (enota)
kmol/s kmol/s 1000 kilomole per second kilomoles per second lb-mol/s Mol (enota)
lb-mol/d lb-mol/d 4.5359237/864 pound-mole per day pound-moles per day mmol/s Mol (enota)
lb-mol/h lb-mol/h 4.5359237/36 pound-mole per hour pound-moles per hour mol/s Mol (enota)
lb-mol/min lb-mol/min 45.359237/6 pound-mole per minute pound-moles per minute mol/s Mol (enota)
lb-mol/s lb-mol/s 453.59237 pound-mole per second pound-moles per second kmol/s Mol (enota)
lbmol/d lbmol/d 4.5359237/864 pound-mole per day pound-moles per day mmol/s Mol (enota)
lbmol/h lbmol/h 4.5359237/36 pound-mole per hour pound-moles per hour mol/s Mol (enota)
lbmol/min lbmol/min 45.359237/6 pound-mole per minute pound-moles per minute mol/s Mol (enota)
lbmol/s lbmol/s 453.59237 pound-mole per second pound-moles per second kmol/s Mol (enota)
mmol/s mmol/s 0.001 millimole per second millimoles per second lb-mol/d Mol (enota)
mol/d mol/d 1/86400 mole per day moles per day µmol/s Mol (enota)
mol/h mol/h 1/3600 mole per hour moles per hour mmol/s Mol (enota)
mol/min mol/min 1/60 mole per minute moles per minute mol/s Mol (enota)
mol/s mol/s 1 mole per second moles per second lb-mol/min Mol (enota)
µmol/s µmol/s 0.000001 micromole per second micromoles per second lb-mol/d Mol (enota)
umol/s =µmol/s
μmol/s =µmol/s

Per unit area

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
/acre ~/acre 1,000,000/4046.8564224 per acre per acre /ha Aker
/ha /ha 100 per hectare per hectare /acre Hektar
/sqcm /cm2 1e10 per square centimetre per square centimetre per square centimeter per square centimeter /sqin Kvadratni meter
/sqin /in2 1,000,000/0.00064516 per square inch per square inch /sqcm Kvadratni palec
/sqkm /km2 1 per square kilometre per square kilometre per square kilometer per square kilometer /sqmi Kvadratni meter
/sqmi /sq mi 1,000,000/2,589,988.110336 per square mile per square mile /sqkm Kvadratna milja
PD/acre ~/acre 1,000,000/4046.8564224 inhabitants per acre inhabitants per acre PD/ha Aker
PD/ha /ha 100 inhabitants per hectare inhabitants per hectare PD/acre Hektar
PD/sqkm /km2 1 inhabitants per square kilometre inhabitants per square kilometre inhabitants per square kilometer inhabitants per square kilometer PD/sqmi Kvadratni meter
PD/sqmi /sq mi 1,000,000/2,589,988.110336 inhabitants per square mile inhabitants per square mile PD/sqkm Kvadratna milja
/cm2 =/sqcm
/in2 =/sqin
/km2 =/sqkm
pd/acre =PD/acre
pd/ha =PD/ha
PD/km2 =PD/sqkm
pd/km2 =PD/sqkm
PD/km² =PD/sqkm
pd/sqkm =PD/sqkm
pd/sqmi =PD/sqmi

Per unit volume

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
/l /l 1000 per litre per litre per liter per liter /usgal Liter
/USgal /gal 264.172052 per gallon per gallon /l *US gallon
/usgal =/USgal


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
bhp bhp 745.69987158227022 brake horsepower brake horsepower kW Konjska moč
Cal/d Cal/d 4184/(3600*24) large calorie per day large calories per day kJ/d Kalorija
Cal/h Cal/h 4184/3600 calorie per hour calories per hour kJ/h Kalorija
cal/h cal/h 4.184/3600 calorie per hour calories per hour W Kalorija
CV CV 735.49875 metric horsepower metric horsepower kW Metric horsepower
hk hk 735.49875 metric horsepower metric horsepower kW Metric horsepower
hp hp 745.69987158227022 konjska moč kW Konjska moč
hp-electric hp 746 electric horsepower electric horsepower kW Electric horsepower
hp-electrical hp 746 electrical horsepower electrical horsepower kW Electrical horsepower
hp-metric hp 735.49875 metric horsepower metric horsepower kW Metric horsepower
ihp ihp 745.69987158227022 indikatorska konjska moč kW Konjska moč
kcal/h kcal/h 4184/3600 kilocalorie per hour kilocalories per hour kW Kalorija
kJ/d kJ/d 1000/(3600*24) kilojoule per day kilojoules per day Cal/d Džul
kJ/h kJ/h 1000/3600 kilojoule per hour kilojoules per hour W Džul
PS PS 735.49875 metric horsepower metric horsepower kW Metric horsepower
shp shp 745.69987158227022 shaft horsepower shaft horsepower kW Konjska moč
W W 1 vat SI hp Vat
BTU/h ==BTU/h default = W
Btu/h ==Btu/h default = W
BHP =bhp
btu/h =BTU/h
HP =hp
Hp =hp
hp-mechanical =hp
IHP =ihp
SHP =shp
whp =hp

Power per unit mass

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
hp/LT hp/LT 5.13745876875/7 horsepower per long ton horsepower per long ton kW/t Razmerje moč/teža
hp/ST hp/ST 0.821993403 horsepower per short ton horsepower per short ton kW/t Razmerje moč/teža
hp/t hp/t 0.74569987158227022 horsepower per tonne horsepower per tonne kW/t Razmerje moč/teža
kW/t kW/t 1 kilowatt per tonne kilowatts per tonne PS/t Razmerje moč/teža
PS/t PS/t 0.73549875 metric horsepower per tonne metric horsepower per tonne kW/t Razmerje moč/teža
hp/tonne =hp/t default = kW/tonne symbol = hp/tonne
kW/tonne =kW/t symbol = kW/tonne


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
-lb/in2 lb/in2 444,822,161.52605/64,516 pound per square inch pounds per square inch kPa kgf/cm2 Pounds per square inch
atm atm 101,325 standard atmosphere kPa Atmosfera (enota)
Ba Ba 0.1 barye Pa Barye
bar bar 100,000 bar kPa Bar (enota)
dbar dbar 10,000 decibar kPa Bar (enota)
inHg inHg 3386.388640341 inch of mercury inches of mercury kPa Inch of mercury
kBa kBa 100 kilobarye hPa Barye
kg-f/cm2 kgf/cm2 98,066.5 kilogram-force per square centimetre kilograms-force per square centimetre kilogram-force per square centimeter kilograms-force per square centimeter psi Kilogram-force
kg/cm2 kg/cm2 98,066.5 kilogram per square centimetre kilograms per square centimetre kilogram per square centimeter kilograms per square centimeter psi Kilogram-force
kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 98,066.5 kilogram-force per square centimetre kilograms-force per square centimetre kilogram-force per square centimeter kilograms-force per square centimeter psi Kilogram-force
ksi ksi 444,822,161,526.05/64,516 kilopound per square inch kilopounds per square inch MPa Pounds per square inch
lbf/in2 lbf/in2 444,822,161.52605/64,516 pound-force per square inch pounds-force per square inch kPa kgf/cm2 Pounds-force per square inch
mb mb 100 millibar hPa Bar (enota)
mbar mbar 100 millibar hPa Bar (enota)
mmHg mmHg 133.322387415 millimetre of mercury millimetres of mercury millimeter of mercury millimeters of mercury kPa Milimeter živega srebra
Pa Pa 1 pascal SI psi Paskal
psf psf 444,822,161.52605/9,290,304 pound per square foot pounds per square foot kPa Pounds per square inch
psi psi 444,822,161.52605/64,516 pound per square inch pounds per square inch kPa Pounds per square inch
Torr Torr 20,265/152 torr kPa Torr
N/cm2 ==N/cm2 default = psi
N/m2 ==N/m2 default = psi
g/cm2 ==g/cm2 default = lb/sqft multiplier = 9.80665
g/m2 ==g/m2 default = lb/sqft multiplier = 9.80665
kg/m2 ==kg/m2 default = lb/sqft multiplier = 9.80665
lb/1000sqft ==lb/1000sqft default = g/m2 multiplier = 9.80665
lb/sqft ==lb/sqft default = kg/m2 multiplier = 9.80665
lb/sqyd ==lb/sqyd default = kg/m2 multiplier = 9.80665
LT/acre ==LT/acre default = t/ha multiplier = 9.80665
MT/ha ==MT/ha default = LT ST/acre multiplier = 9.80665
oz/sqft ==oz/sqft default = g/m2 multiplier = 9.80665
oz/sqyd ==oz/sqyd default = g/m2 multiplier = 9.80665
ST/acre ==ST/acre default = t/ha multiplier = 9.80665
t/ha ==t/ha default = LT ST/acre multiplier = 9.80665
kgfpsqcm =kgf/cm2
kgpsqcm =kg/cm2
kN/m2 =kPa
lb/in2 =lbf/in2
torr =Torr


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
Bq Bq 1 becquerel SI pCi Bekerel
Ci Ci 3.7e10 curie SI GBq Kiri


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
cm/h cm/h 0.01/60/60 centimetre per hour centimetres per hour centimeter per hour centimeters per hour in/h Meter na sekundo
cm/s cm/s 0.01 centimetre per second centimetres per second centimeter per second centimeters per second in/s Meter na sekundo
cm/year cm/year 0.01/365.2425/24/60/60 centimetre per year centimetres per year centimeter per year centimeters per year in/year Meter na sekundo
foot/s ft/s 0.3048 foot per second foot per second m/s Čevelj na sekundo
ft/min ft/min 0.00508 foot per minute feet per minute m/min Čevelj na sekundo
ft/s ft/s 0.3048 foot per second feet per second m/s Čevelj na sekundo
furlong per fortnight ~furlong per fortnight 1.397/8,400 furlong per fortnight furlongs per fortnight km/h mph FFF System
in/h in/h 0.0254/60/60 inch per hour inches per hour cm/h Palec
in/s in/s 0.0254 inch per second inches per second cm/s Palec
in/year in/year 0.0254/365.2425/24/60/60 inch per year inches per year cm/year Red velikosti (hitrost)
isp s 9.80665 second km/s Specifični impulz
km/h km/h 10/36 kilometer na uro mph Kilometer na uro
km/s km/s 1000 kilometre per second kilometres per second kilometer per second kilometers per second mi/s Meter na sekundo
kn kn 4.63/9 vozel km/h mph Vozel (enota)
kNs/kg kN-s/kg 1000 kN-s/kg kN-s/kg isp Specifični impulz
m/min m/min 1/60 metre per minute metres per minute meter per minute meters per minute ft/min Meter na sekundo
m/s m/s 1 metre per second metres per second meter per second meters per second ft/s Meter na sekundo
Mach Mach 0 mach Mach Mach mph km/h Machovo število
mi/s mi/s 1609.344 mile per second miles per second km/s Milja
mm/h mm/h 0.001/60/60 millimetre per hour millimetres per hour millimeter per hour millimeters per hour in/h Meter na sekundo
mph mph 0.44704 milja na uro km/h Milja na uro
Ns/kg N-s/kg 1 N-s/kg N-s/kg isp Specifični impulz
si tsfc g/(kN·s) 1/101972/9.80665 invert g/(kN·s) g/(kN·s) tsfc Thrust specific fuel consumption
tsfc lb/(lbf·h) 1/9.80665/3600 invert lb/(lbf·h) lb/(lbf·h) si tsfc Thrust specific fuel consumption
cm/y =cm/year
cm/yr =cm/year
in/y =in/year
in/yr =in/year
knot =kn
knots =kn
kph =km/h
mi/h =mph
mm/s ==mm/s default = in/s link = Meter na sekundo


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
C °C 1 -273.15 degree Celsius degrees Celsius F Celzijeva temperaturna lestvica
F °F 5/9 32-273.15*(9/5) degree Fahrenheit degrees Fahrenheit C Fahrenheitova temperaturna lestvica
K K 1 0 kelvin C F Kelvin
keVT keV 11.604505e6 0 kiloelectronvolt MK Elektronvolt
MK MK 1e6 0 megakelvin keVT Kelvin
R °R 5/9 0 degree Rankine degrees Rankine K F C Rankinova temperaturna lestvica
Celsius =C
°C =C
°F =F
°R =R

Temperature change

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
C-change °C 1 degree Celsius change degrees Celsius change F-change Celzijeva temperaturna lestvica
F-change °F 5/9 degree Fahrenheit change degrees Fahrenheit change C-change Fahrenheitova temperaturna lestvica
K-change K 1 kelvin change kelvins change F-change Kelvin
°C-change =C-change
°F-change =F-change
Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
century ha 3,155,760,000 century centuries Gs Century
d d 86,400 day ks Day
decade daa 315,576,000 decade Ms Decade
dog year dog yr 7 * 31,557,600 dog year years Dog year
fortnight ~fortnight 1,209,600 fortnight week Fortnight
h h 3600 hour ks Hour
long billion year Ta 31,557,600,000,000,000,000 billion years billion years Es Leto
millennium ka 31,557,600,000 millennium millennia Gs Millennium
milliard year Ga 31,557,600,000,000,000 milliard years milliard years Ps Leto
million year Ma 31,557,600,000,000 million years million years Ts Leto
min min 60 minute s Minute
month ~month 2,629,800 month Ms Month
months mo 2,629,800 month year Month
s s 1 second SI min Sekunda
short billion year Ga 31,557,600,000,000,000 billion years billion years Ps Leto
short trillion year Ta 31,557,600,000,000,000,000 trillion years trillion years Es Leto
thousand million year Ga 31,557,600,000,000,000 thousand million years thousand million years Ps Leto
wk ~week 604,800 week Ms Week
year a 31,557,600 year Ms Leto
years yr 31,557,600 year Ms Leto
byr =short billion year
day =d
days =d
dog yr =dog year
Gyr =thousand million year
hour =h
hours =h
kMyr =thousand million year
kmyr =thousand million year
kyr =millennium
long byr =long billion year
minute =min
minutes =min
mth =month
Myr =million year
myr =million year
second =s
seconds =s
tmyr =thousand million year
tryr =short trillion year
tyr =millennium
week =wk
weeks =wk
yr =year


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
kg.m kg·m 9.80665 kilogram metre kilogram meter Nm lbft Kilogram metre
kgf.m kgf·m 9.80665 kilogram force-metre kilogram force-meter Nm lbfft Kilogram metre
kgm kg·m 9.80665 kilogram metre kilogram meter Nm lbfft Kilogram metre
lb-fft ft·lbf 1.3558179483314004 pound force-foot pound force-feet Nm Pound-foot (torque)
lb.ft lb·ft 1.3558179483314004 pound force-foot pound force-feet Nm Pound-foot (torque) lb·in 0.1129848290276167 pound force-inch mN.m Pound-foot (torque)
lbfft lbf·ft 1.3558179483314004 pound force-foot pound force-feet Nm Pound-foot (torque)
lbft lb·ft 1.3558 pound-foot pound-feet Nm Pound-foot (torque) m·kgf 9.80665 metre kilogram-force metre kilograms-force meter kilogram-force meter kilograms-force Nm lbfft Kilogram metre
m.kgf m·kgf 9.80665 metre kilogram-force metre kilograms-force meter kilogram-force meter kilograms-force Nm lbfft Kilogram metre
mN.m mN·m 0.001 millinewton metre millinewton meter Newton meter
Nm N·m 1 newton metre newton meter lbfft Newton meter
kN/m ==kN/-m-stiff default = lbf/in
lbf/in ==lbf/-in-stiff default = kN/m
lb-f.ft =lb-fft
lb-f·ft =lb-fft
lbf.ft =lbfft
lbf·ft =lbfft
lb·ft =lb.ft
mkgf =m.kgf
N.m =Nm
N·m =Nm


Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
-12USoz(mL)serve 12 US fl oz (355 mL) serving 12 U.S. fl oz (355 mL) serving 12*0.0000295735295625 12 US fl oz (355 mL) serving 12 U.S. fl oz (355 mL) serving mL Beverage can#Capacity
-12USoz(ml)serve 12 US fl oz (355 ml) serving 12 U.S. fl oz (355 ml) serving 12*0.0000295735295625 12 US fl oz (355 ml) serving 12 U.S. fl oz (355 ml) serving ml Beverage can#Capacity
-12USozserve 12 US fl oz serving 12 U.S. fl oz serving 12*0.0000295735295625 12 US fl oz serving 12 U.S. fl oz serving mL Beverage can#Capacity
acre foot acre·ft 1233.48183754752 acre foot acre foot m3 Acre foot
acre ft acre·ft 1233.48183754752 acre foot acre feet m3 Acre foot
bdft bd ft 0.0023597372167 board foot board feet m3 Board foot
board feet ~board foot 0.0023597372167 board foot board feet m3 Board foot
board foot ~board foot 0.0023597372167 board foot board foot m3 Board foot
cc cc 0.000001 cubic centimetre cubic centimeter cuin Cubic centimetre
CID cu in 0.000016387064 cubic inch cubic inches cc Cubic inch#Engine displacement
cord cord 3.624556363776 cord m3 Cord (volume)
cufoot cu ft 0.028316846592 cubic foot cubic foot m3 Cubic foot
cuft cu ft 0.028316846592 kubični čevelj m3 Kubični čevelj
cuin cu in 0.000016387064 cubic inch cubic inches cm3 Cubic inch
cumi cu mi 4,168,181,825.440579584 cubic mile km3 Cubic mile
cuyd cu yd 0.764554857984 cubic yard m3 Cubic yard
firkin ~firkin 0.04091481 firkin l impgal USgal Firkin
foot3 cu ft 0.028316846592 cubic foot cubic foot m3 Cubic foot
Goilbbl Gbbl 158987294.928 billion barrels billion barrels v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
gr water gr H2O 0.00000006479891 grains water grains water cm3 Grain (unit)
grt grt 2.8316846592 gross register ton m3 Registrska tona
impbbl imp bbl 0.16365924 imperial barrel l impgal USgal Sod (prostorninska mera)
impbsh imp bsh 0.03636872 imperial bushel l impgal USdrygal Imperial bushel
impbu imp bu 0.03636872 imperial bushel m3 Imperial bushel
impgal imp gal 0.00454609 imperial gallon l USgal Imperialna galona
impgi gi 0.0001420653125 gill ml USoz Gill (unit)
impkenning kenning 0.01818436 imperial kenning l USdrygal Kenning (unit)
impoz imp fl oz 0.0000284130625 imperial fluid ounce ml USoz Imperial fluid ounce
imppk pk 0.00909218 imperial peck l USdrygal Peck
imppt imp pt 0.00056826125 imperial pint l Imperial pint
impqt imp qt 0.0011365225 imperial quart ml USoz @Imperial quart
kilderkin ~kilderkin 0.08182962 kilderkin l impgal USgal Kilderkin
koilbbl kbbl 158.987294928 thousand barrels thousand barrels v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! ! e3 ! m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
L L 0.001 liter SI impgal USgal Liter
l l 0.001 liter SI impgal USgal Liter
m3 m3 1 kubični #meter SI3 cuft Kubični meter
Mbbl Mbbl 158.987294928 thousand barrels thousand barrels v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! ! m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
mm3 mm3 0.000000001 cubic millimetre cubic millimeter cuin Cubic millimetre
MMoilbbl MMbbl 158987.294928 million barrels million barrels v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
Moilbbl Mbbl 158987.294928 million barrels million barrels v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
MTON MTON 0.028316846592*40 measurement ton m3 Measurement ton
MUSgal million US gal million U.S. gal 3785.411784 million US gallons million US gallons million U.S. gallons million U.S. gallons Ml Ameriška galona
oilbbl bbl 0.158987294928 barrel m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
stere ~stère 1 stère cuft Stère
Toilbbl Tbbl 158987294928 trillion barrels trillion barrels v * 1.58987294928 < 10 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
USbbl US bbl U.S. bbl 0.119240471196 US barrel U.S. barrel l USgal impgal Sod (prostorninska mera)
USbeerbbl US bbl U.S. bbl 0.117347765304 US beer barrel U.S. beer barrel l USgal impgal Sod (prostorninska mera)
USbsh US bsh U.S. bsh 0.03523907016688 US bushel U.S. bushel l USdrygal impgal Bušel
USbu US bu U.S. bu 0.03523907016688 US bushel U.S. bushel l USdrygal impgal Bušel
USdrybbl US dry bbl U.S. dry bbl 0.11562819898508 US dry barrel U.S. dry barrel m3 Sod (prostorninska mera)
USdrygal US dry gal U.S. dry gal 0.00440488377086 US dry gallon U.S. dry gallon l Galona
USdrypt US dry pt U.S. dry pt 0.0005506104713575 US dry pint U.S. dry pint ml Pint
USdryqt US dry qt U.S. dry qt 0.001101220942715 US dry quart U.S. dry quart ml Kvart
USflgal US fl gal U.S. fl gal 0.003785411784 ameriška galona U.S. gallon l impgal Galona
USgal US gal U.S. gal 0.003785411784 ameriška galona l impgal Ameriška galona
USgi gi 0.0001182941183 gill ml impoz Gill (unit)
USkenning US kenning U.S. kenning 0.01761953508344 US kenning U.S. kenning l impgal Kenning (unit)
USmin US min U.S. min 0.000000061611519921875 US minim U.S. minim ml Minim (unit)
USoz US fl oz U.S. fl oz 0.0000295735295625 US fluid ounce U.S. fluid ounce ml US fluid ounce
USpk US pk U.S. pk 0.00880976754172 US peck U.S. peck l impgal Peck
USpt US pt U.S. pt 0.000473176473 US pint U.S. pint l imppt Pint
USqt US qt U.S. qt 0.000946352946 US quart U.S. quart ml +Kvart
USquart US qt U.S. qt 0.000946352946 US quart U.S. quart ml impoz Kvart
winecase ~case 0.009 case l Case (goods)
*U.S.drygal =USdrygal sp=us link = *Galona
* =USgal sp=us default = L impgal link = *Ameriška galona
+USdrygal =USdrygal link = +Galona
+usfloz =USoz link = +Fluid ounce
+USgal =USgal link = +Ameriška galona
+USoz =USoz link = +US fluid ounce
@impgal =impgal link = @Galona
acre feet =acre ft
acre-feet =acre ft
acre-ft =acre ft
acre.foot =acre foot
acre.ft =acre ft
acre·foot =acre foot
acre·ft =acre ft
bushels =USbsh
cid =CID
drybbl =USdrybbl
drygal =+USdrygal
drypt =USdrypt
dryqt =USdryqt
ft3 =cuft
gal =USgal
gallon !Use %{USgal%} for US gallons or %{impgal%} for imperial gallons (not %{gallon%})
gallons !Use %{USgal%} for US gallons or %{impgal%} for imperial gallons (not %{gallons%})
Gcuft =e9cuft
impfloz =impoz
Impgal =impgal
in3 =cuin
kcuft =e3cuft
kcum =e3m3
km³ =km3
liter =L sp=us
liters =L sp=us
litre =L
litres =L
Mcuft =e6cuft
Mcum =e6m3
Mft3 =e6cuft
mi3 =cumi
Pcuft =e15cuft
pt !Use %{USpt%} for US pints or %{imppt%} for imperial pints (not %{pt%})
qt !Use %{USqt%} for US quarts or %{impqt%} for imperial quarts (not %{qt%})
Tcuft =e12cuft
Tft3 =e12cuft
U.S.bbl =USbbl sp=us default = l impgal
U.S.beerbbl =USbeerbbl sp=us default = l impgal
U.S.bsh =USbsh sp=us default = l U.S.drygal impgal
U.S.bu =USbu sp=us default = l U.S.drygal impgal
U.S.drybbl =USdrybbl sp=us
U.S.drygal =USdrygal sp=us
U.S.drypt =USdrypt sp=us
U.S.dryqt =USdryqt sp=us
U.S.flgal =USflgal sp=us
U.S.floz =USoz sp=us =USgal sp=us default = L impgal link = Galona =USgal sp=us default = L impgal link = Galona =USgi sp=us
U.S.kenning =USkenning sp=us
U.S.oz =USoz sp=us =USpk sp=us =USpt sp=us
U.S.qt =USqt sp=us default = L impqt link = *Kvart
usbbl =USbbl
usbeerbbl =USbeerbbl
usbsh =USbsh
usbu =USbu
usdrybbl =USdrybbl
usdrygal =+USdrygal
usdrypt =USdrypt
usdryqt =USdryqt
USfloz =USoz
usfloz =USoz
usgal =USgal
usgi =USgi
uskenning =USkenning
usoz =USoz
uspk =USpk
uspt =USpt
usqt =USqt
yd3 =cuyd

Volume per unit area

Unit code Symbol US symbol Scale Extra Name Plural name US name US plural name Prefix Default Link
cuft/sqmi ==cuft/sqmi default = m3/km2
m3/ha m3/ha 0.0001 cubic metre per hectare cubic metres per hectare cubic meter per hectare cubic meters per hectare USbu/acre Hektar
m3/km2 ==m3/km2 default = cuft/sqmi default = m3/km2
USbu/acre ~US bushel per acre 0.03523907016688/4046.8564224 US bushel per acre US bushels per acre m3/ha Bushel
USgal/acre ==USgal/acre default = m3/km2

Input multiples


The following tables define composite input units consisting of multiple unit codes. A composite must consist of two unit codes where the second is a subdivision of the first. In addition, a default output must be specified. Optionally, an alternate unit code or name can be specified. An alternate unit must have the same scale as that of the subdivision, but may have a different name or symbol.

If both an alternate unit and name are provided, the unit will be used when the input consists of only two components, and the alternate name will be used with three or more (generally, the alternate name would be shorter than the unit's standard name or symbol, and that may be desirable when three or more units make up an input composite).

If an alternate name is used, it replaces the unit's symbol and name and plural name. In other words, the same alternate name applies regardless of whether the unit is abbreviated, and regardless of the number of units.

If the unit yd allows ft as a subdivision, and ft allows in, then the input to a conversion can use all three units (for example, {{convert|1|yd|2|ft|3|in}} which specifies the input as 1 yard, 2 feet, 3 inches). There is no limit to the number of units that can be used in an input multiple.

To simplify processing by the script which extracts data from this wikitext, a unit code is required in the first column; that unit code is not used. This section is read after all units and combinations are defined, so the unit codes may refer to items defined anywhere on this page.


Composite code Unit code Unit code Default Alternate Name
_ch_ft ch ft m
_ch_yd ch yd m
_chain_ft chain ft m
_chain_yd chain yd m
_foot_in foot in m
_ft_in ft in m
_mi_ch mi ch km
_mi_chain mi chain km
_mi_ft mi ft km
_mi_yd mi yd km
_smi_chain smi chain km
_yd_ft yd ft m
Composite code Unit code Unit code Default Alternate Name
_lb_oz lb oz kg
_Lcwt_qtr Lcwt qtr kg qtr
_Lcwt_st Lcwt st kg
_LT_Lcwt LT Lcwt t --Lcwt cwt
_qtr_lb qtr lb kg
_st_lb st lb kg lb
_ST_Scwt ST Scwt t --Scwt

Output multiples


The following tables define the "multiple" unit codes that can be used for an output unit. Using a multiple code for the output means that the conversion result contains multiple components (for example, a length expressed in yards, feet, inches).


Multiple code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
miydftin mi yd ft in
mift mi ft
ydftin yd ft in
ydft yd ft
ftin ft in
footin foot in
handin hand in
Multiple code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
lboz lb oz
stlb st lb
stlboz st lb oz
st and lb st lb



The following tables list predefined "combination" unit codes that can be used for an output unit. Using a combination code for the output means that the input value is converted to more than one unit. In addition to the combinations listed here, units may be combined by separating unit codes with a space or plus character.

Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
acre ha acre ha
km2 sqmi km2 sqmi
sqft sqm sqft m2

Energy per unit length

Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
kWh/km MJ/km kWh/km MJ/km
MJ/km kWh/mi MJ/km kWh/mi
Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
impgal/h USgal/h impgal/h USgal/h
impgal/min USgal/min impgal/min USgal/min


Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
kN LT-f ST-f kN LT-f ST-f
kN LTf STf kN -LTf -STf
mN oz-f mN oz-f
mN ozf mN ozf
N lb-f N lb-f
N lbf N lbf
µN gr-f µN gr-f
µN grf µN grf

Fuel efficiency

Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
l/km USgal/mi l/km USgal/mi
mpgimp mpgus mpgimp mpgus
L/100 km mpgus L/100 km mpgus
L/100 km mpgimp L/100 km mpgimp
l/km impgal/mi l/km impgal/mi


Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
ft m ft m
in cm in cm
km mi km mi
Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
kg lb kg lb
lb kg lb kg
oz g oz g


Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
kPa kgf/cm2 kPa kgf/cm2
LT ST/acre LT/acre ST/acre


Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
km/h mph km/h mph
mph km/h mph km/h


Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code


Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
Nm lbfft Nm lbfft
Nm lbft Nm lbft


Combination code Unit code Unit code Unit code Unit code
impgal USgal impgal USgal
impoz usoz impoz USoz
L impgal L impgal
l impgal l impgal
l impgal USdrygal l impgal USdrygal
l impgal USgal l impgal USgal
l imppt l imppt
L impqt L impqt
l U.S.drygal impgal l U.S.drygal impgal
l impgal l impgal
l USdrygal l USdrygal
l USdrygal impgal l USdrygal impgal
l USgal l USgal
l USgal impgal l USgal impgal
ml impoz ml impoz
ml USoz ml USoz



The following tables define default outputs for unit codes that use an SI prefix or an engineering notation prefix, where the default output is different from that of the base unit.

Unit code Default output
cm2 sqin
dm2 sqin
e3acre km2
e3m2 e6sqft
e6acre km2
e6ha e6acre
e6km2 e6sqmi
e6m2 e6sqft
e6sqft v * 9.290304 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m2
e6sqmi e6km2
hm2 acre
km2 sqmi
mm2 sqin


Unit code Default output
aJ eV
EJ kWh
fJ keV
GJ kWh
MJ kWh
PJ kWh
pJ MeV
TJ kWh
YJ kWh
yJ µeV
ZJ kWh
zJ meV
Unit code Default output
e12cuft/a v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/a
e12cuft/d v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/d
e12m3/a Tcuft/a
e12m3/d Tcuft/d
e3cuft/a v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/a
e3cuft/d v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/d
e3cuft/s v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/s
e3m3/a v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/a
e3m3/d v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/d
e3m3/s v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/s
e3USgal/a v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! ! e3 ! m3/a
e6cuft/a v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a
e6cuft/d v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/d
e6cuft/s v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/s
e6m3/a v < 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft/a
e6m3/d v < 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft/d
e6m3/s v < 28.316846592 ! e6 ! e9 ! cuft/s
e6USgal/a v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a
e9cuft/a m3/a
e9cuft/d v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/d
e9m3/a v < 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft/a
e9m3/d v < 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft/d
e9m3/s v < 28.316846592 ! e9 ! e12 ! cuft/s
e9USgal/a v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/a
e9USgal/s v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/s


Unit code Default output
nN gr-f
µN gr-f
mN oz-f


Unit code Default output
am in
cm in
dam ft
dm in
e12km e12mi
e12mi e12km
e3AU ly
e3km e3mi
e3mi e3km
e6km e6mi
e6mi e6km
e9km AU
e9mi e9km
Em mi
fm in
Gm mi
hm ft
km mi
mm in
Mm mi
nm in
Pm mi
pm in
Tm mi
Ym mi
ym in
Zm mi
zm in
µm in
Unit code Default output
e12lb v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! Mt ! Gt
e3lb v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! kg ! t
e3ozt v * 0.311034768 < 10 ! kg ! t
e3t LT ST
e6carat t
e6lb v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! t ! kilotonne
e6ozt lb kg
e6ST Mt
e6t LT ST
e9lb v * 4.5359237 < 10 ! kilotonne ! Mt
e9t LT ST
Gg lb
kg lb
mg gr
ng gr
µg gr


Unit code Default output
mBq fCi
kBq nCi
MBq µCi
GBq mCi
TBq Ci
PBq kCi
EBq kCi
fCi mBq
pCi Bq
nCi Bq
µCi kBq
mCi MBq
kCi TBq
Unit code Default output
ns µs
µs ms
ms s
ks h
Ms week
Gs decade
Ts millennium
Ps million year
Es thousand million year


Unit code Default output
cL impoz usoz
cl impoz usoz
cm3 cuin
dL impoz usoz
dl impoz usoz
dm3 cuin
e12cuft v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3
e12impgal v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! T ! P ! l
e12m3 v < 28.316846592 ! T ! P ! cuft v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! T ! P ! l
e12USgal v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! T ! P ! l
e15cuft v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e12 ! e15 ! m3
e15m3 Pcuft
e3bdft v * 0.23597372167 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3
e3cuft v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! ! e3 ! m3
e3impgal v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! k ! M ! l
e3m3 v < 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! k ! M ! l
e3USgal v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! k ! M ! l
e6bdft v * 0.23597372167 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3
e6cuft v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3
e6cuyd v * 7.64554857984 < 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3
e6impgal v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! M ! G ! l
e6L USgal
e6m3 v < 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! M ! G ! l
e6USgal v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! M ! G ! l
e9bdft v * 0.23597372167 < 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3
e9cuft v * 2.8316846592 < 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3
e9impgal v * 4.54609 < 1000 ! G ! T ! l
e9m3 v < 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! G ! T ! l
e9USgal v * 3.785411784 < 1000 ! G ! T ! l
GL cuft
Gl cuft
kL cuft
kl cuft
km3 cumi
mL impoz usoz
ml impoz usoz
Ml v < 28.316846592 ! e3 ! e6 ! cuft
ML v < 28.316846592 ! e3 ! e6 ! cuft
TL cumi
Tl cumi
µL cuin
µl cuin

The following tables define links for unit codes that use an SI prefix, where the linked article is different from that of the base unit.


Unit code Linked article
kJ Džul

Variable names


The following table defines the names that apply when the value associated with the unit has the specified type. The "Real" column applies when the value includes a decimal mark or a fraction. The unit has its standard name (not shown here) when the value is the integer 1.

Unit code Integer 2 Integer 3 or 4 Integer 0 or over 4 Real
acre akra akri akrov akra
cuft kubična čevlja kubični čevlji kubičnih čevljev kubičnega čevlja
ft čevlja čevlji čevljev čevlja
g grama grami gramov grama
ha hektara hektari hektarov hektara
hp konjski moči konjske moči konjskih moči konjske moči
ihp indikatorski konjski moči indikatorske konjske moči indikatorskih konjskih moči indikatorske konjske moči
impgal imperialni galoni imperialne galone imperialnih galon imperialne galone
in palca palci palcev palca
km/h kilometra na uro kilometre na uro kilometrov na uro kilometra na uro
kn vozla vozli vozlov vozla
L litra litre litrov litra
l litra litre litrov litra
lb funta funti funtov funta
lb-f sili funta sile funta sil funta sile funta
lbf sili funta sile funta sil funta sile funta
LT angleški toni angleške tone angleških ton angleške tone
m metra metri metrov metra
m2 kvadratna #metra kvadratni #metri kvadratnih #metrov kvadratnega #metra
m3 kubična #metra kubični #metri kubičnih #metrov kubičnega #metra
mi milji milje milj milje
mph milji na uro milje na uro milj na uro milje na uro
Mly megasvetlobni leti megasvetlobna leta megasvetlobnih let megasvetlobnega leta
Mpc megaparseka megaparsekov megaparsekov meaparseka
N newtona newtoni newtonov newtona
NM morski milji morske milje morskih milj morske milje
nmi morski milji morske milje morskih milj morske milje
oz unči unče unč unče
sqft kvadratna čevlja kvadratni čevlji kvadratnih čevljev kvadratnega čevlja
ST ameriški toni ameriške tone ameriških ton ameriške tone
t metrski toni metrske tone metrskih ton metrske tone
USgal ameriški galoni ameriške galone ameriških galon ameriške galone
W vata vati vatov vata

Automatic per units


The following table defines equivalent unit types for some of the types that can be generated automatically for unit codes of the form x/y (x per y). For example, the unit code kg/hl is not defined, so if it were used, it would be regarded as kilograms per hectolitre with unit type mass/volume; the following table would translate that to density so the unit could be converted with other density units. If "Density" is specified in the Link column, the unit name or symbol would be linked to Density if |lk=on is used.

In addition, a scale multiplier can be specified; that allows mass/area units to be converted to pressure units on the assumption that the mass refers to the force due to the "weight" of an object.

Type/type Equivalent unit type Link Multiplier
/area per unit area
/volume per unit volume
area/area area per unit area
energy/length energy per unit length
energy/mass energy per unit mass
energy/time power Power (physics)
energy/volume energy per unit volume
force/area pressure Pressure
length/length gradient Grade (slope)
length/time speed Speed
length/time/time acceleration Acceleration
mass/area pressure 9.80665
mass/length linear density
mass/mass concentration
mass/power mass per unit power
mass/time mass per unit time
mass/volume density Density
power/mass power per unit mass
power/volume Power density
pressure/length fracture gradient
speed/time acceleration Acceleration
volume/area volume per unit area
volume/length volume per unit length
volume/time flow



The following tables define "override" unit codes which conflict with another unit when it is combined with one of the SI prefixes. The script which processes this page rejects unit codes that duplicate a known entry, however, that checking is not performed for the unit codes listed here. The Comment field documents the conflict, but is otherwise ignored.

Override code Comment
daa Override default prefix which would give name "decaare".
ha Override default prefix which would give name "hectoare".


Override code Comment
mm3 For "cubic mm", not "milli cubic m".
Override code Comment
MT For "metric ton", not "megatesla".


Override code Comment
Pa For "Pascal", not "peta-are".