Kategorija:Članki o Avstriji potrebni vzdrževanja

Vzdrževalna kategorija za članke povezane z Avstrijo.

  • Articles listed under "C" use the infobox but do not contain geographical co-ordinates data. If the article uses a {{coord}} template (or one of its derivatives), transfer to co-ordinates to the infobox and delete the coord-template. If not, get the data from its entry on another wiki.
  • Articles listed under "D" have a decimal point in the population value. This can happen if data is directly copied from the DE-wiki (the decimal point is a thousands separator in German).
  • Articles listed under "G" are listed because they do not match the locations listed in Predloga:Get Austria location code. A slight variation in name spelling might be the reason for a mismatch, such as "St." for "Sankt" or using "ss" for "ß".
  • Articles listed under "I" are listed because they use the obsolete variable "pop_source" in the Infobox. These must be changed to the "pop_ref" variable and a references section created for the article, if not done so already.
  • Articles listed under "X" are using the infobox, but are missing vital information: the name of either the state or the Bezirk.
  • Articles listed under "T"
  • Articles listed under "L" Check for images in labels
  • Articles listed under "V" Parameterfehler Lageplan mit gefundener Imagemap vorhanden
  • Articles listed under "E" Lageplan Imagemap explizit
  • Articles listed under "J" Lageplanbeschreibung explizit

Strani v kategoriji »Članki o Avstriji potrebni vzdrževanja«

Ta del kategorije vsebuje 9 naslednjih strani, od skupno 9.