M134 Minigun je ameriška 6-cevna 7,62x51 Gatlingova strojnica. Uporabljajo jo tri veje Ameriški oboroženih sil: kopenska vojska, letalske sile, mornarica in okrog 30 drugih držav po svetu.

M134 Minigun
Minugun na helikopterju

Minigun lahko izstreli 2000-6000 nabojev na minuto. Po navadi ga poganja električni motor. Teža orožja je okrog 40 kilogramov, dolžina 801,6 mm, dolžina cevi pa 558,8 mm.

Glej tudi uredi

Reference uredi

Bibliografija uredi

  • Ballad, Jack S. Development and Employment of Fixed-Wing Gunships, 1962–1972. Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, United States Air Force, 1982.
  • Davis, Larry. Gunships: A Pictorial History of Spooky. TX: Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc, 1982. ISBN 0-89747-123-7
  • Gervasi, Tom. Arsenal of Democracy III: America's War Machine, the Pursuit of Global Dominance. New York, NY: Grove Press, Inc, 1984. ISBN 0-394-54102-2.
  • Gunston, Bill. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft Armament. New York, NY: Orion Books, 1988. ISBN 0-517-56607-9.
  • Jane's Weapon Systems, 1986–1987. Ronald T Pretty, Ed. London, UK: Jane's Publishing Company, Ltd, 1986. ISBN 0-7106-0832-2
  • United States. Headquarters, Department of the Army. FM 1–40 Attack Helicopter Gunnery. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 1969.

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